Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/23

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LATIMER. 21 (LORD LATIMER) from 29 Dec. (1209). 28 Ed. L, to 16 Jmic (1311), 4 Ed. IL He attended the. Coronation of Edward II. and served in the Scotch and French wars.! 1 ') He m. Lorn, da. of Henry (Hastings), Loup;s,( j ) and is said(S) to have been twice married. He died (apparently) as late as (133-1), S Ed. IU., hut was never sum. to ftoif*) after the writ of 1811 nor was any of his issue) so summoned. LATIMER or LE LATIMER. Barony 1. William Latimer, of Corby, co. Northampton, and by writ, (about 129$) of P.mby, co. York, styled "The Rich," s. and h. of I I29S ^ I.e Latimkh, of Billinges, co. York, was Sheriff of Yorkshire, 1254-60(i), and sgain 1267-69: Esehaetor Gen. north of Trent, 1269. He, having m, in or after 1257 Alice, eldest of the two daughters and coheirs(M of John Ledf.t, alius Bbaybbookk, of Braybrooke, Warden, and Cnrby, co. Northampton (by Krmcntrude DE Lisi.e), acquired with her the lordabip of Corby afsd. He appears to have taken the side of the King (Henry III.) in his contests witth the Barons. He served in the Holy land in 1270 and in the Welsh and Scotch wars and was sum. to l'arl. as a Baron (LORD f) '• A corruption of the Anglo-Norman Latin'ur, a speaker of Latin, or, more loosely, an interpreter, the term Latin having formerly been applied, as Halliwell observes, to languages in general. The noble families of this surname are descended according to the peerages from Wrenock, the son of Meirrie, who held certain lands i-ii the Welsh border, under the Anglo-Norman king- by the service of being Latimer or interpreter between the Welsh and the English." [Lower's " Patron. Britannica."] On the other hand Mr. Belts [" Kniyhtt ■»/ tlic Garter," p. 146, note 2], writes, " The name sometimes written Lc Latimer (iatus mart) but more commonly De Latimer (dc Into mart) was doubtless Norman." "■) See pedigree and account of " Latimer and Nevill, Barons Latimer," &C, by William Loftie Button in the M Bucks. Arch. Sue.," vol. vi, pp. 48-71. (°) This John was br. to William Latimer, sum. as Lord Latimer 20 Dec, 1299, each of the brothers marrying sisters, coheirs of Braybrooke and Corby, co. Northampton. O In (1824-25), IS Kd. IL, when iu the expedition into Gascony he is "called "Thomas I.e Latimer, Bochard." (k) Bridge's "Northamptonshire," vol. ii, p. II. ( h ) See p. 19, note " b," sub " Lansladrou." (') His issue continued till 1410 in the male line. Sir Warine Latimer, Knight Banneret, his B. and h. by the first wife, was 30 at his father's death. He m. Catharine, sister to John De-la-Warr, and d. 13 Aug. (1349), 23 Kd. III. His widow (1361 ), 35 Kd. III. He left four sons, all successively of Braybrook, ri;. (1) John Latimer s. and h., aged 16 at his father's death, who d. a minor and num. and was sue. by his br., (2) Warine Latimer, who also (/. a minor and num. before 1361 and was sue. by his br., (3) Sir Thomas Latimer, aged 20, and a minor in 1 361. He was one of the Lollards. His will as " of Bruybruke, a fals Knyjht to God is dat. 13 Sep. 1101, and pr. 21 May 1402. He d. s.p. leaving Ann, his widow, who d. 1402, and was tUC. by his br., (4) Edward Latimer (called, like his grandfather, Bochard), who also d. s.p. (1410-11), 12 Hen. IV., leaving a widow, Margaret (who m. Nicholas Merbury) on whose death, John Griffin, his great nephew and heir, succeeded. Thia John was s. and h. of Richard, who was s. and h. of Thomas Griffin, by Elizabeth (or Catharine) sister of the said Edward Latimer. John Griffin d. s.p. (1443-44), 22 Hen. VI., and the representation of the Latimer family passed eventually as well as their estates to Sir Nicholas Griffin, K B., great grandson of his br., Nicholas Griffin. This Sir Nicholas, who d. 1509, had two sons, ri;. (1) Thomas, and (2) Edward. The second son, Sir Edward Griffin, was Attorney Gen, to Queen Mary, and his posterity eventually inherited the Braybrooke estates, his groat grandson, Edward, being cr. iu 16S8 Karon Griffin of Uraybrooke. Sir Thomas Griffin, the eldest son, d. s.p.m.s. 1509, leaving, however, a grandaughter and heir, Mary (da. and h. of Sir Bice Griffin), who hi. Thomas Markham, of Ollerton, Notts, and left a numerous issue among whom the representative of this Barony of Latimer is to be found. (i) Query whether the earlier dates may not relate to his Father. ( k ) Christian, the other da. and coheir, m. John Latimer, and was mother of Thomas Latimer, of Braybrooke, sum. (also iu 1299) to Pari, as Lord Latimer.