Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/147

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HAMILTON. 149 VIII. 1769. 8. Douglas (Hamilton), Duke of Hamilton, &c. [8.1 also Duke of Brandon, &c. [G.B.], only br. ami h., b. 24 July 1756, at Holvroodliouse «fed.J sue. to the peerage, 1769; Keeper of Linlithgow Palace, 1777. He baring petitioned the King for his summons to Pari, as a British Beer was unanimously declared by the 12 Judges (to whom his right had been referred) entitled thereto and was sum. as Duke of Brandon 11 June 1782. K.T., 23 Dec. 1785. He sue. his mother, 30 Dee. 1790, as Baron Hamilton of Hamei.bon ; Lord Lieut, of Lanarkshire, 1798 ; Col. of the Lanarkshire Militia and Cel. in the Army (during service), 1798. He m., 5 April 1788, at her mother's house, Hanover street, St. Geo. Han. sq., Elizabeth Anne,(") sister of Peter Robert, 1st Bakon GvtYDiR, da. of Peter Burrei.l, of Langley Park, in Beckenham, Kent, by Elizabeth, da. and coheir of John Lewis. She was dirorced by act of Pari 1794 ( b ) He d. B.p., 2 Aug. 1799, at Hamilton Palace, in his 44th year.( c ) At his death the Burony of Hamilton of Ilumeldon (which he had inherited from his mother in 1790) devolved on his uterine brother the Duke of Argyll [S.] as heir male of the body of his mother, the grantee, but the rest of his peerage dignities (as inherited in 1769) devolved as undcr.C) IX. 1799. 9. Archibald (Hamilton), Duke of Hamilton, &c. [S.], also Duke of Brandon, Sec., uncle and h. male, being 2d s. of James, the 5th Duke, and his 1st s. by his second wife. He was 6. 15 July 1740, and inherited the Suffolk estates of his mother in 1771 ; was M.P. for the county of Lancaster, 1768-72; sue. to the peerage, 1799, and was Lord Lieut, of Lanarkshire, 1799—1802. He m., 25 May 1765, Harriet, da. of Alexander (Stewart), 6th Earl of Galloway [S.], by his second wife, Catherine, da. of John (Cochrane), 4th Earl of Dundonald [S.] She (Lady Archibald Hamilton) d. near Bath and was Jit?' 3 Dec. 1788, at St. Mary's Church, Lancaster. His Grace d. 16 Feb. 1819, aged 78, at Ashton Hall, co. Lancaster. Will pr. 1819. X. 1819. 10. Alexander (Hamilton), Duke of Hamilton, &c. [S.], also Dcke of Brandon, fa,, 1st s. and h., 4. 3 Oct. 1767, in St. James sq., and haj>. 1 Nov. at St. James' Westm. ; ed. at Harrow school ; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.), 4 March 1786; or. M.A., 18 Feb. 17S9 ; styled Marquess of Douglas and Clydesdale, 1799-1819 ; M.P. for Lancaster, 1S02-1806 ; Lord Lieut, of Lanarkshire, 1802 ; Ambassador to St. Petersburg, 1802-1S07 ; P.C., 1806. He was sum. v.p., 4 Nov. 1806. in his father's Barony, as Lord Dutton, and sue. to the Dukedom, 16 Feb. 1819 ; bearer of St. Edward's crown at the coronation of William IV., 8 Sep. 1831 and at that of Queen Victoria, IS June 1838, at both of which he was Lord Higu Steward; KG., 5 Sep. 1836 ;{') F.R.S., F.S.A., &c. He m. 26 April 1810, in London, Susan, 2d da. and coheir of William Beckford, of Fonthill Gifford, Wilts, by Margaret, da. of Charles (Gordon), 4th Earl of (") She was one of four sisters of whom the three younger " married some of the greatest noblemen in Britain " [the Fail of Beverley, the Duke of Northumberland, and the Duke of Hamilton] tho' " never were any women less endowed with uncommon attractions of external form." See Wraxall's " Memoirs," vol. iii, pp, 352 — 355, where " the rapid elevation of the Burrell family " is set forth. ( b ) She m. secondly (after the death of her first husband), 19 Aug. 1800 (as his third wife) Henry (Cecil), 1st Marquess of Exeter, and d. his widow 17 Jim. 1837. (°) He probably is the " Lord Hamilton " mentioned among the " Men of Fashion " in 1782 as having a partiality for " skaiting." See vol. i, p. 352, note "a," tub " Bessborough." ( d ) His nephew and heir, Edward Stanley (afterwards, 1S34, 13th Earl of Derby), s. and h. of his only sister, the Countess of Derb . became (on his death) heir of line to the race of Hamilton, and, as such, possibly entitled (see p. 143, note "c"), to the ancient Barony of Hamilton, &c. [S.] (See tabular pedigree ill vol. i, p. 6, sub "Abercorn"), but neither he nor his successors claimed or assumed any of the Hamilton dignities by right of such descent. (°) His Scotch titles on his garter plate are Duke of Hamilton, Marquess of Douglas and Clydesdnle, Earl of Angus, Arran and Lanark, Lord Abernethy, Aven, Machaushire and Polmont, "Premier due el'Ecossc." The Earldom of Cambridge and Barony of Inncrdalc do not appear thereon. He is also styled Duke o£ Chatellerault in France. See p. 147, note " d," adfincm.