Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/78

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76 LICHFIELD — LIDDESDALE. V. 1772, 4. Robert (Lee), Eaul of Lichfield, Viscount Quar- to knton, and Bahon of Spslsbcrv [16741, also « Baronet [1611], unele 1776. and h. male, being iStfa and yat s. at tin' 1st Fail. He was b. 3 July 1706, in St. James' street, VVeatm. i M.I', for city i>f Oxford, 1754, and 1701-6S, resitting at Lee's Place, near Cholhiny, Oxon. ; stir. to the peera-te, 19 Sep. 1772; Cantos Urerium in the Court of Common Pleas. He in., "29 May 1715. at St. Paul's Cathedral, London, Catharine, da. of Sir John Storehouse, liart., of Uadley, Berks, by his second wife, Pen-lope. <la. of Sir liobett DasIIWood, Bart. He rf. s.p. at Ditch ley, 4 Nov. 1770, aged 71. when all his peerage dignities and possibly the Baronetcy also became extinct. He was bur. at Spelsbury. His will pr. 1776. His widow el. 8 March 1784. Will pr. March 1784. VI. 1831. 1. Thomas William (Anson), Vrseonsne Anson of Shi*oborooch ano Obgbravb, 00. Stafford, anil B.u n Soimsrtom of Soberton, co. Southampton, s. and h. of Thomas, the 1st Viscount and Baron (no cr. 17 Feb. 1800;, by Margaret, da. of Thomas William (CngE/, 1st Lkickstku OF HoLKHAM, was b. 20 (Jet. 1795, at Shughorough, and bap. at CoUvich, eo. Stafford ; M.P- for Yarmouth, ISIS, till he »"<:, on his father's death, 31 July ISIS. U> the peerage as Viscount Anson ; Lieut. Col. of the Staffordshire V nanrv, 181" ; Master of the Buckhounds, 1880-34; P.C., 1830, being (T., 15 Sep. lS3l,( a , KAHL UK LICHFIELD, co. Stafford ; Postmaster General. 1S'.5--J1. He ui., 11 Feb. 1819, at St. James, Westm., Louisa Barbara Catherine (then a minor), y>t. da. of Nathaniel Phiilips, of Slebeeh Hall, co Pembroke, by Mary Dorothy, his wife. He d. 18 March 1854, aged 58, at 2 Great Stanhope street. Will pr. Aug. 1834. His widow, who for nearly 40 years was well known as one of the leaders of fashion, (>'; d. 20 Aug. 1879, at 28 Hill street, Berkeley square. VH. 1854 ft Thomas George (Anson), Eabl of Lichfield, &c, s. and h., b. 15 Aug. 1825 ; styled Viscount ANSOK, 1831-51: Precis writer at the Foreign office, 184ti-47 ; M.P. for Lichfield, 1M7, and 1S52-54 ; sue. to the peerage, 18 March 1854 ; Lord Lieut, of Stallordshiie, 1803-71. He .»., 10 April 1855, Harriet Georgiana Louisa, 1st da. of James (Hamilton), 1st Duke OF AumicoitN [I.J, by Louisa Jane, da. of John (Uusskix), 0th 1U.KE of Bkdkoiid. lie (/. 7 Jan. 1892, aged 00. in Granville Place, Portmau square, and was bar. (from Sliugborough) at Great Haywood, co. Stafford. Probate duty (net) £98,059. His widow, who was b. 0 July 1834, living 1S92. VIII. 1892. 3. Thomas Francis (Anson), Earl of Lichfield [1331], Viscount Anson ok ShuoboBOUGB and Unom avi:, and Bahon Soberton [1800J. . and h., b. 31 Jan. 1856 . styled Viscount AMBON till he sue. to the peerage. 7 Jan. 1S!<2 ; ed. at Hanow and at Tun. Coll., Cambridge. He .»•, 5 Nov. 1878, his eouHii, Mildred, da. of Thomas William (t'oKK), 2d Haul ok LKIckstkb »F HoLKHAM, by his first wife, Juliana, da. of Samuel Charles WiJMBUKAD. bhe was b- 24 Jan, 1854. Family Edatts.— These, in 1883. consisted of 21,433 acres in Staffordshire and 97 in Suffolk worth i'42,042 a year, but these " Figures [are] absurd and unaccountable" according to Lord Lichfield's letter to Mr. Bateinan, author of " The Ureal Land- owners," edit. 1883. Principal Residence. Shugborough Park, co. Stafford. LIDDESDALE. The well known Lordship of Liddesdiile was, apparently, never a peerage dignity. Sir William Douglas, however, who was cr. in 13 1 1 Fahl ok Atholk. [S.]. having resigned that Farldom, made an entail ol h;s lands of Liddesdale in 1351, under the btyle of <* l>,. minus Vallis de Ltidcl." ( a ) This was one of the Coronation Peerages of King William IV. for a list of U llieb Bee vol. ii, p. 312, note -'a," sub " Cloncurry." (») See vol. iv, p. 414, note " c," tub •' Kinnoul."