Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/114

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112 LISLE. LISLE, or USEE DE ROUGEMOOT. Barony 7. Robert de Lisi.e,( :i ) of Roogemont and Camcldon by Writ. Beds, only s. and h. of Warine de Lisi.kC') of the same, by Margaret, T 1311 or •^ ce > h. of Sir Robert DK Ml.'CKCKOR, sue. his father iu ' (1298) 26 Ed. I., l.eiiifr then aged 6 years. In (1309-10) 3 Ed. II., lie claimed, with success, the estate of Harewood, Co. York, &c. as heir of Isabella, Dow. Countess of Albtmarle (who had d. s.p. in 1298) grandaughter of Baldwin fie Ripariis, by Margaret, da. and heir of Warine Fit/.gurold( L ') of Harewood afsd. He was in the expedition to Flanders in 1539 and was sotn. to Parl.() as a Baron (LORD LISLE) by writs from 19 Dee. (1311) ;"> Ed. II. to 25 Feb. (1341 .2) 16 Kd. III. directed either "Roberto de Insula" or 11 Roberto del hie." He in, Margaret, sometimes said to be da. of ( — ) Pevehki.i.. She (/. before him. He (having taken religions orders a few months previously) d. 4 Jan. 1342/3 and was bur. at Grey Friars. London. II. 1313. .?. John (he Lisle), Lord Lisle, or Lord Lisle de Koi'okmont, son. or more probably grandson( e ) and h., aged 24 in 1313 when lie sue. his (iredeeessor ; had (seven years previously) been granted the manor of Harewood to enable him to serve in the wars in which he, afterwards, was greatly distinguished X KG., 13 11, being one of the Founders^) of that Order, receiving 28 Aug. 1316 (after the battle of Creasy) £200 a year to support the degree of a Banneret He was sum. to Pail, (as LORD LISLE DE ROUGKMONT) from 25 Nov. (1350), 24 Kd. Ill , to 5 March (1353/4), 28 Ed. III., by writs directed "Joliantti de Insula tic Rubeo Monte." He m. Maud. He d. (of wounds received in a foray in Gascony) 14 Oct. 1356, III. 1356, -J. Robert (de Lisle), Lord Lisle de Rougemont, s. and to h., aged 22(B) at his father's death in 1356. He was sum. to Pari. 1399? by writs 15 Dec. (1357). 31 Ed. III., and 20 Nov. (1360), 34 Ed. III., directed " Roberto de Insula de Rubeo Monte " but never afterwards nor any of his posterity. In 1364 he settled Harewood on his sister, Elizabeth, and her husband, William DK ALDKBUROH, and in 1368 "he gave to the King 86 Knight's fees ill divers counties of England, 'V 1 ) which transactions raise the inference that at (•) This family are said to derive their name from the isle of Ely. ( b ) This Warine was s. and h. of Sir Robert de L'Isle, of Rougcmont, elder br. of Sir Gerard de L'Isle, of Mulldford, eo. Norfolk (who was grandfather of Gerard, 1st Lord Lisle of Kingston Lisle) both being sons of Robert de L'Isle, of Rougemont and Mundford afsd., by Alice, da. and h. of Henry Fitzgeiold, Chamberlain to King Henry II., through which lady a considerable inheritance came into the Lisle family. See a good pedigree of this branch of the de L'Isle family and its connections in Baker's " Northamptonshire," vol. i., pp. 61P and 443. ( c ) This Warine was elder br. of Henry Fitzgerold, whose da. and h. Alice was (by Robert de L'Isle) greatgrandmother of the claimant, see note " b" next above. ( d ) There is proof in the rolls of Pari, of his sitting. (**) Robert, the 1st Lord Lisle, appears to have set tled the manors of Hampton, Cot i ham, &c, on " Alice, da. of Robert de Lisle." and others for life with rem. * r ' sou of Robert de Lisle" and his heirs. Among the burials at Grey r " Dnus Robert de Li/lc, til. tikecr. p'fali Dni," by which it may be r Robert was the Meat son of the first Lord He, however, probably leaving a s. and h. the said John (the remaiude merit) who would thus be heir at law of his grandfather. ( r ) See vol. i, p. 2«6, note "a," sub " BeauchatBp," for a list (-) Esch., 30 Ed. III., No. 40; but "it is remarkable th Prince of Wales, of w hom the deceased had held the inano chief, considered the heir to be still a minor. [Bcltz'B " Ga ( h ) Claus., 4% Ed III., m. 0, in dorso, as quoted iu Beltz's