Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/340

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342 KENDAL — KENMAEE, Kendal House, Twickenham, Middlesex, d. unni. 10 May 1743 iu her 85th yew, when all hit honours became extinct( >). Will pr, 17-13. i.e., "KENDAL, co. Westmorland," Barony (Loict/ier), cr. 1784, with tho Earldom of Lonsdale, which see ; ex. 1802. KENILWORXH. i.e., "Hyde of Kenilwoiith, co. Warwick," Viscountcy {Hyde), n: 1681 ; see "Rochester " Earldom, cr. 1682; both dignities ex 1753. KENLIS. i.e., " Kenlis of K EX LIS ok Kells, co. Meath," Barony {Tayloar), cr. 1831 ; see " Headfort," Marquessate [1.], cr. I860, under the 2d Marquess. KEN MARE and KENMAEE OF CASTLEROSSE. [Memorandum. — The Viscountcy of Ken.mare [I.] is one of the seven Irish peerages cr. by Jumes II. after his exclusion from the throne of England (11 Dec. 16SS), but when he was in full possession of all his Koyal rights as King of Ireland. All these creations were duly inscribed on the patent rolls [I.] from which they have never been erased. See vol. i, p. 5!), note " b," sub "' Albemarle," for an account of these and other Jacobite creations.] "Viscountcy [I.] 1 Sin Valentine Browne, Bait. [I.], of t i naq Killaruej - , co Kerry, s. and h. of Sir Valentine BROWNE, 2d Bart. [I. J by .Mary, da. of Charles (MaCCARTT), 1st VlSCOUNT ML'SKEiuty [I.J, was ft. 1038, and sue. his father in the Baronetcy (a dignity cr. 16 Feb. 1621/2), when two years old ill 164U;(' J ) was Commissioner of Oyer and terminer for co. Kerry ; P.O. to Janus 11. for whom he was Col. of a Reg. of Foot, and, being a staunch adherent of that King, was by him cr. 20 May 1«S9,(°) BAKON CASTLEKOSSK and VISCOUNT KICNMARE [1.] He appears to have been among those taken prisoner at the battle of AughrimC 1 ) 12 July 1691, and was probably attainted accordingly. He in. Jane, da. anil h. of the Hon. Sir Nicholas Pli'nkett, of Balrath, co. Meath (3d s. of Christopher, BaROS Kii.lkkn [1.]), by ( — ), his first wife, da. and coheir of William Turner, Alderman of Dublin. He ((. 1694. Will dai 7 June 1690, pr. in Dublin 22 June 1694. II. 1694: 2. Nicholas (Browne), Viscount Kenmare,(°) &c. [I.], s. and h , was (like his father) a Col. iu the service of King James II. and attended him, at St. Gerinai:i-en-laye, when iu exile. He appears to have been attainted by William III. and to have forfeited (for his life) his vast estates. He m. in 1684 his cousin, Helen, 1st da. aud coheir of Thomas Ehowne, of Hospital, co. Limerick, by Elizabeth, da. aud h. of Sir John Browne, of Hospital nfsd. She d. at St. James, Westm. Her admon. (as "Dame Helen Browne, alias Viscountess Keumare "), 22 July 1700. He d. 1720. (a) She had two daughters by the King. viz. (1) PetrooiUe Melusino. b. 1693, suo jure Countess of Walsingham (so cr. 1722), who m. Philip (Stanhope), Earl of Chesterlield (2) Margaret Gertrude, ft. 1703; m. Count Von Lippe. She </. 11 Nov. 1773, being, however, then called " the Hon. Lady /Juliet." [Query Countess Delitz ?] in the London May. of that ye<ir. See vol. ii, p. 234, and note " b" thereto. ( b ) See his petition to tho Duke of Ormonde, to whom he was iu ward, in the "Mc Gillycutidy papers;' ed. by M. Brady (1867), p. 181. ( c ) See " Memorandum" next above. C) See vol. i, p. 311, note " b," tub " Bellew," for a list of the Irish Peers there killed or taken prisoners. (") Assuming the creation of 1089 to be a valid one and that there was uo attainder whereby it was forfeited.