Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/430

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CROMARTIE— CROMLIX. 429 Prancia S.L.G. and the heirs of hi3 body,(*) rem. to each other her younger sons in like manner in priority of birth, rem. to her da. Florence S.L.G, and the heirs of her lady, rem. to each other of her daughters in like manner in priority of birth. " Provided) b ) that if the said Francis S.L.G. or any other person taking under the said letters patent shall succeed to the Earldom of Sutherland, mid there shall upon or at any time after the occurrence of such event be any other younger son or any other(°) daughter of the said Ann, Duchess of Sutherland, or any heir of the body of such other son or da., then, and so often as the same may happen, the succession to the honours and dignities thereby created shall devolve on the son or da. of the said Anne, or their heirs, who would bo next entitled to succeed to the said honours if the person so succeeding to the Earldom of Sutherland were dead without issue." The grantee was the only da. and h. of John Hay- Mackenzie, of Newhall and Cromarty, by Anne, 3rd da. of Sir James Gibson-Craig, 1st Bart., which John was s. and h. of Edward Hay- Mackenzie, s. and h. of Edward Hay, of Newhall, by Maria, da. and h. o£ line of George (Mruu.vY), 6th Loud Elibajjk [S.], and Isabella, his wife, 1st da. and, in 1789, heir of lino of George (MACKENZIE), 3rd Eaul of Cromarty [S.], being, in 1796, inheritrix of the estates of that family. She was b. 21 April 1829 ; sue. her father 9 July following ; m. 20 June 1849, at Cliefden House, Taplow, Bucks, her husband aboveuatned who succeeded lus father as 3rd Ddke of Sutherland, &c, on 28 Feb. 1861 ; she was Mistress of the Robes, 1870-74 ; V.A., 3rd class ; d. 25 Nov. 1888, at Sutherland Tower, Torquay, and was bur. in Babbacomhe cemetery, Devon. II. 1888. 2, Francis (Sutherlaitd-Leveson-Gower), Earl of Cro- hartje, Viscount Tarbat, Baron Macleod of Castle Leod, and Baron Castlehavex, 3rd but 2nd surv. son, heir to his mother's peerage under the spec. rem. in their creation. He was 4. 3 Aug. 18S2, at Tarbat House ; Major 2nd Vol. Batt. Seaforth Highlanders. He m. 2 Aug. 1S76, at the chapel Royal, St. James, Lilian Janet, 1st surv. da. of Godfrey William Wentworth (Macdonald), Lord Mac- donald, Baron of Slate [I.], by Maria Anne, da. and coheir of George Thomas Wyndham, of Cromer, Norfolk. She was b. 21 Jan. 1856. Family estates. — The amount of acreage in Rosshire, in 1883, under the Duke of Sutherland (with the statement in Batemau's Great Landowners " that almost all the Rosshire estate belongs to the Duchess) was 149,999, worth £56,937 a year. Principal Residence. — Castle Leod, near Dingwall. CROMLIX. i.e. "Drummond op Chomlix," Barony [S.] (Drummond), cr. 168G, with " Strathallan " Viscountcy [S.], which see. (") One would have expected some words to have been hero inserted (as in the Barony of Lucas of Crudwell cr. 1663) to prevent the dignity from falling into abeyance, as it is not unlikely to do, on the death of the present (1SS9) Earl, who has daughters but no male issue. Possibly, however, the Scotch title of this [U.K.] peerage gave rise to a notion that it would devolve (without any special limitation) on the senior coheir as heir of line. (>>) This extraordinary proviso, whereby the attempt is made to subject a peerage dignity to a shifting remainder (so that, on certain contingencies happening, it should pass from one person to another), was, at the time of its perpetration, unprecedented. It was, however, shortly followed, 27 April 186 4, in the case of the Barony of Buck- hurst, and these two creations have been called " the jumping Peerages. In the case of Buckhurst, however, when the contingency (i.e. the succession of the then Baron Buckhurst to the Earldom of Delawarr) happened, on 23 April 1S73, the claim of the Hon . Mortimer Sackville-West to the Barony, under the shifting clause, in its creation was cRMUowed, the peerage not being allowed "to jump" from him who had sat therein to another. The like fate, doubtless, should the contingency arise, awaits the Earldom of Cromartie. In the Scotch peerage, however, with sanction of the Crown, some such devolution of dignities (tho' not to the extent of depriving a live man of a peerage he actually held) has occasionally been essayed, and even (in 1748) effected in the case of the Earldom of Stair, thus kept separate from the Earldoni of Dumfries. See " tier, and Gen.," viii, pp. Sl-83. ( c ) This word " other " appears to exclude Florence, the eldest da., the only one mentioned in the patent, but ns the whole of the shifting clause is, probably, inopera- tive, the wording thereof is not very material.