Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/58

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5G LKDT8TER. Dukedom [L] Lord MtlXllAUliT ScnoMBEiHi (Comte ilu Sclwintcrg , 2d g. of Frederic, the famous BPrkof SrHOMBKR" (sn as. lfiSO) was cr. :) March 1681, Baron Tar a [" Baron nj Tarraijh"], Earl op Banooii, ami Dcke of Lkinstku [I.J Hy t he death of his brother 17 IT IS. (j ct , ]^y ; j heme, to his father's peerage na Dike of Schomhehc. He d. e.p.m. 16 .Inly 171!', when all hit honours became extinct. See fuller account under " Scho.mderg Dukedom, cr. 16S9, tub the 3d ami last Duke. I 1691, to '* Lbisster " Em-Mom for life |_T.] C Kielm axsecge), <t. 11 Sop. 1721 ; see " Darlington " Earldom for life, cr. 172SS ; both honours ex. 172?. Dukedom [I.] l, James (Fitz Gerald). Earl op Kildare and TT lTifi Baron op Offaly [1.1, 3d but 1st snrv. s. and h. of Robert, 19th Eahi. OP Kit. Rare. So. [I.J, by Mary. 1-t da. of William (0'BrIEN), 3d Raul of Inchiqi ix [I.], was b. 29 May 1722, being stilled Loan Omit till 1744; M.P. for Athy (when under age), 1741-44, until, on 20 Feb. 1744. («5 he sue. to the pecrm/e [1.1 as 20th Karl of Kildare ; P.O. [I ]. 174a : was cr , 21 Feb. 1748 .7.(1') VISCOUNT LE1NSTER OF TAPLOW) co. Buckingham [O.B.] From 1749 to 17f>5 he was one of the leaders of the popular party [I.], being 17au'-f'7 one of the Lords Justices Vice Regent* [I.] ; Master Gen. of the Ordnance [I.J and Col. of the Royal Irish Artillery, 1760-66 ; Major Gen., 1761 ; Lieut. Gen-, 1770; Gov. of co. Kjfdare, 1701. He was cr., 3 .March 1701, ■>) KARL OF OFFAI.Y ami MARQUESS OF KILDARE [I.J (taking his seat 10 Dec. 1701). and was re, 20 Nov. 1700, DUKE OF LEIKSTER [I.J, taking his seat 27 Jan. 1708. He m., 7 Feb. 1740,7, ( e ) at her father's bouse, in Whitehall place, St. Margarets' Weatm., Amelia Mary, 2d Rurv. da. of Charles (Le.nno.nS 2d Dike OF Richmond, by Sarah, da. and coheir of William (Cadouan), Earl CaDogan. Uy her he had no less than nine soi)s( r ) and eight daughters. He d. 1!) Nov. 1773, aged HI, at Leinster House, Dublin, and was bur. at Christ Church in that City. His widow, who was 6. G Oct. 1731, and bap. at St. Geo. Han. sij., and who was a gudaughter of King George II., m. in 1774 William Ogii.vik, who rf. at Ardglass, co. Down, IS Nov. 1832, aged 92. She d. in Grosvenor sq. 27 March lo!4, aged 82, and was 4«r. in Chichester cathedral. [George Fitz Gerald, styled T.onn Oftaly, and (since 17G1) Earii of Offaly, 1st s. and h. Bp., b. 15 Jan. 1747/8 ; was podson to Kim? George II. ) ed. at Eton. He rf. tram, ami under age at Richmond House, Whitehall, 20 Sep. 1765, ami was bur. at St. Martins in the fields.] ( n ) He was at that date the only male representative of the Kildare branch of the Gerald ines. ( b ) This was 01) the occasion of his marriage, as to which Horace Walpole remarks (28 Feb. 1717), ttiat the bride's parents " have not given her a shilling but the King endows her by making Lord Kildare ft Viscount sterling." (°) Taplow, however, did not belong to him but to his maternal uncle, the 1th Earl of Incbiquin [I.] (") The letter (24 Feb. 1761), from the Duke of Bedford announcing to him this elevation contained also a promise that he should " be created ft Duke whenever " the King " shall think proper to make one of that degree either in England or Ireland exclusive of any of his own family." This event occurred in Oct. 1760 when Hugh (Percy formerly Smithson), Earl of Northumberland [1749], was cr- Duke of Northumberland, and the Marquees received his Dukedom accordingly, becoming thus the premier Duke as well as the premier Earl and Mar<jucss in Ireland. ( c ) See as to this marriage note b " next above. ( f ) Of these sons one was eft in 1S0O Baron Lecale [I.], another (by his wife, the sue jure Baroness De Ros), was ancestor of the Lords de lios, while the 5th son, Lord Edward Fitz Gerald, was attainted of high treason in 1798. One of the daughters i the wife of J. J. Strutt) was in 1821 cr. Baroucss Kuyleigh.