Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/67

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GRAFTON. 69 VI. 1SG3. G. William Henry (Fitz-Roy), Duke of Ghaftox, &c, 1st- s. and h., b. 4 Aug. 1819, in Grosvenor pliice, Midx ; generally known as VlSQOCST [f&wiCH till 18-1 1, when till 1863, he was styled Earl of Euston : WAS attache to the legation at Naples, 18-11 ; Col. of the West .Suffolk Militia, 1845- 46; M.P. for Thetford, 1847-03 ; Lieut. Col. of the Northamptonshire Kifle Volun- teers, I860 ; sue. to the peerage, 1863. He m., 10 Feb. 1858, at St. Geo. Han. sq., Marie Anne Louise, da. of Francis (BaRIKg), 3d Baron Asubuuton", by llortense Eugenie Claire, da. of Hogues Bernard Maret, Duke i;e Bassano, in France. He d. s.p. from typhoid fever, 21 May 1SS2, aged 62, at 4 Grosvenor Place afsd. Will pr. 1 Aug. 1882, under £156,000. His widow living 1S90. VII. 1882. 7. Augustus Charles Lennox (Fitz-Roy), Duke of Grafton [16/5], Earl of Arlington [1672], Eahl of Evston [1072], Viscount Thetford [1672], Viscount Ipswich [1672], Baron Arlington [1604 and 1672], and Baron Sudbury [1672], next br. and h., 6. 22 June 1821, in Grosvenor place afsd. : ed. at Harrow school; entered the Army 1S39 joining the Coldstream Guards, 1S41, of which (1854-5S) he was Lieut. Co!., serving in the Crimean campaign where he was severely wounded ; 5th class of the Medjidie o£ Turkey, 1858; Lieut. Gen. iu the Army, 18S0, retiring as Honorary General in 1SS1 ; C.B., 1873; Equerry in ordinary to the Queen, 1S49 to 1882, being mado Honorary Equerry in 1SS2. He sue. to the peerage in 1SS2. K.G, 3 Feb. 1883. He mi., 9 June 1 S 17, at St. Geo. Han. sq , Anna, yst. da. of James Balfour, of Whittingham, in East Lothian, by Eleanor, da. of James (Maitland), 8th Earl of Lauderdale [S.] [IIenry-Jajies Fitz-Roy, styled Earl of Euston, 1st s. and b., ap., 6. 28 Nov. 1848 ; ed. at Harrow school ; sometime an officer iu the Rifle Brigade ; Lieut. Col. Comm. 1st Vol. Bat. Northamptonshire Keg. He m. 29 May 1S71, (by banns) at St. Michael's, Worcester, "Kate Walsh S.mith,(') widow," [generally known as Kate Cooke], " da. cf John Walsh, Editor.' '(")] Family Estates.{ b ) — These, iu 1883, consisted of 14,507 acres, co. Northampton and 139 in Bucks (worth together £28,104 a year) and 11,127 acres in Suffolk. Total 25,773 acres, worth £39,254 a year. Principal Residences. Euston Hall, near Thet- ford, co. Suffolk, and Wakefield Lodge, near Stony Stratford, co. Northampton. England (estimated in 1797 at £7,500 a year) redeemed in 1809 and 1816 for £135,568, this sum to revert to the Crown on failure of the Peerage title ; (2) the Receiver Generalship of the profits of the Seals in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, abolished in 1845 for a pension of £843 ; (3) an income of £7,194 (formerly .£9,000) charged on the excise, redeemed in 1856, for £193,177 ; (4) an income of £3,384 charged on the Post Office, redeemed in 1857 for £91,181. (°) This appears from the marriage certificate where the residence of both partieB, both of whom were " of full age," is given as " Castle Place," Worcester. This certificate -was produced in the case of " Euston r. Euston atias Smith " in the divorce court, 4 April 1884 ; when it appears that the lady had previously gone thro' the form of marriage 6 July, 1S63, at St. Mungo's Catholic Church, Glasgow, with a person who was living at the date of her marriage with Lord Euston, vis. George Manby Smith, a commercial traveller ; but that the said Mr. Smith, having a wife then living (pit, Mary Anne Smith, formerly M. A. Johnson, Spinister, to whom he was m. 26 June 1862, and who did not die till 9 June 1867) the marriage of Kate Walsh with him was invalid, while that with Lord Euston was good. It also appears that Lord Euston had settled £10,000 on her, on their marriage. ( b ) The family motto " El decuset prctium recti" seems a bitterly sarcastic allusion to honours derived from a bastard, born in double adultery, on whom they had been conferred at the early age of 9 and 12.