Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/383

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MORTIM ER — MORTON. 381 MORTIMER See "ZotJCHK m Mortimer," Barony (ZtmeltP, formerly Mortimer) er. 1323, in uhrijanrr 1 10'). »>., " Mortimer " K:u Mom (Il'tih i/), r,-. Ull witb the Earldom of Oxkoud, which see ; K, 1S53. MORTOX.C) Earldom [S.] /. .Tames (DOUGLAS), Lord Dalkeith [S.], s. ami I), of I 1 t")S J*BH*i U»SD Du.kkith [S,], l>y liis 2d wife, F.lizabeth, sister of James GiFpOBO, »«.•. his father in {Aa< yarayt [S. ] (a dignity er. 1 130?) aliunt 1 1'i'i, and, having m. or being about to marry the Lady Joan Stewaut, da. of King James I. [S.J, by Joan, da, of John (Bkacfort), F.aiii, OV SOMBRSKT, was Br. 1 1 March 14o7 8.CJ EARL OF MOKTON [.S.J Ha was one of the Ambassadors to England. II June 1 1 It 1 and 28 July HSU, but d. before 13 May 1 r.01. H. I.'iOO? John (Douglas), Earl of Mailtos, &c. p5."J only k and h., was present in Part [S.]. 13 May ISQi. He m. Janet, da. of (— ) ClIICHTOS, of Cranston- Ki< Mel, both being living, 22 Feb. 1'iOti 7- He d. before 8 Feb. If. Hi. III. 15151 3. James (Douglas), Earl of Morton, ami Loud Du.kkith [S.]. s. and h, who on 0 Feb. l.'lO, had safe conduct to go to England. He in. Catharine StkWahT, illo(;it. da. of King- James IV. ^K.], by Mary HoYD, spinster, .'she was living in l/WO, in whieh year lie was induced by the King to tv>igu his estates and honours (subject to his own life rent and his wife's "tierce") in favour of a distant cousi|i( c J [Ilia nearer relative, the heir male presump- secondly Sir lliehanl Talbot, who became in her right of Kicliards Castle, which continued in their descendants in the male line till the death of their great grandson, John Talbot, in 13SS (2) Margaret, aged 10, in 1304, wife of Sir Geoffrey Cornwall, in 1815-10, who in her right was of Unrfonl, Oxon, being, by her, ancestor of the family of Cornwall, who styled themselves " Karons of Btlrfonl. ' (") The Editor is indebted to Mr. M. J. Shaw-Stewart for his kind assistance in this article. ( h ) It was, as a protest against this creation, asserted that the lands of Morton belonged heritably to his step-grandmother, Janet. I.ady Dalkeith (widow of the 1st Lord) and to her son, William Douglas, to which the Chancellor answered that " Lord Dalkeith was not to receive his title in the Earldom for the lands of Morton lying in the Lordship of Niddisdale but for the lands of Mortoun in the territory of Calder- cleir." Thi' Karldom is elsewhere called that of "Morton in Dumfries-shire." f»l Tuhular Ptdigrti ikiving the relationship of the earlier £arls <if Morion [.?.] tn each other and to the house of Uouijlas, nj Domjlas. Archibald Douglas, of Douglas, 1 213- 1 2 10- =f= r- 1 Sir William Douglas, of Douglas, 1210-1271 ; Andrew Douglas, 2d son, living l'21S. r r= ancestor of the Kails of Douglas and (by bastard descent) of the Earls of Angus, , Oueeushcrrv, *e. IS.] William D. of Midlothian, s. ft b.,s living I2!'U. J r— See vol. iii, p. 154, note •' a." Sir James D. of Laudon, s. & h.,sj ancestor of the houses of Douglas of Dalkeith, Aberdour, Morton and Loch le veil ; </. 1320.