Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/430

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CORRIGENDA ET ADDENDA. p. 3, note "a," line 2: after " Couingshy," insert "[sec p. 3ft?, note '«,* »«A ' Me.rborowjh.'] " p. -I, tine "20 ; after " sometimes," /n»i " tlio' probably erroneously." p. 6, lino 27 : for " by this .nut other writs," read " and subsequently." p. 7, line 13 ; for " is said to have been," read " was, on 5 April l. r i:VJ." 1>. 9, linos l ami 21 : for " Normandy," read " Frauee." p. 10, noto " b," lino 5 : after " titles." insert " Sec alto addenda In p, "1, lino L'S." p Hi. after p. 9, " L A N G X K WTO U X. sec LoNUNKWroN." p. 19, linos 20, 27. and 28 : after " Lanslndlon," iWrt "or Nansladron." p. 22, line 15; after "however," insert "(who was b. in the spring of 1279 at Byltou.) » p, 23, lino 1(1 ; after " 1 130," insert " Will, in which ha makes no mention of his wife, dat. at Poppletnn, near York, S, and pr. 11 Dee. 1130, at York." p. 2-1. note '■ b; " Tie dispensation for Edward Willoughby to man y Margaret Nevill (they being related in the third degree) was issued 9 Oct. and recorded 22 Nov. 1505 at York. See Test Ebdr (Surtees Sue.), vol. iii, p. 5G4. p. 25. hue 25 ; for "s. and h., b. 1193," read " 1st s. and li.. b. 17 Nov. 1493," and add as a note thereto "See Coll. Top. et Hen., vol. ii, p. 171. (or date* of birth [1 193— 1513] of the 15 children of Richard, Lord Latimer." p. 31, line 2S, to " LaI"Ni.'ESTOX," add this as a note, " See vol. ii, p. 375, note ' a,' sub 'Cornwall,' for a list of Royal or semi-Royal titles of peerage." To that uoto .should be added a reference to an interesting letter of Garter Anstis, shortly before the creation of the Dukedoms granted to the two Princes, Frederick and William (grandsons of King George I ) in 1 72(3. Anstis recommends the choice of " Abcrfrau and Snuinlon. which were the titles of the ancient Princes of Wales " and of " Lanecston and Trcmaton which are the cliief honours of the Dutch}' of Cornwall." Accordingly the young Prince Frederick (afterwards, 1729-51, Prince of Wales), was, when cr., 26 July 1726. Duke of Edouburgh. made at the same time Baron of Snatrdon and Yiscount of Launccsttm. He was also made " Marquess of the Isle of Ely," as to which place there is in Anstis's letter the following paragraph. " All the cities of England give denominations to the nobility save London, Westminster, Canterbury (which may as well be granted as York), Durham, and Ely (which have not been granted, being Palatinates), Gloucester, Bath, and Well?." The Dukedom of London, the ttarqutnate of Edinburgh, and the Earldom of Dublin or Ulster in Ireland wore also suggested, lint the Irish Earldom was omitted as also was the title of " London," tho' that of " Edinburgh " was selected as a Dukedom, the title of " Eltham " (one of the ancient palaces of the Crown, some of which are also mentioned by Anstis) being taken as the Earldom. The suggested title of Trematnn in Cornwall was conferred (as a Visoouutey) 27 July 172G, with tho Dukedom of Cumberland on Prince William the younger of the two brothers. With respect to "Cumberland " and other counties, Anstis says that "all the counties of England and Wales give [in 172t>] denominations save the [eight] following ones, viz. (1) Brecknock, void by the attainder of the late Duke of Ormond (2) Cumberland [vacant since 1708] (3) Flint, never a title, but esteemed an appendage to the Earldom of Chester (4) Glamorgan [as to which] the family of [Somerset, Dukes of]. Beaufort allege they have some signet from Charles I., hut no patent (5) Gloucester [which] hath been esteemed unfortunate (6) Laneattef [which] is of a particular natuie. Without consulting two acts of Parliament, which have not hitherto been printed, I cannot determine whether by that in 1 Hen. IV., the Dukedom can be granted separate from the possessions, or whether by the method of entail in 1 Ed. IV., it can be granted. If this titlo should be pitched upon [i.e., as one to he conferred on the