Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/92

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90 LINCOLN. [IIaavise, sua jure (according to some) Countess of Lincoln (tlio - never so recogmsed( :< ) by the Crown), 1th Bitter and collar of Earl Randolph (to whom her brother the abovenamed Kahl or Chester and Lincoln resigned his interest in the Earldom of Lincoln as above, mentioned) inherited, at the partition of his estates, all his lamia in the provinces of Lii.dsey and Holland, eo. Lincoln, of which the Castle of Bolingbroke was the caput. Within a month of her said brother's death the King at her request a: her son in law, John de Lacy (as mentioned below ) Eahl ok Lincoln. She m. Hubert DE Quincy, s. and h. ap. of Sayer, 1st Eahl ok WINCHESTER* which Robert, however, on his father's death in 12111 never site, to that Earldom. The date of her death has not been ascertained.] IY. 1232. 1. John de Lacv, s. and h. of Roger de Lacy, of Poutefract, co. York, and of Halton, co. Chester, Hereditary Constable of Chester, sue. his father in his vast estates and hereditary office, 1 Oct. 1211, and was in 1215 one of the 25 Barons appointed to enforce the observance of Magna Charta. He m. firstly Alice, da. of Gilbert DE L AlOI.B, which lady appears to have d. s.p. or s.p.m. He, certainly,))!, secondly at some date before 1232 Margaret, only da. and h. of Kobert DE Qcincy, by Hawise, sometimes considered as suo jure Countess ok Lincoln (tho' not recognisedp 1 ) as snch by the King; abovenamed, and was (owing to such alliance) by charter dat. 22 Nov. 1232, ct: EAHL UK LINCOLN with a rem.(' ) to his heirs by Margaret, his said wife. He was Constable of Whitchurch Castle. 1233 ; of Chester and Beeston Castle, 1237, and Sheriff of co. Chester, 1237 and 1210. He d. 22 July 12-10. His widow m. about G Jan. 1243, Walter (Mahshall), 5th Eahl ok Pembroke, who d. s.p. 24 Nov. 1245. V. 12 tO. 2. Edmund (de Lacy), Earl of Lincoln, s. and It., by the second wife, was a miuor and in the King's custody in 1246 and appears never to have been formally invested^) with the Earldom. () He was Page [" Valcttus"] to the King in 1251. He hi. in May 1217 Alicia, ( c ) 1st da of Manfred III., Marquis ok Saluzzo in Italy, by Eleanora, da. of Philip, Count ok Savoy. He d. 21 July 1257. His widow is styled " Alesia, late Countess of Lincoln," in Letters close of 12 July 1311. (*) It is to be observed that the grant of the Earldom does not recognise Hawise as having become by her brother's gift Countess of Lincoln, tho' doubtless (by that gift) she was in possession of the revenue of the Comitatus. This grant is as follows : — " Rex, ad instnuciam Hawisito de Quency, dedit et concessit Johanni de Lascy, Constabulnrio Cestriic, illas xx libras, quas R. quondam Conies Cestriie et Lincolnia: recepit pro tertio deuario Comitatus Lincolniic et quas prcedictus Comes iu vita sua dedit pircdictic Hawisiic, sorori sine, habendas et teuendus nomine Comitis Lincolniat de Rege et heredibus suis, ipsi Johanni ct hairedibus Huis, qui exibunt de Margareta uxore sua, filia pradictie Hawiliaj, imperpetuum. Iu cujus, &C. Teste Rege, apud Northampton 22° die Novembris. ( b ) The Earldom of Kent had on 11 Feb. 122(5/7 (five years previously) been entailed on Hubert de Burgh with rem. to his heirs by Margaret of Scotland, his wife. These probably are the earliest instances of such entails. ( c ) He is spoken of in 121b' as one " qui, si vixerit, Comes erit Lincolnuc," when the King promises to marry him to one of the graudaughters of tho Count of Savoy. [Coll. Top. ct Gen., vol. vi, p. 148.] (J) "Dugdale says he never used the title of Earl of Lincoln nor was it attributed to him in any grant although he enjoyed the tcrtium denarium of the county ; but in this statement Dugdale is in error, for even in the record referred to by him, and relating to Henry de Laci, his sou, this Edmund is expressly described as ' Kdmundus de Lacy, pater ejusdem Henrici, quondam Comites Lincolnite,' and in the patent of safe conduct to the King and Queen of Scotland, dat. 5 Sep. 1255, he is called 'Edmundumde Lacy, Comitem de Lincoln.'" [Courthope,] Mr. Round states that "Letters close of 6 Oct. 1310, order the payment to Henry, Earl of Lincoln, of this terlius denarius which his grandfather and father, ' Earls of Lincoln,' and he, had received till the death of Edward I. but which had beeu detained from him since." ( e ) Dugdale calls her " an outlaudish lady from the parts of Savoy, brought over purposely for him by Peter do Savoy, uncle to the Queen, which occasioned much discontent amongst the nobles of England."