Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/144

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142 LORN. Robert Stewart and Janet "of Lorn " UU wife,( a ) the heiress of John of Lorn.( b ) He was one of the C< mmissioners to England for the release of King James I. [S.] and, being in 1424 one of the hostages for his ransom, remained there till 1429. He was <t. a Baron and Lord of Fail, as LORD LORN [S.] before 5 Sep. 1439, at wliieh date he is witness (as liobcrtun, Dominut Lorn), to a charter. He m. Margaret, da. of Robert (Stewart), 1st Duke ok Albany [S.]. the Regent [S.], by, probably, his first wife, Margaret, suojun Countess or Menteith [S.] He d. before 1449, IT. 1449? 2. JonN (Stew-ant), Lord Lorn [S.], s. and li. He had, 20 June 1452, charter of the Lordships of Lorn, Iniieruieath, &e., to himself in tail male, with rem. to his four brothers, his uncle and cousins in like! manner. He sat in Pari. [S.] as " Lord Lorn " 1449, 1462, and 1455, He d. s.p.m. legit, between 1455 and 14134. III. 1460? 3. Walter (Stewart), Lord Lorn [S.], hr. and h. male. He sat in Pari. [S.| as Lord Lorn in 14C>4 and 14b'9, but on 0 May 1 471 (when he is the first named among the Barons) as LORD INX ERM EATH [S.]) he having resigned (with consent of the Crown, 14 April 1 170), the Lordship of Lorn to Colin (Campbell), 1st Earl of Argyll [S.]f) (the husband of his niece, Isabel, 1st da. and heir of line of his elder br., John, Lord Lorn, next aoovenamod), and receiving in exchange the lillc of I iineimcath, as the style of his peerage [S.]i/'j He is said to have m. Margaret, da. of John (Lindsay), 1st Loim Lindsay or run liTBKS [S-]( e ) He was living 12 July 1481, but (/. before 25 Jan. 1498/9. His widow m. Henry WaBDLAW, of Torry. IV. 14C0? 4. Thojias (Stewart), 2d Lord Ixnermeatti [S."|, ?, and h. ; had charters of divers lands. 2- r > Jan. 1498/9. He lit. Janet, widow of John Leslie, Master of Rothes (who in. in 1478 but (/. before 1 JSS), 1st da. of William (Keith), 1st Eaiil Maiiiscual [S.], by Mary, da. of Sir James Hamilton. He was killed at the battle of Hodden,!*! 9 &P» 1513. V. IS 13, .'>. Richard (Stewart), 3d Lord Inxer.meatii [S.], s. and h. He in. Margaret, 1st da. and coheir of John (Lindsay), 3d Loud Lindsay ok the Byiies [S.], by Margaret, da. of Sir William Baili.ik. He d. 1528. His widow m. Sir James Stewart, of Heath, who was slain 1547 and on whose death she had a letter directed to her, a.s Lady Imiermeath, from Mary, the Queen Regent [S.] (") Robert Stewart and Janet of Lorn were "ancestors of the respectable family [of Stewart] of liossyth, which had the blood of Lorn without the Lordship " while the Lords Innermeath and the Campbells of Argyll (who derived from those Lords) "were Lords of Lorn territorially, but without a drop of blood of the old Highland family." [Sinclair's " Filii Cam/ilcs " (under " the Lords oj Lorn ") in the " Iter, and 6'c//.," vol. vi.] ( tj ) Mr. J. Horace Round (to whom the Editor owes several valuable notices in this article) writes (Oct. 1S92) " I have ascertained that John of Lome was contumaciously absent from Pad. in 136"t> but sat on a committee in Pari. 1368." ( c ) The said Earl of Argyll and his successors, from this date, used the style of Lord Lorn in addition to their own peerage titles. ( d ) Indre, 30 Nov. 14C9, " the said Lord Erie [of Argyll] sal causs our Sovraue Lord tti continev) the said Walter, Ijord of Parliament, and his stile to be of I niicritieath or any other honorable place that pleisses him and to have sate in Pari., generale counsalis and other worschipful places as he now has." [Duke of Argyll's MSS. 4th Rep., Mist. MSS. comm. I. 471.] The bond of "Walter, Lord Imiermeath," to the Earl of Argyll, Lord /Mm, is dated 13, and his resignation into the King's bauds of the Lordship of Lorn is dated 11 April 1470. (°) In that case, if her mother was a da. of Robert (Stewart), 1st Lord Lorn [S.J (which lady is said to have //*. the 1st Lord Lindsay of the Byres [S.]) she would be niece to her husband. (') See p. 03, uote "b," sub " Lennox," fur a list of the Scotch nobles who were there slain.