Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/445

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444 CUPAR — CUTTS. CUPAR. See " Stratheden of Cupar, co. Fife," Barony (Campbell), or. 1830. CURRAGHMORE. See " De la Poer " of Curraghmore Barony [I.] (Poor) supposed to have beeii originally cr. by writ [scd. quare], and, confirmed, [aa such ?] by the Crown, 19 Dec. 1767, to the Dow. Countess of Tyrone [I.]. See "Power of Curraghjiore " Barony [I.] (Power) cr. 1D35; dormant, 1704. CURZON OF PENN. Barony. J, Assheton Curzon of Penn House, Bucks, and of I. 1794. Hn S le y, co. Stafford, yr. br. of Nathaniel, 1st Baron Scaksdai.e, being 2nd s. of Sir Nathaniel Curzon, 4th Bart., of Kedlestou, co. Viscouxitcv Derby, by Mary, da. and coheir of Sir Ralph Assiihton, Bart., of

  • ' Middleton, co. Lancaster, was b. 2 Feb. 1729/30 and bap. at St. Geo.

I. 1802. Han. sq. ; matric. at Oxford (Brasenose Coll.1 6 Feb. 1746/7, of which Univ. lie was cr. D.C.L., 2 July 1754 ; was M.P. for Clitheroe (of half of which borough he was the owner) 1754-80 and 1792-94 and was, on 13 Aug. 1794, a: BARON CURZON OF PENN, go. Buck- ingham and on 27 Feb. 1802, VISCOUNT CURZON OF PENN, co. Buckingham. He m. firstly, 21 Feb. 1756, at St. Geo., Queen square, Midx., Esther, only da. and h. of William Hanmer of the Fenn, in Hanmer, co. Flint, by Elizabeth, sister and h. of Charles Jennens, of Gopsall, co. Leicester. She d. 21 July 1764, and was bur. 4 Aug. in Penn church. He m. secondly, 6 Feb. 1766, at St. Geo., Han. Bq., Dorothy, sister of Richard, 1st Earl Grosvenor, 4th and yst. da. of Sir Robert Grosvenoh, 6th Bart., by Jane„da. and h. of Thomas Warre. She d. 25 Feb. 1774, and was bur. at Penn afsd. He in. thirdly 17 April 1777, at St. Geo. Han. sq., Anna Margaretta, widow of Barlow Trecothick, Alderman of London, da. of Amos Meredith. She d. 13 June 1804. Will pr. June 1804. He d. 21 March 1820 in his 92nd year in Lower Brook street. Will pr. April 1820, under £120,000. II. 1820. 2. Richard William Penn (Curzon, afterwards Curzon-Howe) Viscount Curzon of Penn and Baron Curzon OF Penn, grandson and h., being 3rd and yst. but 1st surv. s. and h. of the Hon. Penn Assheton Curzon, by Sophia, suo jure, Baroness Howe of Lanoar, which P. A. Curzon was 1st s. and h. ap. of the 1st Viscount and Baron by his 1st wife, but d. v.p. 3 Sep. 1797 aged 40. He was b. 11 Dec. 1796 at Gopsall, afsd. and was, on 15 July 1821, cr. EARL HOWE, taking the surname of Howe, after that of Curzon by Royal lie. 7 July following, and succeeding hia mother as Baron Howe of Lanoar, 3 Dec. 1835. See "Howe " Earldom, cr. 1821. CUTTS OF GOWRAN. Barony [I.] John Cutts, 2nd s. of Richard C. of Arkesden and I 1G90 Matching, co. Essex, and subsequently (1670) of Childerley, co. . ' Cambridge, by Joan, da. of Sir Richard Everard, Bart., was b. , _„„ probably at Arkesden, in 1661 ; entered Cath. Hall, Cambridge, as FeH ow Commoner, Feb. 1676, being cr. LL.D. of that Univ. (comitiis Rcgiis) 1690. Before that date he had sue. his elder br. Richard in tho family estates, then worth ±'2,000 a year. He distinguished hiniHelt at the capture of Buda, July 1686, under the Duke of Lorraine, and in March 1688 was Lieut.-Col. of a Reg. in Holland. He came over to England with William III as Lieut.-Col. of an English foot reg., distinguished himself at the battle of the Boyne,C>) ( a ) " Macaulay states that, at the Boyne, Cutts was at the head of his regiment, since famous as the 5th Fusileers. There is no proof that Cutts was ever in that regiment and the regiment known then and after as Cutts' Foot was one of those afterwards ' n's" Nat. Biography."