Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/179

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LUMLEY. 177 III. 1180? -7. George (de Lumley), Lord Lujiley, only s. and h. He was knighted before 1462, being then, as also in 1463 and 1468-72, Sheriff of Northumberland ; was M.P. for that county in 1466. In 1480 " bearing the title of Lord Lumley, "( a ) he was in command, at the taking of Berwick from the Scots, and was made a Banneret in Hooton field, 22 Aug. 1480. He waited on Henry VII. in his northern progress in I486; was in the Scotch expedition 1498, and accompanied tin? Princess Margaret as far as Berwick on her espousal to King Jame3 IV. [S.] in 1508. He in. Elizabeth, da. and h. of Roger Thornton, of Newcastle- upon-Tyne, merchant, by Elizabeth, da. of John (de Greystock), Lord Gretstock. With her he acquired the estate of Witton, in Northumberland, besides others in Durham.O') He tf. 1508. IV. IHOS. 4. Richard (de Lumley), Lord Lumley, grandson and h., being 1st s. and h.. of Thomas Lumley (by Elizabeth his wife, formerly Elizabeth pLANTAGENET, spinster, iliegit da. of King Edward IV.) which Thomas (living 27 Oct. 1495) was s. ami h. ap. of the 3d Lord but d. v.p. He was sum. to Pari, from 12 Oct. (1509) 1 Hen. VIII. to 28 Nov. (1511) 3 Hen. Villi*) He m. (by dispensation, they being related in 4th degree, dat. at Home, 2S Jan. 1488/9) Ann( d ) sister of William, 1st Lord Conyers, da. of Sir John Conyers, K.G. of Hornby Castle, co. York, by Alice, da. and coheir of William (Nevill), Earl of Kent. He d. on Trinity Sunday, 26 May (1510) 2 Hen. VIII. V. 1510, 5. John (de Lumley), Lord Lumley, 1st s.( c ) and h., to aged 18 at his father's death in 1510. He distinguished himself at the 1511. battle of Floddeu, 1513. He was sum. to Pari, from 23 Nov. (1514) 6 Hen. VIII. to 4 June (1543) 35 Hen. VIII. In 1520 he was with the King at his interview with the Emperor Charles V. and the King of France; was' among those who signed the letter to the Pope, in 1531, urging the .sanction to the King's proposed divorce ; yet in 1537 was one of the leaders in the insurrection, on behalf of the old faith, called the 1 ' Pilgrimage of Grace," being one of the three nobles deputed to treat with the King's forces, ( f ) which resulted in a general pardon. He m. Joane, da, of Henry (ScBOFB), 7th Lord ScRorE de Botton, by his second wife Margaret, da. of Thomas (Dacre), 2nd Loud Dacre de Gillesland. He d. 1544. On his death the Barony, devolving on George Lumley his only s. and h., who had been executed for high treason, v.p., 20 June 1538,(s) and consequently attainted, became forfeited. Barony. 1. Jonx Lumley, grandson and h. of John, Lord I 1517 Lumley abovenamed, being s. and h. of his only s. and h. ap. George , ' Lumley {attainted v.p. as afsd.) by Jane, 2d da. and coheir of Sir , p 0 °Q Richard Kniohtley, of Upton, co. Northampton, was 6. about 1533. He, having set forth in a petition to King Ed. VI. that he was an infant at the death of his grandfather in 1544, to whose honours, &c. in consequence of his father's attainder, he did not succeed, obtained in 1547 an Act (') See p. 176, note " f," circa fincm. ( b ) The right to these lands was disputed by Giles Thornton, her bastard brother who was slain by Lord Lumley in a quarrel. (c) To the last writ the following addition is made on the Roll " Morluus est ul dicilur." He had apparently been dead some 18 mouths. ( a ) "On the monument at Cheain, for John, Lord Lumley [d'. 1609] she is [erroneously] called Ann, da. of William, Lord Coigniers." [Collins.] The dispensation was issued at York, 10 Sop. 1489. See " Test Ebor " (Surtees Soc.) vol. iii, p. 355. (°) The second sou, Anthony Lumley, was grandfather of Richard, 1st Viscount Lumley of Watcrford [I.], who was grandfather of Richard, 1st Earl of Scarbrougb. (<) See p. 25 note *' g, " sub " Latimer." (s) See vol. iii, p. 20 sub " Darcy de Temple Hirst," Lord Darcy and Sir Thomas Percy being fellow sufferers with him. N