Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/153

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SINCLAIR. 151 II. 1476. 2. William (Sinclair), Lord Sinclair [S.],( a ) 1st s. and h , being only s. by first wife, Elizabeth, da. of Archibald (DoTJOLAsl. 4th Karl iif Docci.AS [S.], liy the Lady Margaret Stkwaiit, da. of Robert III. fS.] He was practically disinherited by his father, who left him, how- ever, the estate' of Newburgh ; he contrived also to obtain from his yr. hr., Sir Oliver Sinclair, the lands of Havensrraig, Dysart, &c, co. Fife, on his confirming to him those of liosslyn, in Midlothian, long the chief estate of the family. () He is generally known as " William, the Waater."( w ) He m. Christian, da. of George (Leslie), 1st Haul ok Hothks [S ], by his second wife, Christian, da. of Walter (HaLYBCRTON), 1st Loan DlRlKTOUN [8,] He d. about 1488. His widow living 20 Feb. 1491/1'. III. 148S. 3. Henry (Sinclair), Lord Sinclair [S.], s. ami h. whose right to that dignity w as confirmed by act of Pari. [S.], 26 Jan. 148S/9, reciting that his grandfather and father " Lordis Sinclair for the tyme " are deed , and that he is their heir, as also " chieff of yat blude " and willing that there- fore "he be rallit Lord Sinclair in tyme to cum, with all dignities emenencis previ- legiis," belonging thereto. Hew. before 4 Dec. 14S8, Margaret, da. of Patrick (H«reOR»)i 1st Eahi, (IK Hothwki.I. [S.J by Janet, da. of James (Dot'GLAs), 1st Earl of Mouton [S.] He was slain, with his King, at. the battle of Flodden, 9 Sep. 1513.0*) IV. 1513. J,. William (Sinclair), Loud Sinclair [S.], only s. and h. He m. Elizabeth, widow of Colin Olipuant, Master of Oliphaut (slain at Flodden 9 Sep. 1513), 2d da. of William (Keith), 3d EaHL MaRISchaL [S.], by Elizabeth, da. of George (Ge»BBO!tj, 2d Earl of Huntly [S.] She was living 17 April 1524. He d. after 24 Nov. 1550. V. J&5S1 o. Henry (Sinclair), Lord Sinclair [S.], 1st s. and h. He joined the association at Hamilton on behalf of Queen Mary [S.] in 1568. He m. before 16 Aug. 1591, Elizabeth, 2d da. of William ( Forres), 7th Loud Forres [S.], by Elizabeth, da. and coheir of Sir William Keith. He d. 21 Oct 1601. His widow living 20 Feb. 1602, and probably as late as 1625-26. VI. 1601. G. Henry (Sinclair), I ord Sinclair [S.], grandson and h., being s. and h. of James Sinclair, Master of Sinclair, by Isabel, da. of Andrew (Leslie), 5th Earl ok Kothes [S.J, which James was s. and h. ap. of the late Lord but d. v.p. He came of age in March 1602 and d. s.p. soon after- wards. VII. 1603 ? 7. James (Sinclair), Lord Sinclair [S.], br. and It. ; served heir of his father 12 March 1606. He d. unm. (") According to the decision of Pari. [S.] in 1488 declaring the right of his son and heir to that title. See p. 150 note " b." He is also spoken of as " the deceased William, lord Sinclair," in the acta auditorum (168) 20 Feb. 1491/2. ( ) This Sir Oliver (whose father, the Earl of Orkney and Caithness, was the founder of the famous Collegiate Church, now known ns Kosslyn Chapel), was ances- tor of the house of Sinclair of Rosslyn (see Douglas' " Baronage ") of whom the direct male line ended with William Sinclair, of Rosslvu, who rf. 177S, aged 7S. The lovely Rosabelle" of "The lordly line of high St. Clair," commemorated (in a pathetic ballad) in Scott's " Lay of the Last Minstrel " was a da. of one of the " Barons bold " of Rosslyn. These had, however, alienated the Rosslyn estate, in 1735, to the family of St. Clair of Herdmanstoun, attainted Lords Sinclair 1*1 a race which (oddly enough) was no relation whatever to themselves. See p. 152, note " b." ' ' ( c ) He is probably the William Sinclair who is said to have taken by violence some gold from William Seton in 1456. ( ) See vol. v, p. 63, note "b," sub " Lennox," for a list of the Scotch Peers so