Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/226

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228 HERTFORD. 68, and for cn. Antrim, 1709-77; M.P. [G.B.] for Lostwithiel, 1766-CS, and for Oxford, 170S-94 ; Chief Sec. [I.], 1705-06; P.O. [I.], 1705 ; one of the Lords of the Treasury, 1774-S0 ; P.O. [G.B.], 17S0; ColTerer of the Household, 1780; was on an embassy to Berlin and Vienna, 1 793-9-1 ; Col. in the Army, during service, 1 794 ; me. to the peerage, 23 June 1791 ; Master of the Horse, 1804-06 ; el. and inv. K.G, IS July 1807, being inst. 31 March 1812 ; Lord Chamberlain of the Household, 1812-21 ; Vice Admiral of Suffolk, Feb. 1822. He m. firstly, 4 Feb. 1708, at St. Geo. Han. sq., Alice Elizabeth, 2d audyst. da. and coheir of Herbert', Hickman -Windsor), 1st Viscount Windsor [I.], by Alice, da. of Sir John Clavkrinc, Hart. She, who was b. 10 May 1749, d. s.i>.m. 11, and was bur. 20 Feb. 1772 (as" Viscountess Beau- champ ") at Arrow, aged 22. He m. secondly, ( 1L ) 20 May 1770, at her father's house in St. Geo. Han. sq.. Isabella Anne (Inoram Shepkahd), 1st da. and coheir of Charles (Ingram), 9th Viscount Irvine [S.J by(-). da. and h. of {— ) Sum-heard. He and his wife took the name of Ingram before that of theii surname or of any title of honour by Royal lie. 18 Dee. 1807. Hotf. in Manchester square. Marylebone, 17, was bur, 2S June 1822. at Arrow, aged 79.( h Will pr. 1822.( c ) His widow , who was 4. 1700, d. in Manchester square afsd., 12. and was bur. 11 April 1884, at Arrow, aged 74.(< l ) Will pr. June lS:i4. Marquessate. VI. Earldom. XVIII. 1 I > 1822. J S. Franxis (Skymouk-Coxway;, Marqui ss OF Hertford, Sc., only s. and h., by second wile, b. 11 March 1777 ; mat. at Oxford (Oh. Ch.), 20 Feb. 1794. as "Viscount Keauchamp," styled Kari. op Yarmouth, 1794—1822, and fas such) entered St. Mary Hall, Oxford, 10 Dec. 1790: H.A.. 1790 ; M.A., 1S14. He waa M.P. for Orford, 1797—1802: for Lisbume, 1802-12; for co. Antrim, 1SI2-IS, and for Camelford, 1820-22 ; P.O., 1812 ; Vice Chamberlain of the Household. March to July 1812 ; Lord Warden of the Stannaries. 1812-42: G.C.H. (Civil), 1819: Knight Grand Cross of St. Anne, of Russia, 3 July 1821: sue. to the peerage, 17 June 1822 ; K.G., 22 Nov. 1822: Vice Admiral of Suffolk, 1822-42; Envoy- Extraordinary to the Emperor of Russia for Ills investiture (at Tsarkoeselo, near St. Petersburg;. 9 July 1827, with the order of the Garter. He m. IS May 1798, Mile. Maria Emily FaOMIAKL(«) He rf. at (*) Of these two marriages Sir 39. Wraxall <•' Memoirs, " edit. 1881, vol. iv, p. 188)i thus writes, "Two of the richest heiiessea of high birth to be found in England. The first could boast of few personal attractions : but the second had such a degree of beauty as is rarely bestowed upon woman ; the empire, which she maintains at this hour [1818] over the Kegent, depending, however, from the lirst moment of its origin, more on intellectual than on corporeal qualities, and reposing principally on admira- tion or esteem." ( b ) According to Sir X. Wraxall C*' Memoirs," edit. 1884, vol. iii, p. 1:37), " Lord Tieauchamp occupied [178ii] no mean place in the ranks of opposition and spoke whenever he addressed the House if not with eloquence at least with knowledge of the subject. His person, elegantly formed, rose above the ordinary height, and his manners were noble yet ingratiating. The entailed estates were considered as worth £90,000 a year. (<•) Her influence with George IV., both when Kegent and King, is well known. See note " a," next above, as to her beauty and wit. It was said of her that even in her later days she was still — " All gentle and juvenile, curly and gay In the manner of Aokernmn's Dresses for J/a_)/." (°) Her parentage is obscure. In Croker's " Correspondence" she is stated to have been 27 (her husband being 21) in 1798 when she married, being (see Walpolu's letter, 21 Nov. 1779, to Lady Ossory) eight years old in 1779. She had a great fortune, receiving, in 1791, £30,000 from George Augustus Selwyn, one of her putative fathers, and, in 1M0, £]f>0,000 (besides real estate) from the Duke of Queensbeny, wither of such supposed relatives. How much she inherited from (yet another putative father) the Marquis Fagniani, the husband of her mother, is unknown.