Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/143

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SHREWSBURY . 141 flarnards Castle, London, Anna, da. of William (HEnnF.RT), 1st Earl of Pf.mbrokf.. He rf. v.p. and s.p. nnd was bur. at Sheffield, 3 Sep. 1582. Admon. (as " of Thomell, co. York"), -1 June 1583, to his widow. Her admon. (as "of the Savoy iu the Strand") granted 11 Jan. 1592/3, to her br., Henry, Earl of Pembroke.]" K. 1500. 7. Gilbert (Talbot), Earl of Shrewsbury [14121, Loud Talbot [1331], Lord Fiminivall [I295]i and Lord Strange m Bui'K.mkre [1308], ( :l ) 2d but 1st surv. s. and h., b. 20 Nov. 1552; nutria (with his elder Ur., Francis), at Oxford (St. John's Coll.) about 150(5 ; ed. at the Univ. of Padua; M.P. for Derbyshire, 1572-83: styled Lord Talbot after his bruther'1 death in 15S2, and was (like his father and grandfather) sum. v.p. to Pari, in bis father's Barony as LORD TALBOT, 12 Nov. 1588, taking his seat, 1-1 Keb. 1588/9. He sue. t>> the Earldom, as above, 18 Nov. 1590 ; el KG., 23 April, and tost., 19 June 1502 ; M.A. of Cambridge, 28 Feb. 1595 ; Ambassador, 6 Sep. 1596, to Henry IV. of France ;( b ) P.C, to Eli*., 1801, and to Jac. I., 1003 ; Ch. Justice in Eyre, north of Treut, 1608 ; L. Lieut, of Derbyshire, 1005. He m. 9 Keb. 1567/8 (the same day that his father Hi. the mother of "his bride) Mary, sister of William, 1st Karl of Devox- shihe, da. of Sir William Cavendish, of Chatsworth, by his 3d wife, Elizabeth (afterwards Countess of SHREWSBURY), da. of John Hardwickk abovenamed. He </. s.p.m s.( ,r ) at his house in Broad street, London, 8 May and was bur. 13 Aug. 1016 "with the greatest pomp and solemnity" at Sheffield, () aged 63. Will dat. 4, pr. 10 M*T 1010. /no. p. mortem, 2.S Nov. 1028, at Nottingham. His widow was imprisoned two years, 1011 — 1012, on suspicion of having connived at the flight of (her sister's child) the Lady Arabella Stuart. She was but . 14 April 1032, at Sheffield. Admon, 12 .May 1032. At the Earl s death the Baronm of Talbot, Furnicall, and Stranye ot litatkmcre fell into abeyance between his three daughters and coheirs and are still vested in the heirs of the body of the youngest. ( r ) XI. 161G. S. Edward (Talbot), Earl of Shrewsbury, {*) br. ami h. male, being 3d s. of the 0th Karl, bap. at Sheffield, 25 Feb., 1561 ; matric. at Oxford (Mag. Coll.), 6 June 1579, aged 18 ; was M.P. for Northumberland, 1584-87 ; iBft to the peerage (the Earldom only) but to none of the Baronies *) and to but few of the estates. 8 May 1010./ 11 ) He m. before (") See p. 189, note " a," as to the Earldom of Waterford. ( b ) " At which time he used these titles iu his lodging-escucheons — Gilbert, Conte de Shrewsbury, baron Talbot, >'tmu<je de lllaekmere, t'omyn de Badenadl, faience, Mimtchensi, Fnrniral, Yerdon, et Loretot." [ Duydale ] ( c ) Of his two sons (1 ) George, bap. 10 Feb. 1574/5 at Sheffield, was bur. there 12 Aug. 1577. (2) John, bap. 2 July 1583, at Handsworth, d. young. Of his daughters and co- heirs (1) Mary, Countess of Pembroke, and (2) Elizabeth, Countess of Kent, both d. s.p., but (3) Aletheia, the yst. da., m. Thomas (Howard), Karl of Arundel and Surrey, whose grandson and heir was restored, in 1004, to the Dukedom of Norfolk, aud whose descendants, the present Dukes, enjoy, thro' this alliance, the vast possessions of the Talbot and Fumivall families in South Yorkshire. t* 1 ) A good portrait of him '"from a drawing in the Sutherland Coll. (Bodl. Lib." ) is in " Doyle," (°) He was, when a Commissioner for (lie office of Earl Marshal, a patron of the well-known Augustine Vincent, Windsor Herald, for whom he "obtained a place in the office of Arms" in Feb. 1010, a fact gratefully ackuowledged in Viucent's " Brooke," (0 See their names in note " c " above. ( g ) From 1616 to 1856 this Earldom was held without any Barony. See vol. v, p. 90, note "b," sub " Lincoln," for similar cases. Baronies are, however, usually, tho' erroneously, ascribed to many of the succeeding Earls, e.y., by Vincent (probably holding the theory of an Earldom " attracting " Baronies once held with it) by Collins, Doyle, &c„ the latter indeed styling Charles the 15th Karl, who d. iu 1827 " Baron Talbot, Strange of Blackmere, FuniWal, Verdon, Lovetot, Gift'ard of Brims- field, Comyu of Badenoch, Valence, and Moutchesny ! ", [i.e. Montcheusy] tho', iu reality he held Ha Barony whatsoever. V 1 ) "The disputes between him aud his elder brother, of which many letters are preserved in Lodge's Collection, do uot much redound to the honour of the latter."