Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/351

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MONTFORT. 349 MONTFORT. Barony by 2. John de Montfort, of Beaudesert, co. Warwick, s, Writ. :mi i, ,,f pater DE Montfout, of the same, sue. his father in 1287, | [395 luld, hawug distinguished himself in the French wars, was suni. to Pari, na -a Baron (LORD MONTFORT), by writs dat. 23 June, 1 Oct. and 2 Nov. 0295), 23 Ed. I. He M. Alice, da. of William DE la Pi.aiinciik. He it. (12U5-!)0), u Ed. I. Btck, 21 Ed. I. II. 1290. .lorrv (nc Montfout), Lord Montfort, s. and h., aged 5 years at the death of his father. He was sum. to Pari., 26 July (ISIS), 7 Ed. II., in which year he was pardoned for his share in the murder of Piera ile UavestOB, He il. s.o. being slain by the Scots in the battle of Stryvclin 1314. III. 1311, .;. Peter (de Moxtfort), Lord Montfort, br. and h. to lie was formerly a Priest, but obtaining dispensation was knighted, I 307. cSade Sov. of Warwick Castle, and Was sum. to Pari, as a Baron from 22 Jan. (1335/6), !' Ed. 111. to 10 March (1348/9), 23 I'M. III. He M. Margaret, da. of "the Loud Fi'ii.sival." He tf. 8.p.m.e,( n ) in 1SS7, when the llarony became extinct or in ubci/a>n-c.( h ) Will directing his burial to be at the Friars Preachers, Warwick, dat. 12 Dec. 1367. MONTFORT OF IIORSEKEATII. Barony. 1, EIenrt Bromley, of Horseheath, co. Cambridge and I 17-il C**t' e »(') CO' Worcester, only s. and h. of John Bromley.C 1 ) of Horseheath afsd., by Mercy, da. and eventually sole h. of William, of Holt Castle ai'sd., was 6. 20 Aug. 1705 ; tuc his father, 1 Nov. 1718; ed. at Eton, and, as a Fellow Commoner, at Clare Hall, Cambridge; M.A. [net lit. reg.) 1726; MP. for Cambridgeshire, 1727-11, being a: 0 May 17-11, [.(Mil) MONTKUKT, BARON OF HUKSEH KATH, eo. Cambridge. High Steward of the town of Cambridge. He m. IS March 1726, Frances, sister and h. of Sir Francis Wyndham, Bart., da. of Thomas Wyndiiam, of Trent, co. Somerset, by Lucy, da. of Richard Mkad, of Westminster. She (/. in childbed, and was bur. at St. Margaret's Westm., 1 Feb. 1732 He ( /. 1 .Ian. 1755. in his 50th year, and was bur. in Trinity chapel, South Audley street, St. Ceo. Uan. s<[. Will pr. 1755. II. 175"). 2. Thomas (, Lord Montfort, Baron of Hoiiskiikath, only s. and h. b. Jan. 1732 3 ; ed. at Eton; sometime M.P. for Cambridgeshire ; »Ue. In the fmtraffe, 1 Jan. 1755; Col of the Cambridge- shire Militia, lie hi. 1 March 1722, at, St. Marylebone, Mary Anne, sister of Sir Patrick Bi.aKK. Part., of I.augliaui, da. of Andrew Blake, by Mareella, da. of (--), KiiENeil, of Ireland, lie sold the estate of Horseheath. He d. 24 Oct. 1709, aged 65.("-') Will D*. 1S08. Hi. widow about 1830. Will pr. Aug. 1S30. (") The only legit s. (who also was h. ap.), Grey de Montfort m. Margaret, da, of Thomas (Beiiuehamp), Karl of Warwick and il. s.p. and v.p., leaving, however, a bastard son, ancestor of the family of Montfort, long settled at Colethill, co. Warwick. ('■) The coheirs to the Barony cr. by the writs of 121)5, if such writs were siilli- cieut to create a hereditary dignity (for .my Barony cr. by writs to the 2d or 3d Barony was extinct) were the sisters (or their issue) of the 2d and 3d Barons, viz. (1) Elizabeth who hi. Sir Baldwin de Freville and (2) Maud who m. Bartholomew de Sudeley. (") " Holt Castle and its appendant estates were sold by the late [1812] Peer or his father to Lord Foley for less Mian £20,000." [Cnllim.] () See " (ML Top. ct Gen." vol. iv. pp. 17 — 18, for some account of the cofflttf at Borscheatb of this family, as also a notice as to the arms of this branch thereof, implying a bastard descent. (°) As to his taste for •'Menageries" see vol. i, p. 352, note "a," sub "Bess- borough," relating to the amusements of " Men of Fashion " in 17S2.