Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/137

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SHREWSBURY. 135 even EARL OF MONTGOMERY, bflto|j the " Comvs Itogrrm" of the Domesday Survey, where, however, no local designation is attributed to hint. In the same year, by the death of big wife's imele, l*o de Belesme, Bishop of Secz, be became, iti her right, SbiuneCR DK nod If'Al.KNTwN, ill addition to his patrimonial Lord- ebip* in Normandy He joined the King, in 1077, in the expedition to recover the province of Maine, taking a prominent part in the treaty with the Count of Anjoii at Bruere. In 10S1 and even after the accession of William II. he favoured the cause of Hubert " Courthose," but subsequently joined the King's side. He was founder of the Abbey of Shrewsbury, 10S3. He m. firstly, before 1060, Mabel, da of William II., called Titlvas, SBIONBUR ok and D'Ai.encon, by bis first wife, HUdeburge, da. of ArtrOul. She bore an evil character for her cuvetousness and her unscrupulous use of poison.(") The d.-dc of lu-r death is doubtful and was presumably before 10i>7, but she is generally said to have been murdered by Hugh de la Roche d'Igc (whose family she had deprived of their inheritance] and to have been bur. ut Twain, B Dec. lOS'i.l 1 ') He »>. secondly Adeliza, da. of Everard DE l'tjlSBT, Seiunei'H i>k Pi'Iset in Beauce, Seigneur DC Bketecil in Iieauvaisis, and VicomtK de CHARTBKS, by Bmnberg.i(') bis wife. This lady induced him to build the church at Quatford. near Hridgenorth. With her consent, he became a Cluniac monk in the Abbey of Shrewsbury a few days before he d. there, 27 July 1091, aged about II. 1094. , Hugh (de Montgomery), Earl of Shropshire, e» Shrewsbury, and Earl of Arundel, or Sussex, called " Ooeh" (the red), second son by first wife, but heir to his father's lauds and dignities in England, 4. before 1059. He d. unm ., being shot in the eyei 0 ) in the invasion of the Isle of Anglesey by Magnus, King of Norway, 27 July 1098. He was bur. in the Abbey of Shrewsbury. III. 1008, $. Rouert (de Montgomery, otherwise de Belesme), to Earl ok Shropshire, or Shrewsbury, and Earl of Arundel, or 1102. Sussex. Seigneur ue, D'Ai.encon, &c, in Normandy, elder br. of the above, b. about 1055 ; Jittiyhtctl, 1073 ; sue. his parents in their Norman possessions aud was generally known by his mother's name of De Belesme. He appears, for a sum of i.'3,000, to have been confirmed in his brother's Earldoms by William II. in 109S. He, however, fortified his castles in England against Henry I. by whom accordingly he was expelled and deprived of all hi* honours and estates in 1102. He m. before 9 Sep. 1087, Agnes, da. aud b. of Guy, Count ok Pontbieu, and Ada, his wife, and became, in her right, on the death of her said father in 1101, Count ok Ponthieu. He is sometimes said to have m. secondly a da. of Robert FiTZHAMON.( f ) He fought at the battle of Tinchebray iu llOo' on behalf of Robert of Normandy, escaping therefrom but was taken prisoner 1 Nov. 1112, by Henry I. at Bonneville-sur-Tougues, aud was confined at Cherbourg and the nest year (1113) at Wareham, co. Norfolk, where, probably, he if. soon afterwards, but King gave him the Earldom of Salop in 1071, and recites a charter about 10S2 in which he so describes himself, but there is little other evidence upon the subject to be discovered." ( 3 ) Her husband's yr. br., Gilbert de Montgomery, fell a victim thereto, tho' the poison was iuteuded for another person. _( b ) In Earl Roger's charter of 1067-6S (see p. 133, note "c" above) the gift is for his own soul aud those of bis parents, "et precipue uxoris mee, Mabilie, nupcr tkfunete yet "according to the historians, Mabel was murdered in Deo. 1082." [6. W. Watson, " Tke Geneaiooist," N.S., vol. x, p. 142, note 3, as on p. 134. note "d." ( c ) Her name occurs iu a charter to the Abbey of St. Pere, at Chartres. [ex inform. G. W. Watson.] ( a ) "Sapiens et moderuttis et amator aoquitatis fuit." [Orderie.] (°) This seems to have been in spite of unusual precaution for (says UiraUlus Cam- brensis) he was " a vertice capitis usque ad talum pedis, prater oculos solum, ferro fideliter indutus." Orderic states that he was " mansnetus et amabilis." (0 This marriage, as they were brothers in law, is not very likely.