Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/232

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230 MAR. OF MAR [S.] in 1 47!» u* HSO-C) tie was bung (with hix others) in sight of the King, over the bridge u( Lauder, in July 1482, by several of the Seoteh nobles whom his sudden rise had disgusted. At his death his prtrtiyt dignity (if, indeed, iiny such legally existed} lapsed to tin Cnum. XV. H«3j /. AiEXAxriEn (Stkwaut), I'cki: of Ai.uaxy [S.], elder br. of John (Stkwart), Eahi. ok Maii [8.],nbovenamcd, being •2d s. of the lute King James II. [«.]. w»w, about Jan. 1482,3 er. EAKL 01' MA It AND GARkKTI, but was "forfeited" a few months later and i.- .-aid to have tA in 1485. See fuller particulars under - Albany" Dukedom [S.] cr. 1456; forfeited 1483. XYI. I486, The Loud Jobs Ktuwakt. 3d ami st. s. of the to reigning King James III. [K.], by Margaret, da. of Christian 1., 1 HQ'l. Kino ok Dkn.maiik, was h. 1179 or 1180. and was er. - March 1485 % EAUL OF MA II AND (JAKIOCH IS.] Ile</. unm., II March 1502,3, i 1 ') when all his honours became crtiiirt.^) XVII. 15G2. J. James, (.Stewaut), Kaui. ok Moray [S. I (who li ul been so cr. 30 Jan. l">iil 2,) was (a week later), a: 7 Feb. 1561/2, EARL OF MA.R( d ) [>».], with a clause that he ami his heirs male should be called by that title. He, however resigned the same, a few months later, sitting in Pari. [H.], on 10 Sep. 1562, as Eahi. ok Maii, ami on 15 Out, following as Eaki. of Moray. Sec " Muiiay " Earldom [S-]i er. 1562. [During the interval of rather mote than a century that elapsed between 15 May 1457, and 23 June 1 565, when the Earldom was, under the retour of the former date 'subsequently found to be K utfcwjy(*) erroneous") held by the Crown, the dc jure heirs thereof under the (royally continued) charter of Dec. 1401 (by which the descent of the Earldom has ever since 1565 been regulated) were as follows.] ( :l ) "It is probable that only the revenues of the Earldom were assigned to him without tbe title, which, however, his flatterers or his own vanity might use." Wood's " Ooiujlas." ( b ) See Exchequer accounts [S.] In Wood's " Douglas " it is stated that "an act of Pari. 15 Feb, 118ft, Contains a provision of the Duke of Ross and Earl of Marr." ( c ) The two immediate successors (1488 — 1512) of James III. [S.J, made no grant of the dignity of Mar, retaining "the territorial comitatus in their own hands," tho' bestowing " various portions and dependencies " to their favourites but to none on the same scale " as the grants (1507-10), by James IV. to Alexander Elphinstone (afterwards Lord Elphinstone [S. Jl, which comprised " the Castle of Kildrummie the chief messuage of the Earldom of Mar. [See " A," (vol. i, pp. 2Bft — 300) as in note "b," p. 218. ' ( d ) He was a bastard of King James V. [8.1, by Margaret, da. of John (Erskine, ilc jure Earl of Mar. Hence his choice of the title of Mar and his readiness to surrender it to, its right heir, his first cousin, John, (ith Lord Erskine, who was restored thereto in 1565. ■ ( c ) The four points on which it rested are given in Wood's Douglas," vol. ii, p. 205, and their refutation on p. 200. One of them was that the King was himself heir to Isabel, Countebs of Mar, as descended from Isabel do Mar, wife of King Robert I. [8»], whereas in point of fact. Isabel was sister while Elyn, (ancestress of the Erskine family,) was daughter of Gratney, Earl of Staff the great grandfather of the said Countess Isabel. See p. 231, note " d."