Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/52

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60 LEICESTER. " Home of Lnrt]f.[") He mt to the (legitimate) Peerage (as Enrl of Leicester) 2 Xov. 1477. He at. fl May 1845. Catharine, da. Off William .Cecil), 2d Ea'.ii. of S.m.isbl-iiv, by Catharine, da. of Thomas (Howard), Earl op Suffolk. She d. IS Aug 1652. He </.(> March 1097. S. Will pr. ItiPS. XV. 1608. Iuibkut (StdUet), Emu. of Leicester, &c. a. ami b. 1049, .-(<;/( f Viscount L'Lslk, 1077-9,-'. He was sum. t" Pari, v p. in his fathers Barony as Baron Sydni.y of Pjhshi."Kst(1') by writ 11 July 16S9, addressed " Roberto Sydney tU Penrhwtt, t'hrr." lie *we. to the Earldom 0 March 1C!'7.S. He m. in 1672. Elizabeth, da. of John (Egf.uton'. 2.1 Eaiic. at> UiuonWATF.fl, by Elizabeth, da. of William (i'avf.nuisu). 1st DuKK OF Newcastle, lie d 11 Nov. 1702, aged 53 and was bur. at Penhnist. M.I. Will pr. Dec. 1702. His widow, who was 4. 24 Aug. 1053, d. 170!) and was bar. at Penshurst. Will pp. March 1710. XVI. 1702. J. Phiup (Stdxev), Earl of Leicester, &&, s. nMid h. ( b. 8 July 1(576 ; M I', tor co. Kent, HSS.'MWt tided Viscount I. 'I mi:. 169S till he Sue. to the peerage, 11 Nov. 1702. He m. 17 Dee. 1700 at St. tides in the fields, Midx., Anne. da. and coheir of Sir Itoliert Rf.eVES, of Thwates, co. Soil. .Ik. lb- rf. s.p.s. 24 Jnly 1705 aged 20. Will pr. Aug. 170.'.. XVIf. 1705. C>. Jons - (Sydney), Earl of Leicester, &c, br. aul h.,4. 14 Feb. 1 tiS > : Lieut -Cot. Is*. Foot Guards, 1702-05 ; M I', foi' Brackley, 1705 ; sue. to the peerage 21 July 1705 ; Cupbearer a* the l 'omnation, 2') Oct. 1714 ; one of the Lords of the Bedchamber 1717 ; Warden of the Cinque Ports, &c, 1717 ; Lord Lieut, of Kent, 1724; K.B. 27 May 1725: (.'apt of the Yemen "f the Guard, 1725-31; Constable of the Tower of London, &C 1731 and P.O., 1731. He (i. unm. 27 Sep, 1737, aged 57. Will pr. 17:i7. XVIII. 1736 ;. Jocely.v (Sydney), Eaiil of Leicester [1618], to Viscount L'Isi.k [1005] and KARON Sydney or 1'KNsmnvr [1003J, 1713. br. and h.. b. 1082 at "St. Jones." Midx ; Matric. at Oxford (Univ. Coll) £8 June 171". aged 18 ; chief Porter of the Tower of London, 1734-37. !>'«c. to lite peerage. 27 Sep. 1737. lie m. Feb. 1717, Elizabeth, da. and h. of Lewis Thomas, of co. Glamorgan by Emmctt, his wife. He d. s p. lejjifcl*] 7 July : 743, aged about 01, when oil A'* lonmarx became cxtimtA). Will pr. 3740. His widow d. 14 Xov. 1717. Adinon. 10 Feb. 1747/S(>-";. (") See a list of these Lords with some notice of eaeh, vol. ii, p. 84, note "c,'sn4 " lintNEI.I,." ( b ) " The Barony of Sydney w as claimed, in May 1782, by Elizabeth, widow of William Perry, Esq., ami da. and eventually sole heir of Thomas Sydney, next nr. of Joseeline, last Karl of Leicester and Baron Sydney, under the presumption that. Robert Sydney (the Petitioner's grandfather), the s. and h. apparent of Philip XIV. 3rd Earl of Leicester, having been summoned to Pail, v.p, in his father's Barony, a Barony IN FEK was thereby created; but the House of Lords resolved, 17 June 1 7S2, 'That Robert Sydney, commonly called Viscount Lisle, the Petitioner's grandfather, under whom she derives her claim, acquired no new Barony, but being the eldest son of his father, the Earl of Leicester, was summoned into his lather's Barony in tail male — therefore the Petitioner has no right ill consequence of her grandfather's summons and sitting.' " [CotirMope.] (') " It appears, however, by the Plea Bolls (No. I ll and No. 442) enrolled in the treasury of the Court of Common Pleas in Easter term, 21 Geo. 111., that John Sydney, of Yalding. in this county [Qy., Kent !] claiming to be the only son of the said Joeelyu [Earl of Leicester] was permitted to sue out a writ of right as the ftli h'orl of Leireiter." See Berry's " Sussex," p. 298, where it is stated that this John, who was b. 29 Sep. 1738, m. Elizabeth, da. of Hev. John Apsley, U.D., and d. la Dec, 1812. Of his numerous issue (eight daughters and six sons) the eldest son, Paul Algernon Sidney, b. 17 April 1774 ; is there stated tu have had issue and to have claimed " to be the IMA ICurl of Leicester, and his case is referred by his Majesty to the Attorney General who has not yet (1S301 made his report on the claim," "By a-trial at bar on a writ of right, at We* tin , 11 Feb. 1782 for Peushtirst place, park and premises in co. Kent, it appeared that Joeelyu, Earl of Leicester, never was divorced from his wife, and that she had a child, John Sydney, the demandant at the trial afsd. which John, therefore, in the eye of the law, was to be considered a