Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/396

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398 KINGSALE. XXIV, or XXV. 24 or 25. John (de Courcy), Baron Kingsale, Sec. .__ q [I.], cousin and h. male, beings, and h. of Miles alias Michael iioy. DE CouiiCY, of Newport, in Rhode island, North America (by Abigail, da. of [ — ] Williams, of Rhode island), which Miles alias Michael (who served as a sailor 1706 till lost at sen about 1773) was 2d s. of Anthony de 0., of Jiandon, co. Cork, who was only s. and h. of the Hon. David do Courcy, 4th and yst. s. of John 1 7th or ISth Lord.f") He was 4. about 1717 at Newport afsd. and served as a sailor till 174?, since which date he re-sided at Portsmouth, Hants. In Feb. 1756 he went over to Ireland aud was acknowledged by the then Lord Kiogsale as the h. to the title of the said Lord, who devised to him " all his family estate [I.] "(*>) His claim to be " Baron Ki.ngsale and Bakon Courcy of (») Tabular pedigree shewing the descent of the later Barons Kingsale. Nicholas, Baron Kingsale, heir male of the body and=p heir general of the first Baron ; d. 1476. | I 1 1 1 James, Baron K. ; d. 1491 or 1499.=p David, Baron A". ; d. [1520 J]=j= I 1 i r — 1 Edmund, Baron K. ; d. s.p. John, Baron K. ; d. 1535=p Edmund de Courcy=p [1505 ?] | 1 — 1 Edmund de Con rcyj Gerald, Baron K., d. 1 599=f= John, Baron A'., sue. in 1699 ; d. 162S=f= I I r- r Donough=f= Mary, da. =j= John Gal- Gerald, Baron Patrick, Baron=f David de-=f= O'Driscoll and heir way AT., d. s.p.m. A"., 1063 4. -f- lS42=j= )hn, .Baron K., rf.=== Mi'lei Courcy John, .Baron K., tf.=== Miles de Courcy=f= Anthony do Courcy=f= 1667 | | d. 1727 r + — -i h r 1 Patrick, Almericus, YV illiam=j=Margaret Gerald, Baron A*., Miles, or =f= Baron K., Baron K.,d. Ireland | sue. in 1720; d. Michael, d. s.p. 1669 s.p 1720 A 8.p.m.s. 1759 de Courcy =f of Rhode i — John, Baron AT., mo. in 1759, d. 1776, ancestor of the succeeding Barous=f i r -i J John, Baron A'., d. 1822=== Michael de Courey, Admiral R.N., d. ]824=j=^ Thomas, Baron Michael de C.,=r Gerald de C.,=j= Rev. Michael de=f= AT., d.unm. 1832 d. 1813. I d. 1848 C, D.D., d. 1860 i ^ i John Stapleton, Baron K.,=F John Fitzroy, Baron K., sue. d. 1847 in 1874 ; d. B.p, 1890 r; — — J — —~[ , r- JohnConstantine, .Baron A., MichaelConrad,Ba7-on Michael William.Baron K,=== d. s.p.m. 1865=F K., d. unin. 1874 sue. in 1890; living 1892. | I s aged 70 A ( b ) That Lord styles him in his will " his kinsman, Johnde Courcy, of Portsmouth, s. of his kinsman, Miles de C, otherwise called Michael de C, late of Rhode Island in North America, and grandson of his kinsman, Anthony de C, late of Baiidon, and great grandson of David de C, who was yst. s. of John de Courcy, 17thh Lord Kingsale, his great grandfather and br. to Lib grandfather, Patrick de C, 19th+ Lord KingBole." t This enumeration of these Lords is probably the correct one and supports the view that Edmund, Baron Kingsale, who d. about 1300, was sue. by his nephew, Miles, and not by his brother, John, and that the said Miles was consequently the 5th (and not the 6th) Baron, each of the succeeding Lords being (consequently) of the earlier of the two numbers assigned to them in the text.