Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/59

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58 BUCHAN— BUCKHTJRST. XXIV. 1829. 12. Henry David (Erskixe), Earl of Human, &c. [S.], nephew and h. being s. mil h. of the Hon. Henry Ehskine, of Amoudell, co. Linlithgow, by his first wife Christian, only da. and h. of George Fi'LLEuton, of Broughton Hall, which Henrv was next to. to the last Karl, and d. 8 Oct, 1S3 7, aged 70. He ma Z>. July 1783. His right to the Peerage was established in the House of Lords 21 July 1S30. He hi. firstly, '28 Sep. 1 SO!), in London, Elizabeth Cole, yst. da. and coheir of Major Geu. Sir (-'harks Shu-Ley, Gov. of Grenada, by Man-, da. of James She rf. 5 Oct. IS2S. He m. secondly, 26' June 1830, Elizabeth, yst da. of John H.UIVEY, of Castle Semple, co. Renfrew' She d. 17 Dec. 183S. He 9ii. thirdly, 26 June 1839, at Leamington, Caroline Rose, yst. da. of James Primrose Maxwell, of Tuppendean, Kent, lie d. 13 Sep. 13f>7. His widow living 18S/ . [Henry Erskine, styled Lord Cardross, & ;unl h. an, by l*t wife, 4. Oct. 1S12. He m. 15 May 1832, Jane Hallida.v, da. of Archibald TniiiUK, of Gorgie and Edinburgh. He d. v. p. 21 Dee. 1836. His widow d. 11 Sep. 1SS6 at Denmark- terrace [No. 9], Brighton.] [Henry-Shipley Erskixe, styled Lord Cardross, grandson ami h. ap., being only s. and li. of Henry Erskine, styled Lord Cardross and Jane Halliday, his wife, abovenamed. He was b. 21 Aug. 1S3-4, and d. unm. (before his grandfather) 21 Sep. 1849.](n) XXV. 1857. IS. David Stuart (Erskixe), Earl of Buchan (1469) Loud Avchteuhovse (2469) and Lor.o Carbrosb (1606) [S.], 2d but 1st sun-, s. and h. male by 1st wife, I. Nov. 1815. Ho m. firstly 27 April 1849, Allies Graham, da. of James Smith of Craigeud, co. Stirliug. She d. 2 Sen. 1875. He m. secondly 17 July lSf)6, Maria, widow of Jervoise CoLLAS, of St. Martin's House, Jersey, da. of William James. [Shipley Gordon Stuart Erskixe, styled Loud Cardiioss, s. and h. ap. by 1st wife, b. 27 Feb. lSSO ; ed. at Harrow : in. <t Nov. 1876, at St. Luke's, Maidenhead, Rosalie Louisa, yst. da. of Jules Alexander S.UtToltis, of Hopsford Hall, near Coventry.] Family Fxtatcs.—Thcso, in 1SS3, consisted of 2'M'i acres in Co. Linlithgow and 7(i in Midlothian. Total — 3071 acres, valued at £5,7.">S a year Principal Residence — Kirk- hill, co. Linlithgow. Note. — The original estates became separated from the title in 1807. See infra, note "n." BUCHANAN. i.e., " Marquess of Graham and Buchanan" [S.1 see " AIoxtrose," Dukedom of [S.1 cr, 1707. BUCKHUKST. Barony. i. Sir Thomas Sackville was, on 8 June 1567, cr, BARON OF BUOKHURST, co. Sussex. On 13 March 1603 he was I. 15G7. cr. Eakl OP Dorset, both which dignities became nclinci, on the death of the 5th Duke of Dorset, who was the 11th Baron Buckhurst, on 29 July 1843. See " Dohset," Earldom of, cr. 1603 ; ex. 1S43. ( n ) John Berry, his eldest sister, site, her grandfather, the Earl of Buchan, in 1S57, as heir of line in the estates of Dryburgh Abbey, co. Berwick, and of the Holmes, near St. Boswells. She. was b. 16 Sep. 1833, m. 8 April 1856 Rev. George Eden Biber, whu took the name of Erskine, and d. 25 July 1866. Mrs. Bibcr-Erskine d. 16 March 1870, leaving issue, who inherit the family estates of Dryburgh, &c.