Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/244

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242 MARCH. Edinburgh, Dec. 1702 to Oct. 1704. He m. (contract 12 Oct. 1093). Jane, 2d da. of Juhn (Hay). 1st Marquess of Tweedai.e [8.J, by Jean, da. of Walter (Scott), Earl ok Buccleuch [3 ] He d. at Edinburgh, 2 Sep. 170.1, And was bur. at Peebles.^ 1 ) His widow d. at Edinburgh, July 1729, and was bur. with him. Fun. entry at Lyon office. II. 1705. 2. William (Douglas), Earl of March, &c. [S.], 1st s. and h., b. about 1 (590. He m. Ann, 1st da. of John (Hamilton), Earl of Ruglf.n [S.], afterwards [1739] Earl ok Selkirk [S.], by his first wife, Anne, da. of John (Kennedy), 7th Karl of Cassillis [S.] He </. at Barn ton, oo, Edinburgh, 7 March 1731, in his 35th year. His widow, who was i. 5 April 1698, became, on the death of her father, suo jure Countess of Huglen [S.] She hi. secondly, Jan. 1747, Anthony Sawyer, Paymaster of the Forces [S.] She d. at York, 21 April 174S, in her 51st year. ILL 1731. J. William (Douglas), Karl of March, &t [S.], only s. and h., 4. 10 Dec. 1725. He me. Ids mother, on her death. 21 April 174S, as EAKL OF RUGLKN, &c, [S.], a peerage cr. 11 April 1097, six days before that of the Earldom of March. He sue. his cousin, 22 Oct. 1778, as Dt'KK OF QOEENSBER11Y. &c. [S.] For fuller particulars see "t,>lEENSRERRY," Karldom of [S.], cr. 1033, under the 0th Earl and 1th Duke. His Grace*/, num. 23 Dec. 1810, in his SOth year, when such of his dignities as did not become, extinct devolved in three separate ways, of which one, viz., the Bartdom »f March and the titles er. therewith (20 April 1097), devolved (unless, indeed, they be consideicd as having become extinct by the failure of heirs male of the body of the grantee) as under. IV. 1810. 4. Francis Ciiarteris-Wkmyss, afterwards Chahtkris- Wk.myss-Douglas, styling himself, EARL OF WEMYSS [S.], cousin and h., according to the spec. lim. in the patent of 1097, being grandson and b. of Francis Charteris-Wemyss, also styling himself Earl of Wemyss (who d. 1, SOS), 2d but 1st surv. s. and h. of James, Karl ok Wemyss (who (/. 1750), s. and h. of David, Earl of Wbmyss, by his first wife, Ann. da. of William (Douglas), 1st Duke ok Queensbehry [S.], sister of William, 1st Earl ok March, .-he being the person on whose heir male of the body the Earldom of March, &c, together with the castle and estate of Niedpath, devolved. He was, on 17 July 1821, cr. a Peer [U.K.] as Baron Wemyss of Weniyss, go. Fife, and on 1S20, by the reversal of the attainder in 1715, of his ancestor) became Karl of We.mvss, &c. [S.] See "Wemyss" Earldom of [S.], rr. 1633, attainted 174.1, but restored 1S20 ; with which Earldom, the Earldom of .March, &C, (if, indeed, the extended remainder thereof be considered genuine) contiuues united. MARCH [in England"]. i.e., the English Marches towards Wales. original signed patent, having been inserted in Scotland Subsequently." The settle- ment of the lands and lordship of Niedpath, 12 Oct. 1093, is fully set out in Wood's " Douglas," vol. ii, p. 091, and, by it, the peerage would be unquestionably vested (as those lands are), in the Karl of Wemyss. It is stated in " Itiddell " (p. 208) " that in the docquet of the March signature in 1697, the solitary word 'which' prefaces the blank that has been noticed [i.e., one immediately following the grant to heirs male of the body] and seems to evince that an ulterior limitation had been in view." See " Hiddell" pp. 207-8, 10.12-3 el sen. and 100.1, note 3. (») His elevation to a peerage by King William seems extraordinary, considering his Jacohitish antecedents ; Macky, in his " Characters," writes of him that " he hath no great genius, but is a good-natured gentleman, handsome in his person." He adds, however that he is " turned of .10 years old," which seems as if there is some confusion, as the Karl could not have bceu much more than 40, even at his death in 1705, his eider br. being 4. in 1002.