Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/127

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SHEFFIELD. 125 nnd to the Embassy at Constantinople, 1S53-56 : M.P. for East Sussex, 1857-65; sue. to the peerage, as above, 5 April 187G. Family Estates. —These, in 1883, consisted of 4,587 acres in Sussex, and 731 in the West Hiding of Yorkshire, besides (in Ireland) of 1 ,085 in co. Meath, and 115 in co. Louth. Total 6,468 acres, worth £5,63 1 a year. Principal Residence. Sheffield Park, near Uekfield, co. Sussex. SHEFFIELD, otherwise SHEFFIELD OF BUTTER WICK E. Barony. J, Sin Edmund Sheffield, nf Buttei wick<», co. Lincoln, I 1547 s ' °* Sir Robert SHKFKIBtB, of the same, by Margaret, da. of Sir John Zort'HK, of Codnor, co. Derby, was one of the batch of lVers(") made at tlie accession of Ed. VI., being cr. 10 Feb. 1546/7, BARON 8HEFFIEl»D.( b ) He tti. Anne, da. of John (he Vkhk), E,U1L OF O.XFOKD, by Elizabeth, da. and b. of Sir Edward Tkdssell. He d. a year after his creation, at Norwich. 81 .inly 1548, being slain( s j while repressing Ket's rebellion in that county. Will pr. 1540. His widow was bur. 14 Feb. 1571/2, at Stepney. II. 1 549. 2. John (Sheffield), Baron Sheffield, only s. and li., sue. to the peerage, 31 July 1549. He m. about 1562, Douglas (then aged 17), da. of William (HOWARD), 1st Baron HOWARD OF EfMSOHAM, by his second wife, Margaret, da. of Sir Thomas OaMAOB. He d., uot without suspicion of poison, Dec. 1568. Will pr. Jan. 1568/9- His widow in. privately at a house in Cannon How, and again at Ksher, co. Surrey (two years later) iu May 1573 (two days before the birth of their son) the well-known Robert (Dudley), Earl of Leicester. See fuller particulars under li Leicester. *' Having, however (possibly by compulsion), repudiated this marriage, she in. shortly before 21 Sep. 1578 (at which date, the Earl m. Lettice, Dow. Countess of Essex), Sir Edward STAFFORD, of Chebsey, the Ambassador at the French Court, who was Ami-. 5 Feb. 1604/5, at St. Margaret's, Westm. She was bur. there 11 Dec. 1608, aged about 63. Will dat. 14 Sep. 1608, pr. 1609, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter of Westm.C 1 ) III. 1568. ■>. Edmund (Sheffield), Hauox Sheffield, or Baron Sheffield of Bdttehwickk, ( b ) only s. and h., b. about 1564 ; sue. to the pecraae, Dec. 1568. He was cr. 5 Feb. 1625/6, EARE OF MULORAVE, co. York. See that dignity, with which this Baron)/, as well as the Dukedom of Buckingham and Normanbt/, became extinct 30 Oct.' 1735. SHEFFIELD OF DUNAMORE. us., "Sheffield of Duxamore, co. Meath," Barony [L I, (Ilolroyil) cr. 1781 ; see "Sheffield" Earldom [I.], cr. 1816. SHEFFIELD OF ROSCOMMON. t»«.i "Sheffield of Roscommox, co. Roscommon," Barony [I], (Holroyd) cr. 1783, with a spec. rem. ; see "Sheffield" Earldom [I.J, cr. 1SI6. ["■) See their names iu vol. iv, p. 223, note " b," sub " Hertford." ( b ) See " Creations, 1483 — 1616," in ap. 47th Rep. D.K. Pub. Records. No terri- torial designation ia added, and this omission seems usual at that period, but, with respect to this dignity, it should be observed that when the 3d baron was in 1626 cr. an Earl he was called " Buron Sheffield of Butterwieke." ( e ) His horse falling, he was slain with a club by oue of the rebels, a butcher. . ( a l See abstract iu " Mis. (Jen. et Her., U.S., vol. iii, p. 368, together with an interesting account of the lady's career by li. W. Greenfield.