Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/99

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LINDORES. 97 LINDOKES. Barony [S.] 1. The Hon. Sir Patrice Leslie, of Pitcaiily, 2d s. I 1GO0 ! " f ,tn Butt ok Rothes [S.], liy his first wife, Grizel, da. of Sir Jiunea Hamilton, of Kinnart, was Gent, of the Bedchamber to King James VI. [S.], was, before 1581, Commendator of the Abbey of Lindores, en. Elgin, and is sup|insod( :1 ) to have been er., by Royal charter, 31 March, ratified by l'arl. IS Nov. 1000,i>'ja Lord of Parl.(«) as LORD LIN" DORKS [8.] (probably oil the resignation of his eldest sun and subsequent heir uhom sec) with rem. to his heirs male whatever. An act of l'arl. in 1000 speaks of him as ,; Patrick, now Lord of LumfwUJp) sumtyme Commendator of the Abbacie of Lundores." He m. .lean, da of Robert (Stkwaut), Haul of Oukxky [S.l (illegit. s. of King James V. [S.] ), by Janet, da of Gilbert (Kknskdv), 3d Eari, ok Cassii.i.Is [S.J He d. between 1609 and 1009. His widow m. as his third wife Robert (Mni.VM.LK~, 1st LoltD Melville of Monymaill [S.], who d. Dec. 10-21, aged !U. She was living 1612. IT. 1G0S ? Patrick (Leslie), lord Li.vdorks [S.~, s. and h. To him was granteil v.p. a charter, 31 March 1000, ( c ) erecting the Abbacy of Lindores (which had been resigned to him by his father) "into the temporal fMrdtkifll&) of Lindorct with the title, rank, and vote of a Lord of Pari," [S.] to him and his heirs male whatsoever. It is presumed that he must have resigned this dignity some few months later in favour of his father as above mentioned, at all events in an actof l'arl. dat. 15 Nov. following, ratifying this grant, he is mentioned as (merely) " Patrick Leslie, of I'itcarelie," while his father in an act of 160'i is mentioned as "now Lord uf Lindoris." He sue. bis father before 9 April 1699, and i/. nam. Aug. 1619.1°) III. 1049. 9, James (Leslie), Lord Lindores [§,1 s. and h. Ho m. firstly Mary, da. of Patrick (Gray), Loud ObaT [%], by his second wife, Mary, da. of Robert (Stewart), Earl ok Orkney [S.], al>ovenamed. He m. secondly (— ), da. of ( — ) Cl.ENumx, of Yorkshire. He </. about 1860. IV. 1GG0? 4- Joiix (Leslie), Lord Lindores [8.]. only s, and h. by first wife, sue. hi* father before 20 July 1067. He m. firstly Marion, widow of James ( KlI', 1st LoltD CotTPAR TS.] (who;/. Jan. 1000, aged 82), ila. of James (OolLW), 2d Karl ok Aiulie [S.], by his first wife, Helen, da. of George (Oi.ll.vv), 1st Loud Ba.nkk [S.] He m. secondly, 0 Sep. 1095, at Cramond, Jean, willow of Sir Hugh Macctlloch, da. of (— ) Gidson. He t(. 1700. His widow d. 1712. V. 170G. 5. David (Leslie), Loud Lindores [8.1, only s. and h, by first wife. He hi. Margaret, widow of Sir Archibald Stkwaut, (*) " tUddtU," p. 778. (•>) The date and the limitation of the peerage is so given (as grauted to Patrick, the Commendator), in the first edit, of Douglas' peerage. (?) The House of Lo-ds in the case of the Barony of Lindores 1790-93 "from the striking circumstance of Patrick, the sun, being only a Commoner and Master of Lindores long after the charter (whereby he was er. Lord Lindores] 1000 (which never appears to have been acted upon in respect to the dignity) presumed in favour of a later more valid grant, tho' unknown, probably upon resignation, to the tether, ami (according to their Adopted rule) solely to the heirs male of his body." [RiddeU, p. 77.S.] It is to be observed that in the decreet of ranking " in 1000 this Barony is placed between that of Roxburgh er. about 1599 and of Loudoun cr, 1601 which tallies with its taking the rank of the charter of 31 March 1600. C) This was one of the patrimonies of religions houses which were together with a pecruyc secured to Laics. See vol. iv, p. 247, note a," sub " Holyroodhouse," and p. 40S, note " b," nib " Kiuloss," for a list of some of these. (°) He " was never married but had above 67 basse children, sons and daughters." [Balfour's " ,l«,i«/s " iii, 123.] H