Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/415

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KTNTORE. 417 (1770), of William (Falconer), 7th Loud Falconer op Halkp.btous [S.], br. and h. (1702) of Alexander, tith Lord, who was e. and h. (1751) of David, 6th Loud Falconer of Hal kektoun [^.], by Catharine Margaret, 1st da. of William (Keith), 2d FUst OF KisTore, abovementioned. He sue. his father 12 Dec. 1770, as Lord Falconer of llulkcrUmn, and on the death, 2S May 1778, of his cousin, George Keith, the attainted Earl Maiishal [S.], sac. him as Earl of Kintore, Stc, as above stated, (») and also in the estate of Kiutore, Keith Hall, &e. He m ( b ) in or before 1700, Christina Elizabeth, da. of (— ) Siohterman, of Qroningen, in Holland. He d. 30 Aug. 1804, at Keith Hall. His widow d, 20 March 1S09, in Edinburgh. VI. 1SCU. 6. William (Keitii-Fai.coxek), Earl of Kixtore, &c [S,], only s. and h., b. 11 Dec. 1700, at Inglismaldie, co. Kincardine, stilled Lord Inverurie till he sue. to the Peerage [S.J, 30 Aug. 1S04 ; sometime an officer in the (Scots Grey's) 2d Dragoons. He m. IS June 1793, at Aberdeen, Maria, da. of Sir Alexander BaNNERMaN. 0th Bart. [S.], by Mary, da. of Sir James Gordon, ..f Banchory. He d. 0 Oct. 1812 at Keith Hall, aged 45. His widow d. 30 June, and was bin 1*3 July 1S20 at Bath Abbey, aged 50. VII. 1812. 7 ami .7. Axtuoxy Adrian (Keith Falcoxer), Earl Ba nv rTTr -| of Kintork, &c. [S.], only s. and h., I>. 20 April 1794, styled Lord y iu.iv.j T NVKUlJlt]E fl . otn :S04 tiu lie s „ c tu l/ie pterage fs.], 0 Oct. 1812. I. 1838. He wiuer 5 July 1S38( C ) BARON KINTOKE OP KINTOUE, co. ABERDEEN [l T .K.J He m. firstlv, 14 June 1817, Juliet, 3d da. of Robert Benny, of l;arrowfield, Scotland. She </. s.p. 9 July 1819. He in. secondly, 27 Aug. 1821, at Dumiiohen, co. Forfar. Louisa, y«t. da. of Francis Hawkins, Senior Judge of Appeal at Bareilly, in the Bengal presidency. She, who was b. 28 Aug. 1802, was divorced by decree of the Court of Session. 3 March 1S40. (■') He d. 11 July 1S44. WOlpr. Sep. 1844. [William Adrian Keith Falcoxer, styled Lord Ixyerurie, 1st s. and h. ap., b. 2 Sep. 1S22; Lieut. 17th Light Dragoons; d. v.p. and mini. 17 Dec. 1813, aged 21, at Winwick Warren, co. Northampton, from a fall while hunting.] Earldom [S.] ~ $ and 2. Fraxcis Alexaxder (Keith- Falconer), Earl ok Kintore, &o. [S.J also Baron I 1R44 Kintore [U.K.], 2d but 1st surv. s. and h., b. 7 Juno Barony [U.K.] | ' 182Sat Wadlev House, Berks; styled Lord Inverurie l> (since the death of his elder br.) 17 Dec. 1S43, till he J sin: to the peerage 11 July 1844 ; Lord Lieut, of Kincar- dineshire 18.10, and of Aberdeenshire 1S04. He ro. 24 June 1851 at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Louisa Madeline, 2d da. of his maternal uncle Francis Hawkins. He d. 18 July 1SS0 at 22 Mansfield street, Marvlebone, aged 53. His widow living 1891. dktarum fdiarum descendentium successive. And they accordingly devolved to, and were taken by. Anthony, Lord Falconer of Halkerton, the lineal female heir, owing to his descent from Lady Catherine, 1st da. of the said William, Lord Inverurie. Claim- ing, too, under epiite a different character ami status, from George, Earl Marshal (the traitor), he was. to use an English legal phrase, clearly out of the mischief." See " Jliddcll," pp. 713-714. In a similar way the Barony of Sinclair [S.], which was under forfeiture from 1723 to 17f 0, was admitted in 1782 to a distinct line, under the spec. rem. in the novodamus of that dignity in 1077. ( :l ) .See p. 416, note " b." ( b ) The Earl's mother (whose name is unknown) as well as his wife, was a Dutch lady, both being of Groningen in Holland. (°) This was one of the " Coronation Peerages " of Queen Victoria, for a list of which see vol. ii, p. 145, note " b," sub. " Carew of Castle Boro." () She wi. (a few weeks subsequently) 1 April 1840 at Baxterley (near Cheltenham) B. North Arnold, M.D., and d. 1 Nov. 1811. Her will (as " Countess of Kintore ") pr. Nov 1842. 2D