Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/86

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S4 LIMERICK — LT3ST0LK. who was h. 27 Dee. 1802, (/. 21 A«g> ISM. He i», secondly, 0 April 1812, in Norfolk Island, Margaret Jane, dft. of Nicholas, of Durham, ('apt. 96tU Foot. In Feb. 1863 she was judicially separated from him by decree of the (.'uni t nf Divorce. He d. of bronchitis, fi Jan. lSiiti, aged 53, at Norwood, Surrey, and was bur. in Limerick cathedral. His widow il. 25 Nov. 1S75, ng«l 17, at 55 Upper Brook street. V. 1SGG. J. "William Hai.k .Tons- Cn. r.Es (I'ehy), Kami, of Limerick [1S03], Yiscni'ST Limerick [1800], and Bums Gi.kntwohth W Mallow [lTSO], in the peerage of Irelaud, also Baron Foxkord of Staiki'oi.e Court [1816], b. and h., being only child by the first wife ; //. 17 Jan. 1 S 10, in Norfolk Island, styled Loud Gi.kntwohth, 1841-66; sometime, 1858-62, Ensign in the Rifle Brigade ; sue. to the peerage, 5 Jan. 1S06 : a Lord in Watting, 1888-88 ; Aide de Camp to the Qneen, 1887 ; Cnpt of the Veonien of the Guard, 1 889 : Conservative whip " in the House of Lords ; KP., 1892. He in. firstly, 28 Aug. 1862, his cousin, Caroline Maria, da. of the Ker. Henry Gray, Vicar of Ahnondsbury. Co. Gloucester (son of Robert Gray. Bishop of Bristol), by Emilie Caroline, sister of the 2il Karl or Limerick [L], da. of Henry Harstonge I'khy, nl///nl Lord Glkntivouth abovenaiued. She rf. 24 Jan. 1877, at 36 Queen's Gate terrace, South Kensington. He hi. secondly, 20 Oct, 1877, Isabella, da. of the Chevalier James DK Colqchocn. [Willum-Hexry-Edmosd-de-Vube-Sheakfe I'i-hy, styled (since I SC.:?) Lord Glentworth, s. and h. ap., being only son by first wife, />. Hi Sep. 1883 : ed. at Eton; sometime (1SS4) Lieut, in the Rifle Brigade. He in., 23 July 1890, at St. Mary's, Cadogan street, l'imlieo. May Iim-lda, da. of J. Burke Irwin, of the Priory, Limerick.] Family /stairs. — These, in 1883, consisted of 4,083 acres in co. Limerick, 1,550 in co. Clare, and 7U in co. Cork. Total 5,709 acres, worth £14,986 a year, inclusive of the rental of nearly 3,000 acres let on long leases and returned in the lessees' names. Principal Residence. Dromore Castle, near Pallaskenry, co. Limerick. See "Gough ok CioojKRAT in the Punjaub axu of the city of Limerick," Viscmintcy (Sough), a: 1849. LIMINGTON see Lymington. LINCHLADE. See "Corhet of Lixohlade, co. Buckingham," Viscountcy (Corhet, nee Monson), cr. for life 1679 ; ex. 1682. LINCOLN (county of.) [SemarJa, — No EaiMom has, probably, received more attention than that of Lincoln, (") but (notwithstanding this) none, apparently, is more obscure.^) ( a ) The word " Nicole" is " the most usual term for Lincoln in all ancient French records and evidences." [ Vincent, p. 321.] ( b ) Mr. Courthope states tub Lincoln " that " the late Francis Townsend, Esq., Windsor Herald, bestowed considerable pains upon the elucidation of the early history of the Earls of Lincoln, and the result of his labour, much of which has been incor- porated into this article, will be found in the Exrerpta from his collections by Sir Charles Young, Garter, printed in the Coll Top. et Uen. [vol. viii, pp. 155— 158-] An elaborate article on the same subject will be found in the lirst vol. [1846] of the Top. and Gen." As to that article (which, tho' full of information, is in some points not altogether satisfactory) the writer thereof acknowledges "his obligations to Thomas Stapleton, Esq.. F.S.A., for the most valuablo of its materials." It's author was most probably Mr. John (lough Nichols, the accomplished Editor of the work itself. That gentleman certainly contributed, in 1 848. a paper on the " Earldom of Lincoln " to the pToceedingsof the" Arc/<(cotorjicat Institute," pp. 253—279. Lastly, in the " Otnealoaitt,"