Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/356

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354 MONTROSE. subsequently b;a: in Holyroodhouse church and finally in St Oiles cathedral, Edinburgh. He m. (contract, 10 Nov. 1629), Magdalen, (ith da. of David (Carnegie), 1st Earl of Softhesk [S.], by Margaret, da. of Sir David Lindsay, of Edzcll. [( — ) Graham, sti/le>l F.ahl of Kincardine, 1.4 s. nud li. ap. He accompanied his father in liis campaign in 1845, and (/. v. p. and unm. at the I log of Gioht, in March 164$, ill his 18th year, being 6«r. at Bellie church.] Marquessate [S.] II. Earldom [8.] VI.

.' ami 0. Jami-.s (Graham), Marquess of

Montrose, Ac. [S.] (generally known as " The good IR5Q Miirijucss ") 2d but only surv. s. and h. ; fc. about Iti-ll ; sti/iW Earl ok KiNc'rdink from 1845 till he sue. to the peerage [S.], his father's Mar- quessate, &c. [S.], being confirmed (as before stated) tii him with the precedency of 0 May Hil l, by a patent nf novadamiis. 1'2 Dec. HiliO, when the estati-s, which had been forfeited in 16£>0, were restored. He declined, in 1861, to the trial of (his father's great enemy) the Marquess of Argyll [S.] ; was P.r. [S.J and one of the extra. Lords of Session, 1668-69. He »i. Isabel, widow of Robert iKeru), 1st Earl ok ItoxmiiuilK [S ] (who d. IS Jan. 16:10). Stb da. of William (', E.iit. ok Morton [S.], by Anne, da. of George (KeVJH), otli Earl M.UtlsiH.u. [S.] He was &Uf. 23 Peb. 1669, aged about 3S, in the chapel of Aberruthven, co. Perth. Marquessate [8.] III. Earldom [S.] VII. 1GG9. ■"> and 7. James ((Ioaham}, Marquess of Montrose, JtC. [SJi s. ami h., xtj/leil Kincar- m tut till be wc.tii thepterage [S.],in Eeb. 1669, at which date l.e was very your it;. He was subsequently appointed (by King Charles II.), Cant, of the Quanta and in 1682, President of the Council [S.] He >a. Christian, 2d da. and coheir of John (Leslie), DrJKR ok Rothes [S.], by Anne, da. of John iLlNDsAY), Earl ok CRAWFORD AND LlNOs.w |S.J He </. 2. r i April 16S4. Fun. entry at Lyon office. His widow in. May 10S7, Sir John Jint'i K, 2.1 Hart. [&], of Balcaskie and Kinross, who d. s.p.m. Shed, at Edinburgh, 21 April and was rW. 1 May 1710 in the Abbey church there. Euu. entry at Lyon office. Marquessate [S. IV. Earldom [S.J VIII. Dukedom [S.] II. 1707. J h S, and 1. James (Graham), Marquess ok Montrose, &c. [&.t only s. and b., 4. about 1680; ttylid Earl ok Kincardine till be sue. I" the puragc [S ], 2;", April 1884, at. which date he 1084 was very 3"oung ; was a Commissioner of the Treasury [S ]. 1 705-07 ; High Admiral [S.], 170.1-0o r ; President of the Council [S. ], 1701, and again, 1708, He obtained, 6 Sep. 1706, on resigna- tion, a new charter of the Mart/unsuU' of Montrose [S.], ratified by act of Pari, with extended limita- tion to heirs female and heirs of nomination. Being a zealous supporter of the Protestant succession and of the act of union, he was or., 21 April 1707, DUKE OK MONTKOSli, MARQUESS OK GRAHAM AND BUCHANAN, EARL OF KINCARDINE) VISCOUNT OF DUN PAKE, and LORD ABERRUTHVEN, MUGDOi K, AND FINTUIE [S.], with a similar rem. as that of the MarqueB&ate.(*) He was Hep. Pkhr [S.] in six Paris., viz., 1707-10, and 1715-34; P.C., 1708 ; Lord (») The words of the patent, which extends the limitation, run " to the other heirs provided to succeed to the title and dignity of Marquis of Montrose by the former patents of honour made and granted to the said .lames, Marquis of Montrose, hit prcdtceuouiB." It is pointed out in " Kiddcll " (pp. 200—202), that the only patent of that Marquessate to the predecessors of the grantee was that of 1660 which was to " heirs male of the body," all of which, save the grantee, bad failed, but that probably the words refer to the patent of the previous year (1706) granted to the grantee himsclj whereby the limitation of the Marquessate was extended.