Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/61

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LEITRIM — LEMPSTER. 59 Donegal and Ranger of Phcenix Pink, co. Dublin, and w«8 IjFR Pei-R [I.], 1801-01, being " original -8 tii eleett*! :> r, th ■ time »f ihe Union. He w.,81 May 17.65, iStwUtfe, 1st da. of ( ■ thy (, Ut Kami, of Ma>sekeknk [LJ, by his second wife, Khza^-th, tin. o! 11,-nry RVHB. II.- 2? .Inly 1804, Aged 71, in Grosvennr square, and was lmr. irt St. Mi el mi is. Dublin. Will pr, 1801. His widow i/. 29 May 1S17, in Grosvetior square ai'sd. Will pr. 1818. H. 1804, NATHAKIEb (I l.EMENTS;. T.AI.'b OF T.EITRIM, &i ft}, 6. 0 May 170S. in Dublin ; Mafert ViseWKT Ci.kmksts. 1795— 1S04. ; wna Ml', for C'.uiick, 1790-97. and £gr co. Leitrim, 1 7i'S — ISO J : tut. t» the pecnue [I.]. 27 July 180-1 : Lord Lieut, of Co. Leitritu. lie was ct., 20 June 18:11, ISAKON CLIvMKNTS OF KlI.M.U'liF.NAX, co. Donegal [L'.K.] ; K.P., 8 April 1834. He m. about 1804, Mary, 1st .la. and coheir of William Bermingiiam, of Kns3 Hill, co. Galway, Uy ( — ), da. and coheir of Thomas 1!i ti.i:dok, of Bushneld, co. Miyo. Sherf. 5 Veh. 1840. He (/. 31 Dee. 1851, aged SO, at Killadoon afid. Will pr. June 1855. [Robert P.ermingiia.m Clements, styled Viscount Clements. 1st s. and U. Bp., b. May 1805 ; M.P. for eo. Leitrim, 1820-30, aud 1S32 39. He d. warn. ami v.p. 24 J.iu. 1839, aged 33.] III. ISCiI. 3. William -Sydney (Clements), Earl of Leitrim, &c. [I.], also Baron Clements ok Kiluacrenan, "2d but 1st surv. s. and h., b. 1S06 ; Med VlscomW Clements, 1S39-54 ; M.P. for eo. Leitrim, 1S39-47 ; was suuictiuie in 52d Foot, retiriiur from tin- Avuiy as Lieut. Col. in 1S55 ; Col. of the Leitritn Militia, 1S13; sue. l<> the peerage, 31 Dec. 1854. He tl. unm. 2 April 1878, aged 72, being murdered (with hi* clerk and his coachman) at Cratlaghweod, near Mitfurd. co. Donegal. IV. 1S7S. 4. Robert Rermincuiam (Clements), Earl of Leitrim, Jtc. [I.], also Baron Clements OS Kii.maciienan, nephew and h., being only s. and h. of the liev. the Hon. Francis Nathaniel Clements, Vicar of Norton and Canon of Durham, by his first wife, Charlotte, da. of the Hev. Gilbert King, of Longtield, co. Tyrone ; b. 5 March 1 S I 7 ; sometime an officer in the Royal Navy; tut. to the «erm//«, 2 April 1S7S. He in., 2 Sep. 1873. Winified, 5th da. of Thomas William (Coke), 2d Eaul of Leicister of Hoi.kuam, by his first wife, Juliana, da. of Samuel Charles Whitehead. He tl. at 40 Poitmau square, 5 April 1892, a^ed 45, aud was bin: at Mnlroy, co. Donegal. Personalty sworn at t'130,694, including £17,529 in Ireland aud £5,139 iu Scotland. His widow, who was b. 12 Jan. 1S51, living 1,-92. Y. 189l 5. Charles (Clements), Earl of Leitrim [1795], Viscofnt LEITRIM [1793], and Baron Leitrim of Manor Hamil- ton [i7S3], in the peerage of Ireland, also Baron Clements of Kilmacrenan [1831], 1st s. ami h., b. 23 June 1879. at 37 Upper Grosvenor street; styled Viscount Clements till lie sue. to the peerage, 5 April 1S92. Family Bltatet. — These, in 1SS3, consisted of 54.352 acres in co. Donegal and of 2.500 in co. Leitrim. Total 50,852 acres, worth X'11,006 a year. Principal Residence. Muhoy, near Milfurd, co. Donegal. LEiX. [As to the honour of Loix or Ossory, one of the five divisions made in 1245 of the great honour of Leiuster, see vol. i, p. x, sub " Irish Peerage, &c., before the 10th century."] i.e., " Sydney of Leix " ["Duron Slradbally "1, Queen's county, Barony [I.] (0*6,/), cr. 1768 ; ex. 1774. LEMPSTER, see Leominster.