Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/387

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MORTON. 385 of his father, 3 July 100.". and of his grandfather, 4 Nov. 1G06. P.C. [S.] ; * Gent, of the Bedchamber to James VI. [S.], and to Charles I.; High Treasurer [S.J, 1 630-85; Capt. of the Yeomen of the Guard, 1635 ; P.C. [RJ : el. K.G., 9 Xov. 1633. and iust. 21 April 1634 ; ma, in 1611 (but never elected), High Chancellor [S.] In his zeal for the Koyal cause he, who before that time had been one of the richest and greatest nobles, alienated the family estate of Dalkeith and other lands of the annual value of £100,000 Scots, receiving in reward, the islands of Orkney and Zetland, 15 June 1613, subject to their redemption for £30,000 by the Crown, lie was one of those who waited on the King at Newcastle in 1640. He hi. Anne, 1st da. of George (Keith), 5th Haul M.uusch.u. [S.], by his first wife, Margaret, da. of Alexander (Home) 5th Lmo Home [S.] He d. at Orkney , 7 Aug. 1648, in his 66th year. IX. 1G43. S. Korert (Douglas), Exrl of Morton, Sec [§.], h. before 1616; s. and h., sli/lcd Lord Dalkeith) ■>) till he sue. It the pcerar/c fS.], 7 Aug. 1618 ; being served heir to his father, 29 March 1619. lie »i. Elisabeth, sister of William, 2d Viscount Gu andisox [1.]. ila. of .Sir IvUvarJ Villieks, by Barbara, da. of Sir John St. John. He tl. in Orkney, late in 1619. His widow rf. Dec. 1651. X. 1649. 0. WtZUAM (Douglas), Earl of Morton, Sec. [S.J, s. and h., sue. to the pcerai/e [S.], in 1649. lie, in 1663, procured a new grant of the islands of Orkney and Zetland in trust for his family, but this and the former grant were afterwards held to be invalid and the islands were, by act of Pari., 27 Dec. 1669, annexed to the Crown. He m. 12 June 1662. at Holyrood House. Grizel, 1st da. of John (Middle-ton), 1st Earl of Middleton [S.], by his first wife. Grizel, da. of Sir James DURHAM. She A. March 1666. He d. s p.s. 1681. [Charles Douglas, styh'il Lord Dalkeith, s. ami b. ftp. He tl. v.p. and unm.] XI. 1681. 10. James (Douglas), Earl of Morton, (fee. [S.], uncle and h. He was kni'ihtcd, 23 Sep. 16:i5 (by the Karl of Lindsey) on board the Royal ship " Marie Honor ;" was a Gent, of the Privy Chamber to Charles I. He sue. to the peerage [S.] in 1681. He m. Anne, da. and coheir of Sir James Hat, 3d Dart. [S.], of Smithlield, by Grace, da. of the Uev. Thomas Clavkiun.;. He d. 16S6. His widow was 6ki 17 Feb. 1700. Funeral entry in Lyon office. [CriAitLES Douglas, 1st s. ami li. ap., styled "Lord Auerdotjr.C') who perished at sea on his passage to Hi. d unmarried. "( c ) XII. 1G8G. 11. James (Douglas), Earl of Morton, &b, [S.], 2d but 1st surv. s. and h., h. about 1650 ; sue. to the peerage [S.] in 168(5 : was a supporter of the Revolution ; P.C. to Queen Anne and one of the Com- missioners for the Union [S.] which he vigorously supported. He obtained in 1707 an act o. Pari, granting him the islands of Orkney and Zetland {ioriner)y granted to his grandfather as afsd.), redeemable on payment of £30,000. He d. unm., 10 Dec. 1715. Funeral entry iu Lyon office. (") In a charter of !) Oct. 1616, he is called " Lord of Dalkeith, Master of Morton,' and in a charter of 3 Nov. 1632, " Lord Dalkeith." l b / It appears that soon after the alienation of the Dalkeith estate the designation of " Aberdour" (tho' not apparently a title of peerage) was adopted as the style of the heir apparent of this house (it being one of the estates held by them) in lieu of " Dalkeith." (<=) Wood's "Douglas." 2 B