Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/400

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402 KINGSTON. III. 1714, 5. James (Sbion), Viscount Kingston [S.], br. ami h. to being (ith ami yst. s. of the 1st Viscount by his second wife ; was an 1715. Ensign in Colonel Buchan's Scotch Fusilecrs in lt>S7. He stir, to tlie pterdgt [S.] in 1711, but baring engaged in the rising of 1 7 1 was attainted, whereby the peerage became forfeited.^) He m. Anne, widow of Alexander (Khskink), 4th Karl Of Kkllie [8.] (who d. 8 Much 1710,) da. of Colin (Lindsay), 3d Karl or Balcaiirks [I.], by his second wife Jean, da. of David (Uarnkuy). 2d KaRI. or [S.] The attainted Viscount (2. s.p. about 1726, whi n the peer- age (already forfeited) became crtim-'. His widow d. I Feb. 171:1 at Edinburgh. Will dat. 14 Dec. 1731>, pr. 1743 at Kdinburgh. KINGSTON' [1,-,-hiwf]. Barony [I.] J, Sin Joiix Kimg, of Boyle Abbey, <:<>. Roscommon, I 10GO s ' am ' "' " ouel King, "f the same, Muster-Master Gen. [I.] by his first wife, Frances, da. of Henry (FoLLIOTT), 1st Baron Koi.uott ok Ballysuannon [I.j, served in the King's army in the rebellion of 1641, both as Captain and as Major Gen., assisted in the defeat of the Papists in the north of Ireland, 21 June 1856, and having taken an active part in promoting the restoration, was pr. 4 Sep. I660,( 1 ') BAKON" KINGSTON' of Kingston, CO. Dublin [I.], taking his seat 8 May 1001 ; P.C. and one of the Commissioners of the Court of Claims [I.], 1660 ; Commissary Gen. of Horse, 1661 ; Gov. of Connaught, 1666 J Col. of a lleg. of Horse, lGijii. He m. Margaret, only da. (whose issue in 1070 became sole heir) of Sir William Fknton, of Michelstown, CO. Cork, by Margaret, sister and h. of Maurice Fitz GmuoN, cousin and 11. of Kdmund Fitz GIBBON, called The White Knit/hi. Shed. 1009. Uv d. 1676. II. 1G7G. Robert (King), Bahon Kingston [I.], & anil b> said to have been eil. at Brasenose Coll., Oxford, " where he commenced A.M. 25 June 1070."( c > He, who sue. to lite peerage [I.] in 1070, took an active part against King James II. in 1689, by whose Pari, he was attainted, but, on the reduction of Ireland, took his seat in 1'arl 5 Oct. 1692. He m. (Lie. Vic. Gen. 17 Feb. 1689/90, he about 30 and she about 22) Margaret, da. and coheir of William HaRBORD, of Grafton Park, CO. Northampton, Ambassador to Belgrade, by his first wife Mary, da. and coheir of Arthur DlXK, of Grafton, L.L.D. He </. s.p. Dec. 109:5. His widow was bur. from St. James in the Fields, at Chiswick, 24 Sep. 1098. Admen. 3 April 1699. III. IG93. John (King), Bauon Kingston [L], br. and h. He early renounced the Protestant for the Lloman Catholic faith ; was P.C. to King James II., whom he followed into Fiance, and was accordingly out- lawed. He sue. to the ■peerai/c [I.] in Dec. 1093, and obtained a free pardon by privy seal 3 Sep. 1691, which was confirmed 7 April 1695. He took his seat 11 May 1097. By agieement, 23 March 1708, with his cousins, to whom the late Lord had endeavoured to devise the estates, he was (by them) confirmed therein. He m. (when about 18) in 1683, Margaret, da. of Florence O'CahaN. She d. at Mitchels- towu, 29 April 1721, and was bur. there. He d. at the Middle Temple, Loudon, 15, and was bur. 17 Feb. 1727/8, in the Temple Church. Will pr. 1728. (*) See vol. hi, p. 192, note " a," sub " Duff'us," for a list of the peerages forfeited for this insurrection. ( b ) The preamble to this creation is in " Lodge," vol. iii., p. 22(5. ( c ) " Lodge," vol. iii., p. 229. The only " Kobert King" (about that date) in the " Oxford Graduates, 1659-1850 " ; was (of Brasenrse) B.A. 12 Dee. 1671 ; M.A. 25 June 1674. That Robert appears to have been either Kobert King who matric. (Brasenose) 14 Feb. 1606/7, who was son of Kobert, of Brereton, Bucks, Minister, anil then aged 10, or else Kobert King who matric. (Brasenose) 14 March 1600/7, who was son of Thomas, of Akesall, co. York, and then aged 19.