Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/198

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196 MACDONALD. William WsHTWORTH, 4 th Bart, of Bretton. She, who was bap. at Denby chapel, 25 July 174S, il 18, and was bur. 22 Oct. 1789, at St. Margaret's, Wcstm. Hed 12, aud was bur, 23 Sep. 1795, at St. Margaret's afsd. Will pr. Jan. 1790. II. 1795. % Alexander Wentwortu (Macdonald), Baron Mac DONALD ok Slate [I.], s. aud h., 6. 9 Dec. 1773 ; sometime nn officer in the 10th Light Dragoons ; sue- tn the peerage fl.], 12 Sept. 1795 ; was M.P. for Saltash, 1798— 1S06. He d. num. in Welbeck street. Marylebone, 19, and was Sup. 25 June 182-1, aged 51, at St. Margaret's, Westm. Adtnon. May 1825. III. 1821. 3- Godfrey (Bosviixe- Macdonald, formerly Bosville and, theretofore, Macdonald) ,Bahon Macdonald uk Slate [I.], br. ami h., b. 14 Oct. 1775 ; was nn officer in the army serving in Holland (1799), ill the West Indies, and at the reduction of the Cape of Good Hope, becoming finally, 1830, Lieut. Gen. in the army. By the death of his maternal uncle, William Bosville, he sue. to the estate of Gunthwaite afsd., and took by Royal lie, 11 April 1814, the name of Bosville only ; but having tut. to the peerage [I.], 9 June 1S24, he by another Koyal lie., 20 July 1824, resumed his patronymic of Macdonald after that of Bosville. lie m. 15 Dec. 1803, Louisa Maria, da. of Farley L'dsih. He d 13 Oct. 1832, aged 57. Will pr March 1333. His widow d. 10 Feb. 1835. IV. 1832. J h Godfrey "William Wentwortu (Bosville-Mac DONALD), BaROS MacdonaLD ol" StaTH [I.], eldest legit, s. and h.,( l ) b- 10 March 1809, in London ; sue. to the peerage [I.], 13 Oct. 1832. He m. 21 Aug. 1S45, at St. Geo. Han. BO., Maria Anne, 1st da. and coheir of George Thomas Wyndiia.M, of Cromar Hall, Norfolk, by Marie Augusta. Dow. Cofntess of LlSToWKU, [I.], da. of William Windham, formerly Li'KTN, of Felbrigg, Norfolk. He d. 25 July 1803, aged 54, at Bessingby Hall, co. York. His widow d. at Folkestone (20 Clifton Gardens), 21 April 1S92, aged 04, and was bur. there. V. 1863. 5. Somerled James Brudenell (Bosville-Macdonald), Baiion Macdonald of Slate [I.], s. and h., b. 2 Oct. 1849, in Edinburgh ; sue. to the peerage [I.], 25 July 1863. He d. num. in Edinburgh, 25 Dec. 1874, aged 25. VI. 1874. 6. Ronald Archibald (Bosville Macdonald), Baron Macdonaid of Slate [I.], also a Baronet [S. 1025], b. 9 June 1853, in Edinburgh; ed. at Ktou; sue. to the peerage [I.], 25 Dec. 1874. He m., 1 Oct. 1875, at the Cathedral, Inverness, his cousin, Louisa Jane Hamilton, 2d da. of George William Holmes Boss, of Cromarty house, co. Cromarty, by Adelaide Lucy, da. of Duncan Davidson, of Tulloch, co. Boss, anil his first wife, Elizabeth Diana, da. of Godfrey (Bosvillk-Macdonald), 3d Baron Macdonald of Slate [1.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 129,919 acres in Invernessshire besides 2,500 (valued at t'5,000 a year) in Bucks, Total 132,119 acres, valued at j£l6,613 a year. Principal Residence. Armadale Castle, Isle of Skye. Lord Macdonald is one of the 28 noblemen who, in 1883, possessed above 100,000 acres in the United Kingdom and stands Kith in order of acreage tho' 28th aud last in order of income. See a list of these vol. ii, p. 51, note " a," sub " Buccleuch." ( a ) His elder br., Alexander William Bosville, by the same parents, born (12 Sep. 1803) before their marriage, inherited the estates of Guuthwaito aud Thorpe, and is ancestor of the family of Bosville there located.