Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/128

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126 LIXNAW — LLANGATTOCK. LIXNAW. See "Kerry and Lixnaw," Barony [I.] (Fitzmauricc), cr. 1223? LLANDAFF, ami LLANDAFF OF THOMASTOWN. Barony [I.] 2. Francis Matliew, of Thomastown, co. Tipperary, T 1783 s ' anc ^ ^ °^ Thomas M. of the same, by ( — ), da. of Richard Mathews, of Dublin, b. 1738 ; sue. his father in 1777 and, having Viscountcy [I.J been many years M.P. for cu. ISgperary, was cr., 12 Oct. 17S3,( ;l ) T BARON LLANDAFF OF THOMASTOWN, co. Tipperary [1.1 1. VlJd. taking his seat on the 14th inst. He m. firstly, 6 Sep. 1764, Earldom [I.] Ellis, sister of Sir Edward Skefiingtou Smyth, hart, (so or. 1776), da. of James Smyth, of Tinney park, co. Wicklow, by Mary, da. I. 1797. of James Agar, of Gowran. She d. (of dropsy) 9 Aug. 1781. He hi. secondly, 7 June 1784, Catherine, da. of Clotworthy (Skeffington), 1st Earl of MaESERKEM: [L], by his second wife, Elizabeth, da. of Henry Eyre. She, who was bap. 15 July 1752, at St. Ann's, Dublin, d. s.p. 9 Feb. 179G. He m. thirdly, 30 May 1799 ( — )", da. of Jeremiah Cochlan. He d. at Swansea, in Wales, 30 July lSdti, aged C8. Admon. Sep. 180b'. His widow was living 1828. II. 1806, 2. Francis James (Mathew), Earl of Llandapf [1797], to Viscot'NT Llandaff [1793], and Baron Llandaff of Thomastown 1833. [1783], in the peerage of Ireland, s. and h., b. 20 Jan. 1768; styled Viscount Maihew from 1797 till he sue. to the peerage [I.], 30 July 1806. K.P., 8 Sep. (inv. 24 Nov.) 1831.( b ) He m., 10 July 1797, Gertrude, 2d da. of John La Tocche, of Harristown, co. Kildare, by Gertrude, da. of Robert Uniacke Fitzgerald, of Corkbegg, co. Cork. She d. before 1828. He d. s.p., 12 March 1833, aged 65, in Merriou square, Dublin. AVill pr. (in England) June 1847. LLANDEGAI. See "Penrhtn of Lxandegai, co. Carnarvon, " Barony Pennant), cr. 1S66. LLANGATTOCK OF THE HENDRE. Barony, 1. JonN Allan Rolls, of the Hendre and of Llan- T 1 S t ) i ? gattock manor, both co. Monmouth, s. and h. of John Etherington • s - OJ -'- Welch Holes, of the same, by Elizabeth Mary, da. of Walter Lonb, of Preshaw House, Herts, by Mary, da. of William (Carnegie), 7th Earl of Northesk [S.]; b. 19 Feb. 1837 ; ed. at Eton and at Oh. Ch., Oxford; sometime Capt. Royal Glouc. Hussars; sue. his father 27 Mav 1870: High Sheriff for Mon- mouthshire, 1875 ; M.P. for co. Monmouth, 1830-85 ; was cr., 30 Aug. 1892,(c) BARON LLANGATTOCK OF THE HENDKE, co. Monmouth. He m., 20 Oct. 1868, Georgiana Marcia, 4th da. of Col. Sir Charles Fitzroy Maclean, 9th Hart. [S.], by Emily Eleanor, da. of Rev. the Hon. Jacob Marsham, Canon of Windsor. One of the Irish Baronies cr. by Fox in 17S3 when the King refused to add to the British peerage. See a list of these in vol. iii, p. 44, note " d," sub " Delaval." ( b ) One of the four extra Knights made at the Coronation of William IV. See list of them in vol. ii, p. 209, note " d," si<6 " Charlemont." ( r ) This was one of the eight Baronies conferred by the Salisbury Ministry on leaving office. These were Asheombe of Dorking (Cubitt); Knightley (Kinylitley) ; Blytheswood [Campbell); Crawshaw (Brooks); Amherst of Hackney (Amherst); Newton (Lcyh) ; Dunleath of Ballywalter Park (Mulhulland), and Llangattock of the Hendre (Jiolls.) At the same time two Earldoms (that of Craubrook on Viscount Craubrook and that of Ancaster on Lord Willoughby de Ercsby) were bestowed as also ne Marquessate (that of Zetland) on the Earl of Zetland.