Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/389

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MORTON. 387 XVII, 1774. in. Gannon (Douglas), Earl of Morton, &c [8.], • nily B. and h., 6, 3 April 1701 ; was, apparently sti/lrd Lord ABERDm:n,(") 1708-74 ; sue (»Mc pcrnt(/c [S.]. 2.". Sep. 1774. KKl". Pkki: [S.J, 17S4-90, being cr. 11 Aug. 1791, BARON DOUGLAS OK LOCHLEVEN, oo. Kinross [G.B.] : Chamberlain of the Household to the Queen Consort, 1702— ISIS; K.T., being invested (at St. James), 20 .Inly 1797. Lord High Commissioner to the Kirk [S.J, 1S20-2I ; Lord Lieut, of Fife-hire, 1808-34, and of Midlothian 1821 till his death in 1827. Vice President of the Royal Society, F.S.A., &c. He »!. LI Aug. 1SH, Susan Elizabeth, sister of John, 1st Baron Chiuston, 1st da. of Sir Francis Yarde- Bi i.i.ER, 2d Bart., by Elizabeth Lydia, da. and h. of J,,hn HolUBaY. He d. s.p., 17 July 1327, at Dalniahoy near Edinburgh, aged 66, when the /I'tr-n;/ of Dowjlus tif LocKUven became extinct. Will pr. Oct, 1827. Ilia widow in. 17 Sep. 1881, at St. Geo. Han. so,., Edward Godfrey, of Old Hall, near East Bergholt, Suffolk, where she </. 23 July 1819, aged 50. Will pr. Dec. 1849. XYIir. 1827. 17. George Siiolto (Douglas), Earl of Morton - , &c. [S.], cousin and h. being s. an.l h. of Lieut. Col. the Hon. John DODQLA8, by Frances, 1st da of Edward (Lascei.les), 1st Eahlop Harkwood, which John (who d. 1 May 1818, in his 52d year;, was second s. of James the (XVth), 14tb Karl, being his only s. by Bridget, his second wife. He was 4. 23 Dec. 17S9, in London ; ed. at Trill, Coil., Cambridge ; M.A., 1SI0 ; Attache at Madrid, 1811 ; Sec. of legations at Stockholm, 1812 ; at Florence, 1S14 ; at Berlin, 1816-25; sue to the peerage [S.], 17 July 1827; Uki Peer [S.], 1S3U-5S ; a Lord-iu- Waiting, 1811-49, ami from Feb. to Dec. 1862; Lieut. Col. of Midlothian Yeomanry Cavalry, 1843-44. Hem. 3 July LSI 7, Frances Theodora, sister of Hugh Henry, Baron- .Stuathsaihn, 1st Aa, of the lit. Hon. Sir George Henry Rusk, G.C.H., by Frances, da. and coheir of Thomas DoNOOMDR, of Duncombe Park, co. York, lie d. 31 March 1858, aged OS, at 47, Brook street, London. His widow, who was 4, 31 Aug. 1708, d. 12 July 1S79, at 45, Brook street, in her Slst year. XIX. 1858. IS. Sholto John (Douglas), Earl of Morton, &c. [S.J, s. ami h., 4. 13 April 1818, at Berlin ; styled Lord Aberdouh,(>) 1827-58 ; sometime (1843-44) Lieut. 11th Hussars; Lieut. Col. of the Midlothian Yeomanry Cavalry, 1844-53, and Lieut. Col. Commandant, 1853-72 ; .inc. to the jxcrarje [S.J. 31 March 1858 ; R*f. Peer [S.], 1859-84. He in. firstly, 24 Jan. 1844, at Barnes, Helen, da. of James Watson, id Sanghtun, CO. Midlothian. She d. s as "Lady Aberdour"), 17 Dec. 1S50, at Saugbton afsd. He m. secondly, 7 July lS, r i3,at St. James' Westm., Alice Anne Caroline, da. of John George (Lambton), 1st Earl at Durham, by iiis second wife, Louisa Elizabeth, da. of Charles (GiiEY), 2d KaRL GREY. He d. 24 Dec. 18S4, aged 06, at Dalniahoy afsd. His widow, who was 4. 10 April 1881, and who was Lady of the Bedchamber to the Princess of Wales, 1863, living 1893. XX. 1884. 19. Sholto George Watson (Douglas), Earl of Morton [1458] and Lord Dalkeith [1430 ?] in the peerage of Scotland, only s. and h. ; 4. 5 Nov. 1S44 at Dahnahoy afsd. ; styled Loud Aiikhhour,^) 1858-84 ; cd. at Trim Coll. Cambridge; sue to the peerage [S.j, 24 Dec. 1SS4 ; Kkp Peer |S.], since 18S0. He to. 25 July 1S77, at St. Mark's, North Audley Street, Helen Gcraldine Maria, 4th da. of Charles Frederick Ashley Cooper (PONSONBY) 2d Baron de Mauley of Cankohd, by Maria Jane Elizabeth, da. of John William (Ponsonby), 4th Earl of Bessuokough [I]. She was 4. 12 Dec. 1852. [Sholto Charles Douglas, styled Lord Aberdour,^) lsts. and h. ap, ; b. 4 Dec. 1878]. Family Estates.— These, in 1SS3, consisted of 49,814 acres in Argyllshire (worth but £1,870 a year); 10,411 in Midlothian (worth £14,763 a year) ; 2,551 in Berwickshire ; 1,044 in Fifeshire and- 91 in Linlithgowshire; besides 0f>0 (worth £1,080 a year) in Leicestershire. Totol 65,161 acres, worth £22/288 a year. Principal Residence). Dalniahoy, near Wilkiestou, co. Midlothian ; Aberduur Castle, CO, Fife ; Conagleu House, Dear Ardour, co. Argyll, and Loddington Hall, co. Leicester. (■•) See p. 3S5, note " b."