Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/15

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LAN ESBO ROUGH — LANGDALE. 13 Earldom [t.] 0 and 9. John Vansittart Daxvers yr (Butler- Dan vers), Earl QK Lanesboroit.h [1756], 18GG Viscoint Lakksborouoh [1 aud Baron of Viscountcy [I.] I ' Newtown-Bi.tleu [1715J, in the peerage of Ireland, nephew and h., being B. and h. of Capt. the Hon.

  • "» Charles Augustus Danveks- Butler, by Letitia Eud-

yerd Koss, yst. da. of John William Freese, Col. Madras Artillery, which Charles Augustus was yr. br. (of the half blood) to the 5th Earl, his mother being (not the abovenamed heiresa of the Jiumers family from whom, con- sequently, he had no descent but) his father's second wife, Eliza Bizarre, da. of Humphrey Shut. He was b. IS April 1830; ed. at Rugby school; was a Lieut. U.N. 18b'0, retiring 1866 and being a retired Capt. 1881. He sue. to the peerage [I.J, 7 July 1860 ; Rkp. I'ekii [I.]. 187o ; I ord Lieut, of co. Cavan. He m., 21 June 1804, Anne Elizabeth, oidy child of tlie Rev. John Dixon Clark, of Belford Hall, Northumberland, by Anne, 2d da. of Addison Fknwick, of l'allion aud Eishopwear- mouth. [Charles-Jodn-Brinsley Bdtleb-Danvebs, ttyUtl Lord .Newtown- Butleii, 1st s. ai d h. ap., 12 Dee. 1805, at Devouport ; ed. at Eton; Lieut. Coldstream Guards. He mi., 31 Jan. 1S91, at St. Peter's, Eaton square, Dorothea Gladys, 1st da. of Major Sen. Sir Henry Tombs, K.C.B., by Qeorgina Janet, da. of Admiral Sir James Stirling. ] Family Estates.- -These, in 1883, consisted of 7,046 acres in co. Cavan, 0,600 acres in co. Fermanagh, besides 1.845 acres (worth £5,S40 a year) in co. Leicester. Total 16,397 acres, worth £17, 419 a year. Principal Residences. Swithland Hall, near Loughborough, co. Leicester, and Lauesborougii Lodge, near Belturbet, CO. Uavan. LANGAR. See " HOVE of Lancar, co. Nottingham," Viscountcy (Hotv), er, 1782 ; ex 1799. See " Howe OF Laxoar, co. .Nottingham," Barony {Howe), er. 178S. LANGDALE. Barony. TIexry Bickekstetu, 3d" s. of Henry B., a medical I 1830 practitioner, of Kirkhy Lonsdale, by Elizabeth, da. of John Batty, of ' ih.' same place, Fanner, was b. there 18 June 17S3 ; ed. at the Free Grammar school there; entered into, but relinquished, his father's l*w»l* business; became u scholar of Cains Coll., Cambridge, Oct. 1S02, being, however, long absent from ill health and travelling as medical attendant to the Earl of Oxford, 1803-05; B.A., Senior Wrangler and Senior Smith's prizeman in Jan. 1S0S ; M.A., IS 1 . 1. being Fellow of his College ; Barrister (Inner Temple), 1S11 ; King's Counsel, 1827 : P.C. and Master of the Rolls, 16. and 19 Jan. 1836, being cr.. ■>■■ Jan. 1836, BARON LANGDALE of l.angdale, CO. Westmorland. He was chief of the three Commissioners of the Great Seal from 19 June to 15 July 1850. He resigned office (after 15 years service) 28 March 1S51.( = ) less thau three weeks before his death. He m„ 17 Aug. 1835, at St. Mary's, I'addrngton, Jane Elizabeth, 1st da. of Edward (Hahi.kv), 5th Earl of Oxford and Eari. Mortimer, by Jane Elizabeth, da. of the Uev. James SoiTT. He d. s.p.iu. IS April 1*51, in his CSth year, at Tollbridge Wells, anil was bur. the 84th in the Temple church, London, when the peerage became extinrt. Will pr. May 1851. His widow, who was b. 9 March 1796, became on 19 Jan. 1853. coheir to her brother, Alfred, Gth and last Earl of Oxford and Karl Mortimer-, when she took by Royal lie. 11 March 1853, the name of Uarletj in lieu of that of Hichcrsteth. She d. 1 Sep, 1872, aged 76. at Innspriick in Germany. ( a ) A friend and disciple of Jeremy Bentham, ho was an early aud zealous advocate for law reform, tho' his labours, as far- as reform of the Court of Chancery was concerned, fell far short of his intentions, but as regards the custody of the'public records they have "justly gained fur him the title of Father of Record Reform." [Foss's "Judges."] His "Memoir*," written by Sir Thomas Dull'us Hardy, were pub. in 1852.