Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/123

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GUILFORD — GTJTLLA.MORE. 125 his second wife) and <!. 12 July 1820, aged 79. lie was I. 17 Dee. 1772 ; mat. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.), 10 Oct. 1790. B.A. (from St.- Mary's Hall) Jan. and M.A., June 1(97. In Holy Orders ; Rector of Alresford, Hants, 1 797— 1850 ; Rector of St. Mary's, Southampton, 1797— 1S50; Preb. of Winchester, 1802-27; Master of St. Cross Hospital, Winchester, 1808, till his death in 1861.( : >) He sue. tothe peerage, 1827. He m., 20 Feb. 179S, Esther, da. of the Rev. John Harrison, Rector of Bighton, Hants. She d. s.p,, 10 Aug. 1S23. He m. secondly, i May 1826, at Kilmiston, Hants, Harriet (32 years his junior), da. of Lieut. Gen. Sir Henry Wards, G.C.B., by Justina, da. of John Thomas, of Hereford. He d. 29 Jan. 1861, aged 88, at Waldersharo Park, Kent, His widow m., 10 Feb. 1863, at St. James - , Westni., John Lettsom Elliot, and d. 16 April 1874, aged 69, at 10 Conuaught Place, Midx. [Dudley North, styled Lord North, 1st s. ami h. ap. by second wife, 6. 7 Aug. 1S29, in Hereford street, Midx. ; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; matric., 3 Dec. 1816. Hew;., 7 Oct. 1850, at Bishopsbourue, Kent, Charlotte Maria, 3d da, of the Hon. and Rev. William EDEN, Rector of Risb.opBbou.rue. He d. (suddenly) v.p., 28 Jan. 1860, aged 30, at Wateringbury, Keut. His widow, who was l>. 30 Jan. 1831, TO. 10 July 1861, Alexander George Dickson, sometime Major in the 7th Hussars (who (/. 1889) and was living 1S91.J IX. 1861. rand 9. Dudley Francis (North), Earl of Guilford, &c, grandson and h., being s. and h. of Dudley North, styled Lord North, by Charlotte Maria, his wife, both abovenamed ; 6. 14 July 1851, at Weavcring, eo. Kent ; ed. at Eton ; styled Loud North, 1S60-61 ; sue. to the peerage, 1S61 ; an oftkev in the Royal Horse Guards, 1868 to 1871- He m„ 4 May 1874, Charlotte, 2d da. of Sir George Ciietwyxd, 3d Bart., by Charlotte Augusta, da. of Arthur Blundell (Hill), 3d Marquess ok Down-shirk [L] He d. 19 Dec. 1885, aged 31, from a fall from his horse the previous day, at Sydling Court, Dorset, and was bur. at Waldershaie, Kent. Admon. March 1SS6 above £23,000. His widow living 1891. [Dudley Francis North, styled Lord Nortit, 1st s and h. ap., b.. and bap. 3 May 1S75, at Waldershaie Park, and d. v.p. the next day.] X. 1S8(>. S and 10. Frederick. George (Norths, Erl of Guil- ford [1752], an l Baron Guilford [1683], 2d but only surv. s. and ha, b. 19 Nov. 1876, and bap. at Waldershare ; styled Lord North till 1886 when he sue. to the peerage. Family Estates.— These, in 1S83, consisted of S.005 acres in Keut and of 2,S64 in Suffolk. Total 10,929 acres, worth £13,616 a year. Principal Residences. Walder- share Park, near Dover, Keut, and Glemham Hall, near Wickham Market, Suffolk. - GUILLA.MORE OF CAHIR-GUILLAMOEE Viscountcy [I.] /, STANDISH O'Grady, of Cahir-Guillauiore, co. J 1S31. Limerick, 1st of the nine sons of Darby O'Grady, of Mount Prospect, in that co., by -Mary, da. of James Smyth, of Limerick, was b. 1766 ; ed. at Trim Coll., Dublin ; B.A., 1784 ; Barrister (") From 180S to 1853 he appears to have defrauded this College (the surplus funds of which were by its Founder directed to be distributed among the needy) ofuolessa sum than £90,000 ; iu 1853, however, he was ordered to refund a small portion, viz., what he had taken for the hist four years, the Blaster of the Rolls observing that " the shameless perversion of one of our noblest charities has been done under a system which not even the most unscrupulous cupidity could have carried out till hardened into a contempt for common decency." It was also proved in 1853 (see Mr. Howard Evans " Old Nobility," sub "The Norths"), that he had up to that dsi3 received from the Rectory of Alresford £3-1,000 ; from that of St. Mary's, Southampton, £121,000, and from his Prebendal stall £19,000, which with the £90,000 abovenamed, amounts to about £350,000 ! ! These he received from his father Bishop (North), of Winchester, whose own clerical preferments (conferred on him by his brother, the Prime Minister), were themselves a cause of very considerable scandal.