Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/72

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70 LEVEN. from his lather's <U-:ith (1044 !) till he sue. to the peerage [S.1 4 April 1601. He Kb, 30 Dee. 1050, at Naworth Castle, Margaret, sister to Charles, 1st I'.mii. OF CARLISLE, 5th da. of Sir William H Off ABC, of Corny, I>y Mary, rift, iif William (ElfBEl, B.uiox Eiue otf Wottox. Having no male issue, lie, on 1- K< b. 1603, covenanted to r«>i)_-ii his honours in favour of the heirs male, whom failing to the heirs female (without division) of his body, with rem. to the seeoud sou of John. Earl of liothcs.l"/ and the heirs male of his body with rem. to the second sua t<t (hia sister) Catharine, by iJeorge. Lord Melville, and the heirs male of his body with rein, to the second sou of (his mother) Margaret by (Bet then husband) David, Karl of Wemyss, in like manner, with rem. to his own heirs male whatever, whom failing to hia heirs and assignees whatsoever. He </. of a high fever at Balgonie, If) duly anil was bur. 3 Ang. 1604, at Markinch, before a charter and precept could be past of the above, but it was confirmed under the great, seal 7 Sep. 1005. His widow d. at Edinburgh 30 Sep. and was bur. 3 Oct. 1001, at Markinch. III. 1GG4, -J. Margaret, mm jure Counties ok Leves, &c, [S.]. 1st da. and heir of line, site, her father in that dignity, 15 July 1061. j She m. early in 1074 (as his first wife) the Hon. Francis Montgomery, of Uiffen, co. Ayr, and d. a few mouths later s.p. and under age 0 Nov. 1071. IV. 1674, .'/■ Catharine, kko /fire Countess of Leven and Baroness to ok Balgonie [S.], yst. and only surv. sister aud heir ; was served 1676. Iieir in the said frtrldom and Baronyf-) 22 May 1675. She was b. 1063 or 1604 aud d. nniu. 21 Jau. 1070. [Until the death uf tbo Duke (forujerly Earl) of Kotlies [8. j on whose second son (tho' none such was in existence) the Earldom of Leven was next entailed that dignity remained suspended. The Duke, however, died s.p.ui. 27 July 1681, wheu the succession opened as under.] V. 16S1. 5. DjtviD (Leslie, formerly Melville), Earl ©*• Lbvbn and Loud BalgpME [S.J, second son of George (Mklville), 1st E.ikl ok Melville [S.], by Catharine, only sister of Alexander (Leslie), 3d Haul of Leven', abovenarned, was, as s.rch second .son, heir to the £nrld>>m of Leven , &.C., the issue of the said Karl of Leven, and no such issue of the Duke of Uothes as was in remainder thereto being in existence having failed. ( ll ) He was 4. 5 May 1000, and bap. the 11th at Monimsl ; was Col, of a regiment of foot which he brought over to Kngland in 10SS with the Prince of Orange, by whom (when King), he was made I'.C, Col. of the 25th Regiment;, aud Gov. of L'diuburgh Castle in 16S9, in which year (17 July) he distinguished himself at the battle of Killierankie, as also in the campaign in Flanders in 1692. He, on the death of, his cousin, the Countess Catherine, 21 Jau. 1070, assumed the fietrayt [S.] of Leven, &c, but was not recognised till the death s.p. of the Duke of Uothes [S.], 27 Feb. 1631, some of whose (possible) issue had prior right thereto.)' 1 ; He was Major Gen. in 1703 and Commander in Chief in 1706 of the forces in Scotland ; was a Commissioner for the Union, being Rgp. PbBB [8.1 (one of the original ones) in 1707, and again in 170S. lie sue. h~* 'atber (his eldest br. haviug previously in 109S, d. s.p.) 20 May 1707 as Haul of Melville [1090], Viscount ok Kihkaluy |1090J. Loud Mklville of Mony.maill [1016] and Lokd Kaitii, MoNVMaill and Balwk.uuk [1090] in the peerage of Scotland. He was dismissed from all his utiicea iu 1712. He m. (contract 8 Sep. 1091) Anne, da of David (Wemyss), Loud Bukntisland [S], by Margaret, suo jure, Countess ok We.myss [S.] She, who was*. 18 Oct. 1075. d at Edinburgh Castle, 9 Jan. 1702. He d. 6 audwasiwr. 12 June 1728 iu his 68th year, at Markinch. [George Leslie, styled Lord Balgonie, s. and h. ap., 6. Jan. 1G95, was sometime Capt. in the 3rd Foot Guards, but retired iu 1710- He ni. Aug. (») This Earl, afterwards (1667) Duke, of Rothes [S] d. s.p.m. in 1681 so that this remainder came to an end after that date. (b) According to the covenant of resignation of the dignities, 12 Feb. 1663, confirmed under the great seal 7 Sep. 1665. ( c ) He aud his father, Lord Melville wore two out of tho six persons whom James II. intended to except from his act of indemnity.