Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/398

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39G MOUNTG ARRET. III. 1G02. J. Richard (Butler), A'iscount Mountcarret [I.], 1st s. and h. lie, in 1SB9, joined the rebellion of (bb father in law), the Earl of Tyrone [I.] He sue. to the peerage [L], 21 Nov. 1002, being then aged 24, and sat in the Paris. [I. |, of 1613, 1615, and 1631. He was Gov. of CO. Kilkenny during the Irish rebellion of Kill, which cause he favoured, lint was defeated at Kilrush, 10 April 1042, by the Karl of Ormonde [I.] He was President of the Supreme Council formed iu 1642, at Kilkenny, and continued to act as General of the Irish in the civil war. He m. firstly, before 1590, Margaret, da. of Hugh (O'Neill), Kahl of TtbOHK [I.J, by his second wife. Judith, da. of Manns O'Donnkll. He in. secondly Thomazine (afterwards^ 1 ) Elizabeth), da. of Sir William Amuikws, of Newport Pagnell, Bucks. She rf. sp. 1625. He m. thirdly Margaret, widow of Sir Thomas Si'encfh, Hart., of Yarnton, Oxon, da of Richard Branthwaitk. Serjeant at Law. He rf. 1651, and was 4 nr. at St. Caniee afsd. M.I. By Cromwell's act, 12 Aug. 1652, he was (tho' dead) excepted from pardon. His widow rf. at St. Giles iu the fields, Id and was Itur, 21 Dec. 1656, at Yarnton afsd. Will pr. 1657. IV. 1661. -i- Edmund (Butler), Viscous? Mountgarret J I.], called " Hoe," 1st 8. and h. by first wile. He lived at Bally Hoe, CO, Kilkenny, joined his Father in the proceedings of 1611 and was Gov. of Kilkenny iu 1646. He sue to t he pet rage [I.] in 1851, He was C'apt. in the army of Charle-. II. when iu exile, from whom he on 12 Dee. 1660, received pardon for all insurrections, &c. He was one of the Roman Catholic nobles!*') who in 1663 presented a remons- trance to the King. He («. firstly Dorothy, 2d da. of Mervyu (TiHTHF.t), 2d EaBL of Castlehaven [I.], by his first wife, Elizabeth, da. of Benedict Bahnham. She rf. nt Park's Grove, near Hallyragget, 10 and was for, 11 Feb. 1634 at St. Caniee afsd. He m. secondly, in 1637, Elizabeth widow of William Convehs, da. of Sir George Simeon, of Brightwell, Oxon, by his first wife, Mary, sister and coheir of Henry (Vacx), 6th Loud Yaix of Harhowdf.n. She rf. IS f'eb. 1673 and was bur. at St. Michan's, Dublin. ( c ) Herf. "oppressed with age and infirmities," 1671'. Will dat. 13 Oct, 1673 to 28 June 167S, pr. at Dublin 21 June 1679. V. 1G79. 8. Richard (Butler), Viscount Mountgarret [I.], u. and h.. by first wife, served sometime as a Capt. iu the French army ; sue. to the peerage [I.] iu 1679 and was Capt. of Horse in the Irish army of James Ilin 16S9, leading the forlorn hope against Londonderry, where be was taken prisoner and outlawed. He claimed his seat in Pari. [I.], 2D Oct. 1692, but refusing to take the oath of supremacy Was, under a resolution of the House of Lords [I.], of 11' Oct. 1698, struck out of the roll thereof. He hi. firstly Emilia da. of William BLUNDKLL, of Crosby, co. Lancaster by Anna, da. of Sir Thomas 1 Lu.okrston, 1st Hart, He tit. secondly, Margaret, widow of Gilbert Hitler, da. of ltiehard ShKE, of Shee's Court. He rf. Feb. 1706. VI. 170G. 6. Edmund (Butler), Viscount Mountgarret [I ], and h. by first wife, sue. to the peerage [[.], Feb. 1706. By resolution of the House of Lords [I.], 16 Dec. 1715, his name was inserted among the list of Peers, the outlawries of 1611 being declared to have been reversed, &c. He accord- ingly on 9 Oct. 1721 took the oath of allegiance and his seat. He m. firstly ( — ) da. of ( — ) Buchanan, ol Londonderry. He m. secondly Elizabeth, widow of Oliver Ghace (who rf. 8 June 170S), da. of John Buvan, of Bawnmore, co. Kilkenny, by his second wife Ursula, da. and coheir of Walter Walsh, of Castle iloel in that county. He rf. in Dublin 25 July 1735 and was bur. at St. Caniee afsd. His widow rf. in London, 13 June 1736, and was for, at St. Giles in the fields. (») She, " at her confirmation took the name of Elizabeth and was so called iu 1019." [Ulsters office as quoted in "Lodge" vol. iv, p. 66]. ('■) See their names in vol. ii, p. 119, note " d," sub Carlingford." {") In favour of her descendant and heir of line, George Charles Mostyn, (whose mother, Maria Luanda, was da. and h. of George Butler, of Hallyragget) the abeyance of the Barony of Vaux of Harrowden was terminated in (the halcyon time, 1S3S-11, for such terminations) 1838. See vol. i, p. 288 note " b," sub " .Beaumont.