Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/449

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448 ■ CORRIGENDA ET ADDENDA. p. 172, lino S. For " Sunm. urinam," read " unm. at Surinam." p. 179, line 24. For " Eyre (Coote)" " Eyre Tilson (Ooote)." p. 190, line 9. See a correction, signed " Joseph Bain " in tf/tc Genealogist, N.S., vol. v, p. 207, stating that Lord Cathcart was a Lord of Pari. [S.] on 17 July 1456, even if not as early as 17 April 1151; as also that a free Barony of Cathcart was erected, 31 July 1452. p. 192, line 4 from bottom. To "Gambier" add this note. "See Stephen's Nat. Biography, under Cathcart, but the present (18S8) Lord Cathcart states his grandfather's share to have been not more than £18,000 or £20,000. See The Genealogist, as above." p. 190, line 4 from bottom. After "Grimsby, &c," add "invested K.B. IS May 1770, but never installed ;" last line, for " Pillesary," read " Pelissary." p. 198, line 32. For " by (— ) sister " read " by Sarah, sister of Robert Ford, and of Margaret, first wife." p. 201, line 2. For "27 July 1789 " read "28 July 1789 in Grosvenor Place, St. Geo. Han. sq." p. 223, note " e," line 1. Dele " So called from the place of his birth." p. 224, note "a." For "Vide note e, p. 223," read " So called from the placo of his birth." p. 226, line 2 from bottom. For " 1326 " read " 1326/7." p. 227, line 18. For " 21 " read " 22." p. 234, line 4 from bottom. Aftvr "1799" insert "in Grosvenor street, St. Geo. Han. sq." p. 237, line 21. After "1791," insert "at the house of her step-Father, Stephen Cottrell, in Grosvenor Place, St. Geo. Han. sq." p. 246, line 1. After "1791" insert "in Berkeley square, St. Geo. Han. sq. ;" line 8. For " 1833," read " 1838." p. 252, note " g," line 1. To "Elizabeth Farnelly, Countess of Clancarty " add, as a sub-note, the following. "Marriage at St. George's in the East, Midx., 1775, Oct. 7. The Rt. Hon. Elizabeth, Countess Dow. of Clancarty [S.] of this parish widow, to Charles Caliste Anselme Macarty-More of Cambray in French Flanders, Capt. in Barndick's Beg. of Foot in the French service, now lying in the said citv, Bachelor." (1.x. t'n/oriii. Edwin Holthouse). p. 258, line 6 from bottom. For " Lieut.-Geu." read " Lieut.-Col." p. 261, line IS. For " 1884," read " 1854." p. 262, line 35. For " G.C.B.' ' read " G.C.H." p. 265, line 25. For " 1 834 " read " 1835 " p. 267, line 27. After " 1117 " insert " His widow m. Hervey de Montmorency." p. 277, line 17- Dele " Tewkesbury " to " Bennet," insert " Hadham, by Elizabeth, da. and h. of Sir Charles Morrison ;" line 37. Dele " Ibrackau," intent" O'Brien (b. and h. ap. of Henry, 7th Earl of Thomond [I.] )" p. 280, line 3 from bottom, lifter " campaign," inicH " Rep. Peer [I.], Dec. 1888." p. 282, Hue 32. For " 1822 " read " 1829." p. 287, line 29. For " 16 Nov." read " at St. Geo. Han. sq., 18 Nov." p. 301, note " b," line 2. For " 1577 " read " 1567 ;" line 5. For " 8 April 1577 " nad " 8 March 1577/8 and pr. 8 April 1578." p. 303, line 4. For "will as" read "will signed Ca. O'Brien, but in probate act testatrix is described as Lady Catherine O'Brien, Baroness Clifton." p. 313, line 36. After " 1805," insert " in Hill Street, St. Geo. Han. sq." The following Peerages having been created since this work commenced are relegated to the appendix, viz., Addtngton of Addington, Bucks, Barony (Ihihbard), cr. 22 July 1887. Armstrong of Craoside, co. Northumberland, Barony (Arm- strong), cr. 6 July 1887. Ashbourne of Ashbourne, co. Meath, Barony (Gibson), cr. 4 July 1885. Basing of Baslng Byflete and of Hoddington, both in co. South- ampton, Barony (Sclatcr-Booth), cr. 7 July 1S87.