Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/185

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LYNK — LYNN REGIS. 183 Ho accepted the office ..f Lord Chief R .inm (if the Exchequer in Jim. 1801 which he held till Dec. 1 S3 1 a month after he bud been for the second time made (Nov. 1834) Lord Chancellor, which office he held but five months (till April I88S1, being the total of the existence of the (first) Peel Ministry, resuming it, for the third and last time, under the (second) l'eel Ministry from Sep. 1841 to July 1816. He was High Steward of the Univ. of Cambridge from 1840 to his death. F.R.S., &c. During almost all (1856-61) of the last 17 years of bis life he, in spite of his great age, took an active part in the debates of the House ..f Lords. (*) He m, firstly, 18 March ISIS), Sarah Garey, widow of Lieut. Uol. Charles Thomas (slain at Waterloo), da. of Charles Biiunsdkn . She, who was 4. 17195, d. 15 Jan. 1834. Admou. Feb. 1834 He m- secondly, 5 Aug. 1837, at the British Embassy, Paris, Georgiana, da. of Lewis Goldsmith. He d. s.p.m.. 12 Oct. 1S63, in his 92d year, at 25 George street, Hanover Square, and was '/nr. the 17th at Highgato cemetery, when the -pea-aye became extinct. His widow living 1892. LYNE. .<■., " DouuiAS of Nielpatit, Lyxe, axii Mxnaud," Barony [S.] (Douglas), cr. 1697, with the Earldom ok March [S.], which sec. LYNEDOCH OF BALGOWAN. Barony. TnoMAs Graham, of Balgowan, co. Perth, 3d but [ 1S14 sl "' v - *> and h, "f Thomas G. of the same, by Christian, 6th da. tu ' of Charles (Hope), 1st Haul ok Hopetoun [S.], was 6. 19 Oct. 1748, 1 RA1 an; ' ' s '° ' lave entered Ch. Ch. Oxford (as a Gent. Comm.) in Nov. 104 J. 1700,( u ) leaving 1768. He sue. his father, 6 Dec. 1766, and purchased the estate of Lyneduch (or Lednoch) in Methveu, co Perth, in 17S7. He m. 26 June 1792, at her father's house in Grosvcnor place, St. Geo. Han. sq. , Mary, 2d da. of Charles (Cathcart), 9th Loud Cathcart [S.], by Jane, da. of Lord Archibald Hamilton. She, who was b. 1 March 1757, d. 26 June 1792 (or 26 July 1791) on shipboard oil' I [yores. After her death he took to an active life ; was M.P. (in the whig interest) for co. Perth 1794-1806; raised the Perthshire volunteers (90th Foot), of which he became Lieut. Col. in 1794, was at the capture of Minorca, in 1798, and served with great distinction in the Peninsular war, obtaining a glorious' victory at Barossa, 5 March 1811. K.B. (being invested at [Divas, near Badajos), 12 March 1812, becoming consequently G.C.B., in Jan. 1816, being also Knight of the Tower and Sword of Portugal, of San Fcruando of Spain, and of Wilhelm the Lion of the Netherlands. He returned home at the peace, received the thanks of Pari, and was cr. 17 May ISM, BARON LYNEDOCH OF BALGOWAN, co. Perth, refusing a pension of £2,000 a year offered therewith. He became full General, 1S21 ; was Col. of the 58th Foot, 1S23; of the 14th 1S26, and of the 1st Royals, 1S34 ; Gov. of Dumbarton Castle, 1829 ; G.C.M.G., 19 May 1S37. He d. s.p., 18 Dec. 1843, aged 95, at Stratton street, Piccadilly, when his peerage became extinct.^) Will pr. March 1844. LYNX KEGIS. i.e., Townshend of Lynn Regis, co. Norfolk," Barony {Townshend), cr. 1661 ; see " Townshend of' Raynham," Viseouutcy, cr. 1682. The Hon. Charles Townshend, s. and li. ap. of Charles, 2d Viscount Townshend of Kavnham,( j ) was sum. to Pari. v.p. by writ, 22 May 1723, directed to («) " No statesman maintained for so long a succession of years a name so l as Lord Lyndhurst, and few have died in possession of more veneration and i writes Foss, who speaks, also, of " the beautiful simplicity of his style, the log arrangement of bis arguments, and the aptness of iiis illustrations." ( b ) " JS'at. Biogr." No such matriculation however seems to be recorded. ( c ) He started the project in 1815 of a General Military and Naval Club, which in 1817, was carried out, being the present Senior United Club, in Pall Mall, where his portrait (by Sir Thomas Lawrence) is preserved. ( ll ) A like instance of the eldest son of a Viscount being sum. v.p. in his father's y, a. and h. ap. of Edward, Viscount