Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/332

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334 KEANE — KEITH. Palliseii (formerly Valters) 2d Bart., by Mary, da. and coheir of John Yates, of Dedham, co. Essex. She d. s.p. 24 Oct. 1881. He m. secondly, 6 May 1885, at St. Augustine's, Queen's Gate. Francina Maria, widow of the Jit. llev. Thomas Baker Moruell, Bishop- Coadjutor of Edinburgh, 1st da. of Charles Lane, of Badgemore, Emily Maria, da. of John Thorn hill. Family Estates. 'J hese, in 1SS3, appear to have been under 2,000 acres. Principal Residence. Castletown House, near Churchtovvn, CO. Wexford. KEIGHLEY. i.e.," Cavendish of Keighley, eo. York," Barony (Gavmdi»h),ev. 1831 with the Earldom ok Buhlinqton, which see. KEITH. Barony [S.] f. Sin William Keith, Great Maiischal of Scotland, T "1 4. QPi is stated in Douglas' peerage (1st edit.), to have been cr. in 1130 LORD KEITH [S.] He was cr., before 4 July 145S, EAUL MAHISCHAL[S.], which see. With this Earldom any Barony of Keith ho cr. continued united till both were iorfcitcd in 1715. KEITH OF IN VERURY AND KEITH-HALL. (.., " Keith of Inveuiry and Keith hall," Barony [S.] (Keith), cr. 1677, with the Earldom ok Kintore [SJ, which see. KEITH, KEITH OF STONEHAVEN MARISHAL, and KEITH OF BANHEATH. Barony [L] j. The Hon. George- Keith Elphinstone, 5th s. of I. 1 (97. Charles (Elphinstone), 10th Lord Elphinstone[S.] by Clementina,^) da. of John (Fleming), 6th Earl of VViotun [S.], and his second Barony [U.K.] wife MilrVi ja. of William (Keith), 9th Earl Maiuschal [8. ), was I 1801 i. at Elphinstone Tower, near Stirling, 7 Jan. 1745/6, and named ^ n ' after his great uncle George, 10th and last Earl Marischal [S.] ; 1823. entered the Navy in 1758. becoming eventually Admiral of tin blue, 1801 ; of the white, 1805 ; and of the red, 1810. In 1793 he I. 1803. distinguished himself against the French off Toulon ; K.B. 13 April 1794, becoming, on the extension of that order in Jan. J815, Viscountcy. G.C B. He was in command of the expedition to Cape Town, I. 1814 which place capitulated 17 Sep. 1795, the Dutch Meet at Saldauha . ' Bay, surrendering to him in Aug. 1796. He was rewarded with an Iiish Peerage, being cr. 16 March 1797, BAliON KEI'lH QF STONEHAVEN MAUISCIIAL [I ], with n spec. rem. of that dignity failing heirs male of his body to his da. Margaret-Mercer lilphinstone. As Commander at Sheerness he quelled (he Mutiny at the Nore; was Commander in Chief in the Mediterranean, 1799 to 1802, assisting in the operations at Aboukir Bay, and the capture of Alexandria. He was accordingly rewarded with a Bri' ish peerage of the same designation as his Irish one, being cr. 5 Dec. 1801, BAKON KEITH OF STONEHAVEN MAIUSCHAL, co. Kincardine ; Knight of the Crescent of Turkey, 20 March 1802. Commander in Chief in the North Sea and East Channel, 1S03-07 ; and of the Channel Fleet, 1812, conducting the correspondence with Bonaparte respecting hiB banishment to St. Helena. Having no male issue, he was cr. 1 7 Sep. 1803, BARON KEITH OF BANHEATH, co. Dumbarton, with a like spec. rem. as in the creation of his Irish Barony, and was subsequently, 1 June 1814, cr. VISCOUNT KEITH. Knight Grand Cross of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus of Sardinia, 3 Aug. (») See vol. in, p. 259, note " c," tub " ElphinBtone," as to this lady's ancestry.