Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/78

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80 GRANTHAM. Keeper nf the Privy Purse, 1700-02. He sue. his father, 17 Oct. 1708 ; was Chamber- lain (n the Princess of Wales, 1710-27 ; as also to (the same person), Queen Consort, 1727-37 ; P.C., 1727; er. LL.D. of Cambridge, 25 April 1728. He m. 12 Jan. 1697, his cousin, Henrietta, sister of James, 2il DDKI ok Ohmoxdk, da. of Thomas Butler, ttgltd Kabl ok Ossohy, by Emilia, da. of I.ouis sister of Henry de Nassau, Loud ok Ai'VEnQi EiujUE abovenamed. She d. 11 Oct. 1721, and was bur, 20 at St. James', Westm. He of. 5 Dec. 1754, B.p.m.s.,( s ) and was bur. 12 at .St. James 1 afsd., when at/ h is honours became extinct. ( b ) Will ilat. 25 Aug. 1753, pr. 10 Dec. 1751. [Henry D'Auverquerque, styled Viscount Boston, 1st p. and b. ap. He rf. v.)i. and unin. 13 June 1718.] [Thomas D'Auverquerque, styled Viscount Boston, 2d but 1st surv. s. and h. ap. He d. v.p. and unm. 27 April 1730.] Barony. 1. Thomas Robinson, 4th s. of Sir "William Robinson, I 1761 Bart, (so a: in 1689) of Ncwby, en. York, by Mary, 1st da. of George Aislahie, of Studley Royal( c ) in that county, was b. about 1093 ; ed. at Westm. Bchcol and at Triii. Coll., Cambridge; B.A., 1715 ; M.A. and Fellow, 1719 : Sec. to the embassy at Paris, 1723-30 ; M.P. for Thirsk, 1727-34, and for Christchurch, 1749-61 ; Envoy to Vienna, 1730-48 ; K.B., 2<i June 1742, being invested at Vienna : was in 1 748 joint Plenipotentiary for concluding the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, after which (having been 25 years on foreign service) he returned home; a junior Lord of Trade, 1748-49; Master of the Wardrobe, 1749-54, and again, 1755-60. P.C., 1750; Sec. of State for the South, March 1751, till his resignation in Nov. 1 755, (^J being (April to Sep. 1755) one of the Lords Justices (Regents) of the liealm. He was, cm 7 April 1761, cr. BARON GRANTHAM, co. Lincoln. Joint Postmaster Gen., 1705-6!; F.R.S., &c He hi., 13 July 1737, at Hovingham, co. York, Frances, 3d da. of Thomas Wohsley, of Hovingham, by his first wife, Mary, da. of Sir Thomas FiiANKl.ANn, Bart. She, who Nits ft. 1716, it. at Earl's Court. Kensington, and was bur. (as '• Lady Rabinton ") 6 Nov. 1760, at Chiswick, Midx. He d. 30 Sep. 1770, and was bur. There 6 Get. 'Will pr. Dec. 1770. II. 1770. 2. Thomas (Robinson), Baron Grantham, 1st s. and h., b. 30 Nov. 1 73S, at Vienna ; ed. at Westm. school and at Christ's Coll., Cambridge : M.A., 1757 ; M.P. for Christchurch, 1761-70. Sec. to the congress of Augsburgh, 1761 ; junior Lord of Trade, 1766; P.C., 1770 ; Vice Chamberlain of the Household, 1770-71 ; sue. to the peerage, 1770. A.miussadoh to Madrid, 1771-79 ; President of the Board of Trade, 17S0-S2. Sec. of State (Foreign), 1782-83 ; F.S.A., &c. He m., 17 Aug. 1780, at her father's house iu St. James square, Midx., Mary Jemima, 2d da, and coheir of Philip (Vohkk), 2d Ham. ok Haiiuwilke, by Jemima, siio jure Marchioness Giiev. He d. at Grantham lb. use, Putney Heath, Surrey, 20 July 1786, aged 47, and was bur. at Cln'sivick. Will pr. July l/S'i. His widow, who was 4. 9 Feb. 1757, d. 7 Jau. 1830, at Whitehall, aged 72. Admon. Jan. 1830. III. 1786. 3. Thomas Philip (Robinson, afterwards Wkddbll, and finally de Ghey), Bauon Ghantiiam, lat s. and h.,4. 8 Dec. 1781 ; took the name of Wedddt in lieu of Itobirsoii by Royal lie, 7 May 1S03. On 1 May (a) Thro' his yst. da., Henrietta, who in 1732 m. William, 2d Earl Cowper, the Baronies of Dingwall [S.] and of Butler of Moor Park are transmitted. ( b ) Bishop Burnet's character of him when " aged 30 and upwards " with Dean Swift's additions thereto in italics is as under, " A very pretty gentleman, fair oom- plexioned, and good for nothing." ( c ) Those estates devolved (in consequence of this alliance) on the 3d Baron about 1820 on the death of Miss Lawrence. ( a ) He, in 1754, and in a greater degree Murray (afterwards Lord Mansfield) appear to have been the principal stay of the Newcastle ministry but Robinson was without Parliamentary influences and unable to bear up against the struggle for power that ensued at that epoch.