Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/110

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108 LINLITHf! OW — LI.SBURNE. V. 1695, r>. James (Lmsesros), Earl of Linlithgow [1G00], to Earl OF Calendar [16 II], htiWD Livingston [J 458 ?], Lord Livinu- 1716. BTON and Calendar [1600], and Loud Livingston of Almond [1633 and 1611], in the peerage of Scotland, nephew ami heir, being (inly s. and h. of Alexander, 3d Karl ok Calendar [S.l, by Anne, da. uf James (Graham), 2d Marquess ok Montrose [S.], which Alexander (who sue. to the Earldom of Calemlar in Aug, ICS")) was yr. br. to Georte, lib Earl of Linlithgow. He was styled Lord Livinoston ok Almond from 1685 till he sue. his father in Dec. 1692 as Earl of Calendar, &e [S. j He sue. (three years afterwards) in Aug. 160"j his nncle (Earl George abovenamed) as Earl of f.inlitht/ou; &c. [S.] Hek. Peer [S. , 13 Jan. 1712/3, and 12 Nov. 1713. He m. Margaret, yr. sister of Wary, nto jure, Countess of Erroll [S.] both being daughters of John (Hat), 12th Earl ok Erroll [S.] by Anne, da. of James (Dhkmmond), 3d Earl ok Perth [S.] Having joined in the rising in 17L r > on behalf of the of Stuart he was attainted, 17 Feb. 1715/6, of high treason, whereby (his estate of £1.20(1 a year and) all his honours became forfeited. He d. s.p.m.s.(a) at Home, 25 April 1723, when the issue male of the 1st Earl became extinct. [Jambs Livingston, styled Lord Livingston, only s. mul h. up. d. v.p. and unm. 30 April 1715.] LINN, see Lynn Rkgis. L1I T T0N. I.e., Linton and Caberston," Barony [S.] (Sfewwt) er. 1633 willi the Earldom ok Traquair [S.], which see ; dormant or ex. 1881. LINTRATIIKX. i.r., " OgiLVY OF AmTII AND LlNTHATIIF.N, CO. Folflir." T!a.l'01iy [S.] (Oyilvy) er. 1639 with the Earldom okAirlie [S.J, which see, LION* see Lyon. HONS, sec Lyons. LISLURNE. Viscounty [I.] Adam Loftus, of Rathfarnnm, co. Dublin, s, and h. of T 1 flSI Sir Arthur Loktvs, of the same, Provost Marshal of the province of ■ 0 ' Ulster, by Dorothy, da. of Kichard (Boyle), 1st Earlok Cork fL] tn was tr. 29 .Tannary 16S5, BARON OK RATHKARNAM, co I KtUtn, ImO' and VISCOUNT LISBURNE [L] He m Lncy da. and coheir of George (Brtdces), 6th Baron Ciiandos ok Sudelky, by his second wife, Jane, da. of John (Savage), Earl Rivers. He d. s.p.nn 1 ') being slain at the siege of Limerick 1690, when in command of a regiment for King William III. Will pr. Oct. 1691. (") Lady Anne Livingston, his da. and h., m. 15 June 172-1 William (Boyd), 4th Earl of Kilmarnock [S.] who was beheaded in 1746, by whom she was mother of James Boyd who in 1758 (by the death of his mother's maternal aunt, Mary, sua jure Countess of Erroll [S.], abovenamed) became Earl of Erroll [S]. ( b ) Lucy, his da. and h. m. Thomas (Wharton), 1st Marcpiess of Wharton, and was mother of Philip, Duke of Wharton, who sold the Rathfaruam estates to William Conolly for £62,000,