Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/94

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92 LINCOLN. wus sura, from 3 Deo. 1 320, to 1 April 13S5, as Lord Lk Stranok and who is some- times in her right considered to have been KAHL OF LINCOLN'O'i and perhaps also Earl OK Salisbury. He <!. s.p., 10 Hep, 1335, anil was fair, in Belling Abbey. The stio jure Countess in. lastly, early in 1336, Huon DE Frknk. who (a few months later) on 29 Nov. 1330, was sum. to l'arl. as Lord de Frknk. He, who is also Itho' erroneously) sometimes considereil to have been /in-c u.coris EARL OF LINCOLN, (/. s.p. (a month later), Dec. 1336,at Perth. The Countess herself </. s.p.( h ) 2 Dot. 134S, aged about 65, and was bur. at Bel ling Abbey afsd., when the Earldom of Lincoln lapsed to the Crown. Her inj. past mortem (at Bolingbroke) 15 Oct. 131S. VIII. 1349. 1. Henry (Plantagenet), Eaijl ok Lancaster, "1 % Leicester, and Derby, s. and h. of Henry, Karl ok Lancaster and Leicester (who was brother of Thomas, Karl of Lancaster, 4c, jurevxoris Earl ok Lincoln, as above mentioned) obtained on the death of the Countess Aliec (his uncle's widow) the inheritance^) of the ancient Earls of Lincoln and was CP., 20 Aug. 1319, ( ,l ) EARL OF LINCOLN. He was «•„ 6 March 1350/1, DUKE <JF LANCASTER. He c/., 13 March 1360/1, aged about 60, when the Dukedom became ttUneti while the ot/ier honours may most probably be considered to have receded to the Cromn, tho' in right of his da. and coheir (eventually, 1362, sole heir) his son in law (see next below) her husband, claimed the four Earldoms of Lancaster, Derby, Lincoln, and Leicester IX. 1362. 2. John (Plantagenet, styled "of Gaunt ")> Earl or Richmond, 4th but 3d surv. s. of King Edward III. , having m., 19 May 1359, Blanche, da. and eventually (10 April 1362), sole heir of Henry (Plantagenet), Duke of Lancaster, Earl of Lincoln, 4c, abovenamed, became (possibly) in her right Earl ok Lancaster, DERBY, Lincoln. ( u ) and Leicester, which Earldoms were in several official documents allowed to him. He was cr„ 13 Nov. 1362, DUKE OF LANCASTER. He d. 3 Feb. 1398/9, aged 58. X. 1399, S. Henry (Plantagenet, styled" of Bolingbroke), Feb. Duke ok Lancaster, Duke ok Hereford, Earl ok Derby, to Earl of Lincoln, and Earl ok Leicester, also Duke of Sep. Aquitaiue in France, s. ™d h., 4. 1367 at Bolingbroke ; sum. to Pari. v.p. as Earl ok Derby, 3 Sep. 1385, and cr. Duke ok Hereford, 29 Sep. 1397. He sue. his father, 3 Feb. 1398/9, as Duke of Lancaster, Jtc, and was on 30 Sep. 1399, elected King of England, as Henry IV. , when all his honours merged M* the Croicn. (') The mandamus in (1325-20), 19 Ed. II., to pay all arrears of the i'20 annuity granted in lieu of the third penny of the county of Lincoln " to the said Ebulo, or Alice, has given a colour to some to call him Karl of Lincoln [Vine, 215, 320], and he is so styled in a deed of his nephew and heir, Koger Lestrange [1339], 13 Ed. III., but it is certain," writes Mr. Townsend, " that he never enjoyed that honour, for I find him regularly sum. to Pari, by the name of Ebulo Lestrange only and ranked amongst the Barons. ( b ) " The Earldom of Lincoln according to the grant which settled it. on John de Lacy and his heirs by Margaret de Quincy, his wife, ought to have fallen among the issue of her cousins, Eleanor, Margaret, and Elizabeth de Clare, graudaughteis of her aunt, Maud, Countess of Gloucester, the only sister of her father, Henry, Earl of Lincoln." Coll. Top. ct Gen., vol. viii, p. 155. It was, however, (as Mr. Hound remarks) diverted in favour of the Hoyal family just as the Earldom of Norfolk was diverted, by the surrender of Earl Koger Bigod, iu 1302. ( c ) The Castle of Lincoln, the Castle, manor and honour of Bolingbroke, 4c, co. Lincoln, parcel of the manor of Halton in Cheshire, &c. ( d ) See p. 7, note " b," sub " Lancaster," for the words of this charter. ( e ) See p. 8, note " g," sub " Lancaster," as to his being in his own deed termed " Contc de Nicol " the French term for " Lincoln." See p. Si, note " a."