Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/122

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120 SHAFTESBURY — SHANBALLY. VIII. 1851. 7. A ntfion y (Asnr,EY-( a )Cooi'Eit), Earl ok Shaftes- bury, fta., 1st s. and b., f>. 28 April 1S01, at 21 Grosvenor square ; sti/lcd Loud 1811-51 ; ed. at Harrow and at Ch. Ch., Oxford; 1st Class Classics and B.A., 1828; M.A.. 1S32, being cr. P C.L , 15 June 1841. He was M.P. for Woodstock, 1826-30: for Dorchester, 1830-31; for Dorset, 1S31-46. and for Hath, 1 S 4 7 - ~> 1 , but his ardour for "the promotion of philanthropic reform" made him decline office and take "a somewhat independent position in relation to politics.' V'! He was n Comnir. for the affairs of India. 1828-30; for Lunacy, 1S31 ; a Lord of the Admiralty 1834-35 ; an Kccles. Coinnir , 1841-47 i sue. In the peerage, as above, 2 June 1851 ; L. Lieut, of Dorset, 1856-S5. K.G., 21 May 1S62 {*) He M. 9 June 1830. Emily Caroline Catherine, 1st da. of Peter Leopold Lewis Francis (CoWPEh), 5th F.aiil Cowper, by Kinily Mary. da. of Peniston (L,>in 1st Viscount Mkldochne [I.] Slie, who was b. i! Nov. 1810, d. 15 Oct 1872, in Grosvenor square, in her 62d year. He </. 1 Oct. 1885, at Folkestone, of congestion of the lungs, aged 84, ami was bur. at .St. (iiles" afsd. Will dat. 4 Nov. 1872, to 12 Sep. 1885, pr. 11 Dec. 1885, over £32,000. VII. 1S85. ~. Anthony (Abhlky-Coopbr), Fadl of Shaftesbihy, &c., 1st s. and h., b. 27 June 1831, in Upper Brook street : styled Lord Ashley till 18S5 ; ed. at Rugby ; sometime in the Royal Navy, serving in the Black Sea and the Baltic during the Crimean war ; Attache to the spec, mission to Moscow, 1856; M.P. for Hull, 1857-59, and for Cricklade, 1859-65 ; sue. to the peerage, as above, 1 Oct. 1885. He m. 22 Aug. 1857, at St. Geo. Han. sip, Harriet Augusta Anne Seymourina, only da. of George Hamilton (Chichester), 3d Marquess ok Donk-gaix [I.], by his lirst wife, Harriet Anne, only da. of Richard (BCTLIR), 1st Earl of Glknoall [I.] He d. 13 April 1886, aged 56, at Middlesex Hospital, Mary- lebone, having shot himself, while temporarily insane, in a cab at Langharn place. Will dat. 14 May 1884, pr. 18 June 1886, over £26,000. His widow, who was b. 1836, living 1S95. VIII. 1886. 8. Anthony (Ashley-Cooper), Earl of Shaftesbury [1672], Barox Ashley of WiUBORNS Sr. Giles [1661], and Baron Cooper of PaWlett [1672], aho a Baronet [1622], only b. and h., 6. 1 Sep. 1S69; styled Lord Ashley till 1886 ; ed. at Eton and at Sandhurst ; Lieut. 10th Hussars; sue. to the peerage, as above, 13 April 1886. Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 17.317 acres in Dorset; 3,250 in Hants, and 1,218 in Wilts. Total 21,785 acres, worth £16,083 a year, or, inclusive of copyholds, £16,440. Principal Residence. St. Giles's, near Cranbourue, co. Dorset. SHANBALLY. See "Lismore of Shanbally, co. Tipperary," Barony [1.1 (O'Calla- ghan), cr. 1785; Viscountcy [I.], cr. 1806. (") It is not very clear whether the name of Ashley was not used, in conjunc- tion with Cooper, as a surname before this date, or whether it was part of the Christian name of the earlier Earls. In the case of this Earl the Garter plate of 1862 gives his Christian name as "Anthony* 1 alone. ( b ) Nat. Biogr. where his good dseds are well set forth, Viz., with regard to (1) Lunatics; (2) Factory children; (3) Collieries; (4) Chimneysweepers; (5) Ragged Schools ; (6) Training Ships ; (7) Refuges ; (8) Improvement of dwelling houses; (9) London City Mission ; (10) Church Missionary Society, &c. He was an earnest Evangelical in his religious views and practically controlled the Ecclesiastical preferment in the Palmerston administration. lie had great inaueuce with the London mob, which he exerted in the riot of 1848. His name as " Lord Ashley " is associated with most of the good works of his period and " it would not be easy to tell how much his life has availed in warding off revolution from England and iu softening the bitter spirit between rich and poor." ( c ) He is said to have decliucd a previous offer of that " most noble " Order.