Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/103

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SEATON — SKFTON. 101 III. 1S88. 3. John Reginald Upton (Colboenb), Baron Seaton, 1st s. anil b., 6. <1 July 1854, in Chesham place ; ed. at Winchester; admitted to Middle Temple; sue. to the pierage, 11 Uct. 1.888. He m. 22 Juno 1SS7, at St Paul's, Knightsbridge, Elizabeth Beatrice, only child of .Sir Francis George Augustus EuOTt-PotUSB-DlUKB, 2d Hart., of Nutwell Court, co. Devon, by Elizabeth, da. of Sir Robert Douglas, 3d Hart., of Glenbervie. Family Estates. — These, in 18S3, consisted of 5,S90 acres, worth £2,341 a year. Principal Residence. Becchwood House, near l'lytnptou, co. Devon. SEATON-DELAVAL. i.e., " Dei.aval of Seatox-Delaval, co. Northumbeiland," Barony {Dtlaval), er. 17S6 ; see " Delaval of Rkdford " Barony ct: 1783; both beoomimg extinct in 1808. SEDBERGH, see Sadbeugh. SEFTON ami SEFTON OF CROXTETH. Earldom [I ] J. Charles William (Molvneux), Viscount Moly- I 1771. tacox nK Maryrorough [[.] (a dignity cr. 22 Dec. 1628), also a Baronet [Will only x. and h. of the Hon. Thomas MoLVNKUX, of Croxteth Hall, Co. Lancaster, by Maria, (") da. of Jaines Levkkv, nf London, winch Thomas, who d. 3 Dec. 1756, was a yr. a. of William, the 4th Viscount. He was b. 11 Uct. 1748, and sac. to the peerage, [I.] as above, 30 March 1759, on the death of his uncle, the 7th Viscount. He conformed to the established religion, 5 March 17(11', and was two years later er. :>0 Nov 1771, EAUL OK 8BFTONl») in Ireland [I.] He was M.l'. for Lancashire, 1771-74. He m. 3 Dec. 176S, at St. Martins in the fields, Isabella, 2d da. lit William (Stanhope), 2d EaIIL of Harrington, by Caroline, da. of Charles (Kitzroy), 2d DUKE OF Ohafton. He U. 25 Dec. 1794, in Hill street, and was bur. 1 Jau. 1795, at Hau- well, eo. Miilx., aged 46, Will pr. July 1795. His widow, who was b. 15 April 1743, d. 29 Jan. 1819, in her 71st year in Hill street afsd. Will pr. 1 April 1S19. II. 1791. 2 ami 1. William (Moly.veux), Eakl of t, rn , Skfton, &c. [I.], only s. and h., b. 18 Sep. 1772, and bap. 9 uarony LU.1S..J Qct ^ gt Geo H . u] giJ . itj/led VlsuonxT jiotTHBUX till he I. 1831. tue. to the peerage, [I.] as above, 25De 1791 ; M.P. for Droit- wieh, 1816-31, being in politics an advanced "Liberal."' He was cr. 20 June 1831, a Peer of the United Kingdom as BARON SEFTON OF CKOXTETH, co. Lancaster. He m. 1 Jan. 1792, by spec. lie. (either at her mother's house, in Charles street, or at his father's house, in Hill street, St. Geo. Han. sq.,) Maria Margaretta, sister of William, 1st Eakl of Craven, 1st da. of William (Craven), 6th Baron Craven of Hampsted Marshall, by Elizabeth, da. of Augustus (Berkeley), 4th Earl of Berkeley. He d. 20 Nov. 1S38, at his house in Arlington street, aged 66. (<0 Will pr. Feb. 1839. His widow, who was b. 26 April 1769, d. 9 March 1851, in Ailingtou streetafsd., aged 81. Her will pr. April 1851. (") This lady, by a third marriage (her first husband was Joseph Griffiu) with John Errington, was grandmother of the well-known Mrs, Fitzberbcrt (bom Smythc) whom George IV. is said to have married on 21 Dec. 1785. ( b ) See vol. v, p- 195, note " d," sub " Macdonald," as to these fictitiously named titles. ( c ) He is said to have been able to carry more votes by his personal influence than any unofficial person. His letter (with a cheque for £100) to Hone, con- gratulating him on his escape from the Crown prosecution, gave great (and not unnatural) offence. He was one of the best " Whips" of his day, and well-known as a "ion vivant" and for the magnificence of his entertainments. " His natural parts were excessively lively, but his education bad been wholly neglected . . . never was there so great a master of what is called " persiflage "... His father