Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/8

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BRAOSE. 7 BEAOSE. Barony by 1. Wilt.tam de Braose, feudal Lord of CJowor in Soutli writ. Wales, and of Brambcr, Sussex, s. and h. of William de B. of the T 1 -TOO same - WS '" s 1 st ,v 'f° Alina, da. of Thomas de Mi'lton of Gilleslandf") i. I- J J, served, "v.p. in the Welsh w-ars and his Father in 1290. On 8 June u > 22 Ed. 1. he. with about 60 others, was sum. to attend the 1326. King wheresoever he should be, &c.(e) On 25 Jany. (1206/7) 25 Ed. I. he was also sum. to attend the King at Salisbury. (J Having distinguished himself in the Scottish wars, he was sum. to Pari, as a Baron(°) (LOUD DE BRAOSE) from 29 Dec. (1299) 28 Ed. I. to 18 Sep. (1322) 16 Ed. EL He was one of the Barons who signed the letter to the Pope in 1301. He appears, however, to have been " a gret wartoure of good" and to have "seld," or endeavoured to Bell his Barony of Gowcr " to dyvers Lordis and took hit mone>/."( h ) He m. Elizabeth, da. and b. of Edmund tie Sri.i.T.( b ) He d. s.p.m. (1325-26) 19 Ed. II, when the Barony fell into abeyauce between his two daughters and coheirs, or their desceudants.( d ) BRAOSE. Barony by |. Thomas de Braose, s. and k of Peter de B. who writ. wfts y r i, r („£ t,| le h.-xlf blood) to William, Loud ek Braose above- I. 1342 named (the said Peter being 8. of William de B. feudal Lord of Oower, Sco. by his 3rd wife Mary DE Boos) sue. his father (1311-12) 5 Ed. II. being then aged 10 and was found h. to his grandmother alioveiiamed (132-5-26) 1'.) Ed. II. Having distinguished himself in the wars with France, he was sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LORD DE BRAOSE) by writs dat. 25 Feb. (13-11/2) 16 Ed. III. to 15 July (1353) 27 Ed. HI. He m. before 1337, Beatrix, widow of Edward de Bhotherton alias Plantaciexet (s. and h. ap. of Thomas, Earl of Norfolk), da. of Roger (Mortimer), Earl of March, by Joan, da. of Peter de (Ienevii.i.r. He </. 1361, but none of his descendants apnear to have been sum. as Barons. His widow d. (13S3-4) 7 Ric. II. II. 1361. 2. Sin Jonx de Braose, s. and h. He m. Eliza- beth, da. of Edward Montaouk andd s.p. 3 Fob. 1367. III. 1367. S. Thomas db Braose only br. and h., aged 15 in 1367. Found h. to his mother (and aged 2i ?) in 1384. He hi. Margaret, and d. 1395. ( a ) See Vol. vi, p. 242 of Marshall's " Genealogist," in which work is a series of papers relating to tho family of de Braose, ending with one in Vol. vii, pp. 56-60, signed with the well-known initials " D.G.C.E." ( b ) See ante, VoL i, p. 259, note "c." and p. Ill, note "b " for observations as to neither of these writs (1294 or 1297) constituting a regular writ of summons to Pari. ( c ) His name occurs in the Roll of Pari, before the record of Writs of SummonB commence. ( d ) These were (1) Alina who m. firstly, John (Mowbray), Lord Mowbray (by whom she was ancestress of the Dukes of Norfolk) and secondly Sir Richard Peshall, by whom she also had issue. (2) John de Bohun (afterwards, 1363, Lord Bohun de Midhurst) s. and h. of Joan, yst. sister of Alina, by James de Bohun. The representation, in 1886, appears to be, as to one moiety, among the heirs gen. of Humphrey de Bohun (grandson of the said John) who d. s.p.m. 1499 (see "Genea- logist" Vol. vii, pp. 58-60), while, as to the other moiety, one half thereof (} of the whole) is represented by Louisa Mary, de jure (apparently) Baroness Berkeley (as representing that one of the two coheirs of Mowbray, who m. James, Lord Berkeley) while the other half is represented by Lord Mowbray and Lord Petre (each having ! of the whole) as representing the other Mowbray coheir who m. Sir Robert Howard. The style of "Lord Braose" was (wrongfully) assumed by the Dukes (Mowbray) of Norfolk, being but cuheirs of that dignity, as also, (still more wrongfully) by the Lords Berkeley, and by tho Dukes (Howard) of Norfolk, each of whom was but a coheir of the Mowbray family, itself but a coheir of Braose.