Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/270

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268 MASHA M — M ASSEREEXE. IT. 175S, 8. Samuel (Masham), Baron Masham of Cites [1712], to also a Itaromt [1621], 2d but 1st surv. s. and h., 6. 1712 ; was v.[i. a 177G. Lord of the Bedchamber to King Geo, II.: we. to the ptcrage as also to the lleniembraiu-ership of the Exchequer, 16 Oct. 1758 ; Groom of the Bedchamber to the Prince of Wales, 17f>8. He m. firstly, 16 Oct. 1736, at St. Geo. Han. w., Henrietta (" worth £20,000 "), da. of Salway Winmnotux, of Stanford Court, co. Worcester, by Ann, da. of Thomas Foley, of Whitley, in that county. She d. 1 7d 1 and was bar. at High Laver. lie in. secondly Charlotte (one of the Maids of Honour tn the Princess of Wales), da. of John Dvvk, by Dorothy, da. and h. of Walter Aston, of Millwich, Co. Stafford. She (/. 21 May 1 773, aged til, and was bur. at High Laver. lie il. s.p., 14 June 1776, aged til, when all hit honours became extinct. Will pr. June 1773. MASH AM OF SWINTON. Barony. 1. Samuel Ctoufpe-Listbr, of Swititon Park, in I 1891 Mashani, co. York, 4th s. of Ellis CcslIFKE-LISTEB-KaT(») (formerly ' Ellis Cunliffe), of Mauningham, eo. York, by his second wife, Mary, da. of William KAT, of Cuttinghain, in that county, was b. 1 Jan. 1815: High Sheriff for Yorkshire, 1887 ; sometime Col. of the West Hiding Volun- teers and wag er. If. July 1S91, BARON MASHAM Of SWINTOS,( h ) eo. York. He »». 6 Sep. 1854, Anne, 1st da. of John Dkahdkn, of Hotline Hall, near Halifax. She d. 187o. Family Estates. — These, in 1SS3, consisted of 24,240 acres in the North Hiding and 3-20 in the West Biding of Yorkshire. Total. 04,569 acres, worth £17,258 a year. Principal Residence. Swinton Park, near Iiedale, Yorkshire. MASSEREENK. Viscountcy [I.] 1. Sir John ClotworTHV, of Antrim, eo. Antrim, I 1660 s- alul k uf *' ll b 1 Clotwohthy, Sheriff of co. Antrim, by Mary, da. of Hoger Lanhfoud, of Muckmaire, in that couuty, me, his father, 12 Feb. 1630; was M.P. iu the English Pari. temp. Car. I. ; M.P. for co. Antrim, 1634 ; was greatly instrumental in forwarding the Restora- tion and, iu reward thereof, having been made P.C., was a:, 21 Nov. 1660,( c ) BARON OF LOUGHNEAGH and VISCOUNT MASSEKEENE, both in co. Antrim [I.J, with (in an Irish peerage a very unusual) spec, rem., failing heirs male of his body, to Sir John SkeffinoTON (his son in law) and the issue male of the said John by Mary, bin wife [only child of the grantee], whom failing to the heirs gtneraltf his own l>udy,( il ) He took bis seat, 8 May 1661. He was Col. of u Heg. of Foot and a Commissioner for the Court of Claims; Custos ltot., co. Deny, 1663 [I.] He m. Margaret, 1st da. of Roger (Jones), 1st Viscount Ranelauh [I.], by. his first wife, Frances, da. of Gerald (Mooke), 1st Viscount Drogheda [I.J Ho d. s.p.m. Sep. 1665. truth and sincerity, without the least mixture of falsehood or disguise ; of an honest boldness and courage, firm and disinterested in her friendship, and full of love, duty, and veneration for the Queen, her mistress." c l ) He took the name of Lister under the will of Samuel Lister, of Mauningham, and the name of Kay on the death of William Kay, of Cottiugham. He was descended from the family of Lister, being s. and h. of John Cunliffe, of llkley, who was s. and h. of Ellis Cunliffe, of the same, by Elizabeth, 1st da. and coheir of Thomas Lister, of Manningham. ( b ) See p. 82, note " b," sub " Leicester of Holkhain," as to this class of peerage, where the greater is subordinated to the less ; so also " Truro of Bowes," "Halifax af Monk brettou," &c, the title being (by the addition) thus explained away as not having reference to the place of note (town, city, or country), whose name it bears. ( c ) The preamble of the patent is in " Lodge," vol. ii, p. 378. ( J ) The ancient Eardoms [I.], of Ulster, Carrick, and Ormond, were to "heirs general," but since the creation of the last (1328), it is believed that no patent (save this one of 1661) has conferred an Irish dignity to such heirs. In none of the three kingdoms have a greater number of ladies been raised to the dignity of peerage, but the rem. (when any existed) has been always to the heirs male of the body of the grantee or of her husband or, iu the case of a male grantee, to the issue male of u da. or daughters.