Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/276

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274 MAULEY — MAXWELL. of liis lands (139S-OT), 22 Rie. II. ; being sum. t<> Parl(') from IS Aug. (1390), 2:3 Rie. II. to 12 Aug. (1415), 3 Hen. V., by writs directed " /Y(m dt Mala luru " ; was K.B. at the Coronation (13 Oct. 1300) of Henry IV. He hi. Matilda, da. of Ralph (Nkvii.l), 1st Eaiii. OF Wkst.mori.anii, by his first wife, Margaret, da. of Hugh (Stafford), Earl OF STAFFORD, He s.p. (1416), 3 Hen. V., when the Barony fell into «foyfl«(W.( b ) His will as u 1'ttrit* tit. Mattlay, MciuPHiijp) Jtowi/uts tie Mtilyreve" directing his burial to lie at St. John's, Bridlington, dat. at Mulgrave, 5 Sep. 1415, pr. at York, 24 April lllii.;' 1 ) The will of his widow, as " Matiltlis, Domina tk Mauley," dat. 1 anil pr. S Oct. 1428, at York,! 1 ) directs her burial to he at the Friars Preachers at Scardeburgh. MAXWELL.(o) Barony [S.] l. Sir Herdert Maxwell, of Maxwell, cn. Roxburgh, I 1445 ! Caerlaverock, CO. Dumfries, Sat., s. and h. of Herbert Maxwell, of the same by his first wife (dispells. 1386), Katheriue, da. of John Stewart, of Dalswinton ; had a safe conduct, 3 Nov. 1413 as one of the " obsides pro Bolutioue redemptionis " ; was knighted, 21 May 1124: one of the guarrantees of a treaty with the English, IS Dee. 1430, anil was er. a Lord of I'arl., LORD MAXWELL fs.], prior to :i July 1445.0 lie was subsequently (14 Aug. 14. r )l, and 23 May 1453), a Conservator (1451, .<cc.), of a truce with England. He in. firstly ( — ), da. of Sir Robert HbBKIRS, of Terrcgles. He in. secondly Catharine, willow of Sir Alan Sti'aRT, of Danilev (who it. 1430), da. of Sir William Setun, of Seton. He d. before 14 Eeb. 1 153 4. " His widow living 20 March 1475/u". II. 1152? Rorert (Maxwell), I.orij Maxwell [S.], s. an.l h.^ by first wife, was served heir, 1 Feb. 1 153 ; was present in Tail. [S.J, 0 June 1465, 14 Oct. 1467, 0 April 1478, &c. ; was a guarrant if a time with England, 11 June 1157, and 12 .Sep. 1150. He m. Janet, dn, of Sir John Furukstkr, of Corstorphin, by Jean, da. of Henry (Sinclair), Earl of Orkney [8.] lie was living 22 April 1 185. III. 1485? 3. John (Maxwell), Lord Maxwki.l IS.], gnuulsrm ami h., being s. and h. of John Maxwki.l, Master of Maxwell, by Janet, da. of George (CftlCHTOX), Earl ok Caithness [S.J, which John was s. and h. ftp. of ( n ) There is proof in the rolls of Pari, of his sitting. ( b ) The coheirs were his sisters of whom, apparently, one, Isabel, wife of Uieharil Lindsey d. before him ami s.p. As to the other two (1) Constance was in 1115, aged 30, and wii'e of her 2d husband, Sir John liigot, by whom she wafl mother of Ralph Bigot, who inherited Mulgrave, and who was succeeded therein by six generations in the male line. By her first husband, William Fairfax, of Walton, she also left issue ; (2) Elizabeth, was in 1 115 aged 25, and wife of George Salvaine, whose s. and h. Sir John Salvaine inherited Doiicaster, and whose posterity, in the male line, long continued so possessed. The representation of this coheir passed thro' Mary, sister and eventually sole heir of Thomas Salvaine, to Barbara, her da. and h. by Sir John Webb, Bart., which Barbara was wife of Anthony (Ashley-Cooper), 5th Earl of Shaftesbury, whose da. and h., Lady Barbara Ashley-C'oopei in. the lion. William Francis Spencer- Poiisonby, who in consequence of such alliance was cr. in 1S38, Baron dc Mauley of Cmiford co. Dorset. (<=) Vide p. 273, note -'a." ('•) Vide p. 273, note " d." ( e ) The Editor is much indebted to Mr. M. J. Shaw-Stewart, for his careful revision of this article. (I) "The dignity of Lord Maxwell appears to be as ancient, as the introduction of Lords of Bail, into the Pari, of Scotland, and the Baron of Maxwell and Caerlaverock was probably one of the Barons on whom the honour of a Lord of 1'itrl. was first con- ferred. Herbert, the 1st. Lord Maxwell, witnessed ill Pari, the charter creating James Hamilton a Beer, on 3 July 1115, and he and four other Peers were specially described us Lords of Parliament." [" Hewlett," p. 1G8.J See also vol. iv, p. 138, note " d," tub " Hamilton."